The Divide Between Red and Blue Has Never Been Clearer Now


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Blue regions are dying in large numbers from CV19, Red regions are not.
Blue regions and industries are suffering major economic losses, Red not as much.
As the economy restarts, Red regions are leading the way and prospering while Blue regions remain in squalor.

Blue regions are dying in large numbers from CV19, Red regions are not.
Blue regions and industries are suffering major economic losses, Red not as much.
As the economy restarts, Red regions are leading the way and prospering while Blue regions remain in squalor.

Why are you promoting this divisive bullshit and lies? Trump has been an abject failure in dealing with the corona virus. In order to deflect from his failures of leadership, the Trump Cult has now pivotted to blaming Democratic governors for the failure of the federal government to deal with the Federal Emergency which Donald Trump declared.

That Trump cultists immediately pivot to lying and further dividing the nation, proves that Donald Trump is utterly incompetent to lead the nation and should be removed from office as quickly as possible to stop the death and illness, and the cratering of the economy.

The Trumpist narrative of blaming the states is a viceral reminder of the failures of the Trump Presidency.
Blue regions are dying in large numbers from CV19, Red regions are not.
Blue regions and industries are suffering major economic losses, Red not as much.
As the economy restarts, Red regions are leading the way and prospering while Blue regions remain in squalor.

Why are you promoting this divisive bullshit and lies? Trump has been an abject failure in dealing with the corona virus. In order to deflect from his failures of leadership, the Trump Cult has now pivotted to blaming Democratic governors for the failure of the federal government to deal with the Federal Emergency which Donald Trump declared.

That Trump cultists immediately pivot to lying and further dividing the nation, proves that Donald Trump is utterly incompetent to lead the nation and should be removed from office as quickly as possible to stop the death and illness, and the cratering of the economy.

The Trumpist narrative of blaming the states is a viceral reminder of the failures of the Trump Presidency.
Not my fault Blue regions have every disease killing people from the Bubonic Plague to Typhus to CV19 and live in economic squalor. It’s how you Leftists live and what you did to yourselves.

And funny how you whine about divisiveness while you scream about Trump ‘cultists’.
It will be interesting how this all plays out. Looking at April's unemployment rate by state, it's bad all over. On the high side Michigan stands out. Hawaii and Nevada too but figure that's expected with tourism taking such a hit, Relatively speaking the numbers look better in Connecticut, Minnesota, Nebraska, and North Dakota all with rates below 9%.


It will be interesting how this all plays out. Looking at April's unemployment rate by state, it's bad all over. On the high side Michigan stands out. Hawaii and Nevada too but figure that's expected with tourism taking such a hit, Relatively speaking the numbers look better in Connecticut, Minnesota, Nebraska, and North Dakota all with rates below 9%.

All Blue States that over the average.
Blue regions are dying in large numbers from CV19, Red regions are not.
Blue regions and industries are suffering major economic losses, Red not as much.
As the economy restarts, Red regions are leading the way and prospering while Blue regions remain in squalor.

Why are you promoting this divisive bullshit and lies? Trump has been an abject failure in dealing with the corona virus. In order to deflect from his failures of leadership, the Trump Cult has now pivotted to blaming Democratic governors for the failure of the federal government to deal with the Federal Emergency which Donald Trump declared.

That Trump cultists immediately pivot to lying and further dividing the nation, proves that Donald Trump is utterly incompetent to lead the nation and should be removed from office as quickly as possible to stop the death and illness, and the cratering of the economy.

The Trumpist narrative of blaming the states is a viceral reminder of the failures of the Trump Presidency.
Not my fault Blue regions have every disease killing people from the Bubonic Plague to Typhus to CV19 and live in economic squalor. It’s how you Leftists live and what you did to yourselves.

And funny how you whine about divisiveness while you scream about Trump ‘cultists’.

Kung Flu has taught us libtarded wastelands are filthier than we thought. Poor personal hygiene, obesity, high blood pressure, and a general lack of give a shit. Tokyo has twice the population of New York City and the entire country of Japan has less than 1,000 deaths.

You couldn't get me to live in a libtard shithole.
That is possibly the stupidest thing I've heard on this message board. Red states ARE NOT doing better, and soon they will do worse as their infection rates spike in the fall due to total lack of testing, supplies, and social distancing! It only takes one infected person to make a whole building sick; that's how contagious this thing is.
So we have a conservative lying thread claiming liberals are wishing the economy to die while we have another conservative thread actually wishing liberals die because they live in cities with mass transit. Fuck you assholes.

So we have a conservative lying thread claiming liberals are wishing the economy to die while we have another conservative thread actually wishing liberals die because they live in cities with mass transit. Fuck you assholes.

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Perhaps you can explain to us what leftards are actually good for. You can't, because they're nothing but traitorous society-suckers. Fuck you dipshit.
Blue regions are dying in large numbers from CV19, Red regions are not.
Blue regions and industries are suffering major economic losses, Red not as much.
As the economy restarts, Red regions are leading the way and prospering while Blue regions remain in squalor.

Why are you promoting this divisive bullshit and lies? Trump has been an abject failure in dealing with the corona virus. In order to deflect from his failures of leadership, the Trump Cult has now pivotted to blaming Democratic governors for the failure of the federal government to deal with the Federal Emergency which Donald Trump declared.

That Trump cultists immediately pivot to lying and further dividing the nation, proves that Donald Trump is utterly incompetent to lead the nation and should be removed from office as quickly as possible to stop the death and illness, and the cratering of the economy.

The Trumpist narrative of blaming the states is a viceral reminder of the failures of the Trump Presidency.
Trump did what he was suppose to do. It's not his fault liberal ideas ALWAYS fail.
Every state should be a red state right? We can all get up at the same time, eat what you tell us, and report to work for $15 per hour cuz that's a job worth doing, and doing f
That is possibly the stupidest thing I've heard on this message board. Red states ARE NOT doing better, and soon they will do worse as their infection rates spike in the fall due to total lack of testing, supplies, and social distancing! It only takes one infected person to make a whole building sick; that's how contagious this thing is.
And to think we still have hurricane/tornado season coming up - with flu season just around the corner. Oh, shit!

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