The difference's in race is more than polotics


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
one of the least talked about facts that differentiates race's from one another is intelligence. and does that effect the way they vote???what race has the highest average IQ???and does intelligence help dictate the political party do they vote for??
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There does seem to be a genetic component to intelligence, but as far as I know no one has come close to demonstrating a genetic racial component. Your premise is ignorant and offensive. Differences such as the test score gap are overwhelmingly attributable to economic and social differences.

Also, after adjusting for income, I don't believe there is a measurable correlation between IQ and political affiliation.
There does seem to be a genetic component to intelligence, but as far as I know no one has come close to demonstrating a genetic racial component. Your premise is ignorant and offensive. Differences such as the test score gap are overwhelmingly attributable to economic and social differences.

Also, after adjusting for income, I don't believe there is a measurable correlation between IQ and political affiliation.
while a very small % of the leadership on the left demonstrate a perverted degree of intelligence the vast majority of their voter base is comprised of idiots.liberal dominated districts have lower standardized test scores,higher dropout and illiteracy rates ect....while their are districts that do much better than the norm in most cases liberal dominated areas are less intelligent>:eusa_eh:
Racial differences in intelligence are as well-documented as they are ignored in everyday life by the media and politicians. I think people are just afraid of facing up to the truth. I had a relative break down and CRY because I told her I agreed with the Bell Curve. I don't know. Whites just don't want to be seem "mean" or face a black person and say "you're dumb." But that doesn't change the reality of the situation.

To me, it should be discussed. Whites are massively divested of their dollars in the name of racial redistribution -- all on grounds that the only reason blacks/Hispanics are poorer is because of "social" factors -- I.E., WHITE RACISM. But what if they're poorer because they're just NATURALLY DUMBER? Too scary of a thought.

I will say Republicans are just as cowardly as Democrats on this issue. NOBODY wants to talk about it... look what happened to James Watson when he did...
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but as far as I know no one has come close to demonstrating a genetic racial component.

well, you don't know far! Read "Race, Evolution and Behavior" by Rushton, Race Differences and What They Mean by Levin, Global IQ by Rushton, anything by Arthur Jensen, Race: The Reality of Human Differences by Sarich and Miele...

and check out the thorough debunking of Stephen Jay Gould by the New York Times' Nicholas Wade.

But whatever. If you stacked the data to the ceiling on the genetic racial component, people wouldn't want to believe it.
People Refuse to Believe What They Don't Want to Believe -- Facts are Irrelevant
And I'll admit that 10 years ago, I did not want to believe it. It seemed too awful. But also an extremely powerful explanation for why things are they way they are.
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Racial differences in intelligence are as well-documented as they are ignored in everyday life by the media and politicians. I think people are just afraid of facing up to the truth. I had a relative break down and CRY because I told her I agreed with the Bell Curve. I don't know. Whites just don't want to be seem "mean" or face a black person and say "you're dumb." But that doesn't change the reality of the situation.

To me, it should be discussed. Whites are massively divested of their dollars in the name of racial redistribution -- all on grounds that the only reason blacks/Hispanics are poorer is because of "social" factors -- I.E., WHITE RACISM. But what if they're poorer because they're just NATURALLY DUMBER? Too scary of a thought.

I will say Republicans are just as cowardly as Democrats on this issue. NOBODY wants to talk about it... look what happened to James Watson when he did...

Is that why Appalachia has some of the poorest people in America?
one of the least talked about facts that differentiates race's from one another is intelligence. and does that effect the way they vote???what race has the highest average IQ???and does intelligence help dictate the political party do they vote for??

i would guess that whatever race has the misfortune to have your illiterate ass as a member is pegged firmly to the left side of the bell curve, sparky.
Racial differences in intelligence are as well-documented as they are ignored in everyday life by the media and politicians. I think people are just afraid of facing up to the truth. I had a relative break down and CRY because I told her I agreed with the Bell Curve. I don't know. Whites just don't want to be seem "mean" or face a black person and say "you're dumb." But that doesn't change the reality of the situation.

To me, it should be discussed. Whites are massively divested of their dollars in the name of racial redistribution -- all on grounds that the only reason blacks/Hispanics are poorer is because of "social" factors -- I.E., WHITE RACISM. But what if they're poorer because they're just NATURALLY DUMBER? Too scary of a thought.

I will say Republicans are just as cowardly as Democrats on this issue. NOBODY wants to talk about it... look what happened to James Watson when he did...

Is that why Appalachia has some of the poorest people in America?
no there really is no opportunity way up in those beautiful mountains.and are they rioting???hell no !!:clap2:
but as far as I know no one has come close to demonstrating a genetic racial component.

well, you don't know far! Read "Race, Evolution and Behavior" by Rushton, Race Differences and What They Mean by Levin, Global IQ by Rushton, anything by Arthur Jensen, Race: The Reality of Human Differences by Sarich and Miele...

and check out the thorough debunking of Stephen Jay Gould by the New York Times' Nicholas Wade.

But whatever. If you stacked the data to the ceiling on the genetic racial component, people wouldn't want to believe it.
People Refuse to Believe What They Don't Want to Believe -- Facts are Irrelevant
And I'll admit that 10 years ago, I did not want to believe it. It seemed too awful. But also an extremely powerful explanation for why things are they way they are.

Sure you didn't want to believe it. You were a racist piece of shit 10 years ago, just like you are a racist piece of shit today.
Racial differences in intelligence are as well-documented as they are ignored in everyday life by the media and politicians. I think people are just afraid of facing up to the truth. I had a relative break down and CRY because I told her I agreed with the Bell Curve. I don't know. Whites just don't want to be seem "mean" or face a black person and say "you're dumb." But that doesn't change the reality of the situation.

To me, it should be discussed. Whites are massively divested of their dollars in the name of racial redistribution -- all on grounds that the only reason blacks/Hispanics are poorer is because of "social" factors -- I.E., WHITE RACISM. But what if they're poorer because they're just NATURALLY DUMBER? Too scary of a thought.

I will say Republicans are just as cowardly as Democrats on this issue. NOBODY wants to talk about it... look what happened to James Watson when he did...

Is that why Appalachia has some of the poorest people in America?
no there really is no opportunity way up in those beautiful mountains.and are they rioting???hell no !!:clap2:

They re to poor and malnourished to riot.

P.S. Whites riot all over the world.
one of the least talked about facts that differentiates race's from one another is intelligence. and does that effect the way they vote???what race has the highest average IQ???and does intelligence help dictate the political party do they vote for??

i would guess that whatever race has the misfortune to have your illiterate ass as a member is pegged firmly to the left side of the bell curve, sparky.
Do yourself a favor....shut up,get off your lazy ass,wash the dishes,take out the garbage,and clean up that dog shit thats been laying in the floor for a weak.LIBS ARE FILTHY!!!:eusa_whistle:
one of the least talked about facts that differentiates race's from one another is intelligence. and does that effect the way they vote???what race has the highest average IQ???and does intelligence help dictate the political party do they vote for??

i would guess that whatever race has the misfortune to have your illiterate ass as a member is pegged firmly to the left side of the bell curve, sparky.
Do yourself a favor....shut up,get off your lazy ass,wash the dishes,take out the garbage,and clean up that dog shit thats been laying in the floor for a weak.LIBS ARE FILTHY!!!:eusa_whistle:

clearly the algonquin roundtable missed a real opportunity here....
As nearly everyone with his head screwed on straight knows, for the liberal/left, Pee See trumps reality. If the two disagree, the former must prevail, at least in people's heads. :D

If anyone actually WERE to do a straight up study of the possible variation of race with intelligence, he would be denounced as a racist. Academics have children to raise and mortgages to pay - they're not going to commit economic suicide by investigating an un-Pee See hypothesis. It would be as if an astronomer proposed to investigate a heliocentric theory of the solar system in 1000 A.D. - he'd be lucky if the Church didn't have him burned at the stake. There are some things that just must be left unknown. :D
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one of the least talked about facts that differentiates race's from one another is intelligence. and does that effect the way they vote???what race has the highest average IQ???and does intelligence help dictate the political party do they vote for??

Asians generally are more intelligent than other races, and they're more likely to vote Democrat than Republican.

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