The difference between trump’s farm bailouts and Obama’s auto bailouts.


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
The difference between trump’s farm bailouts and Obama’s auto bailouts.

For one thing, dairy is down 14%.

But when it comes to the farmers, the farm bail out is Much more expensive than Obama‘s auto bail out.

Auto companies paid back everything except about 9 billion. Trump has given almost triple that to farmers and that’s never going to be paid back.

And farm bankruptcies and farmer suicides are soaring.

Pork beef and chicken exports are increasing from Brazil to places like China.

And since Trump pulled out of the TPP, the other nations have re-created it without the United States. And the Trump administration has been begging to re-join and they’re telling the US no way.

And those markets the Chinese were buying into have moved to Brazil. Every trade agreement in every negotiation of the United States has been ruined.

And all this is going on while leading up to the elections next year.

But Trump has become such a cult figure to Republicans, they might not care about all this bad news.
The difference is simple, one was due to corporate mismanagement and they required being saved from themselves, the other is a sacrifice as America stares down dirty communist who want to destroy our way of life.

There are elements of pro and con for each, but in the long run, beating China is greater than any one industry or company restructuring.
The difference between trump’s farm bailouts and Obama’s auto bailouts.

For one thing, dairy is down 14%.

But when it comes to the farmers, the farm bail out is Much more expensive than Obama‘s auto bail out.

Auto companies paid back everything except about 9 billion. Trump has given almost triple that to farmers and that’s never going to be paid back.

And farm bankruptcies and farmer suicides are soaring.

Pork beef and chicken exports are increasing from Brazil to places like China.

And since Trump pulled out of the TPP, the other nations have re-created it without the United States. And the Trump administration has been begging to re-join and they’re telling the US no way.

And those markets the Chinese were buying into have moved to Brazil. Every trade agreement in every negotiation of the United States has been ruined.

And all this is going on while leading up to the elections next year.

But Trump has become such a cult figure to Republicans, they might not care about all this bad news.

Another thread about Trump by Dean...

As the other Canadian pointed out the bailout for the Auto industry was because of Corporate mismanagement but the bailout for farmers has to do with us finally telling China no more.

China is a threat to the World and only leftist fools would join their side. China is corrupt and will destroy any economy on this Planet while trying to spread their version of Communism around the world.

You seem to love China a lot with how you defend it daily while attacking America.

Tell me why do you want the U.S. to trade with a country that sell poisonous products, fund terrorist States like North Korea and Iran, funds the Cartel and rapes countries in Africa for it Natural Resources while using slave labor to make products to sell to those like you?
The difference between trump’s farm bailouts and Obama’s auto bailouts.

For one thing, dairy is down 14%.

But when it comes to the farmers, the farm bail out is Much more expensive than Obama‘s auto bail out.

Auto companies paid back everything except about 9 billion. Trump has given almost triple that to farmers and that’s never going to be paid back.

And farm bankruptcies and farmer suicides are soaring.

Pork beef and chicken exports are increasing from Brazil to places like China.

And since Trump pulled out of the TPP, the other nations have re-created it without the United States. And the Trump administration has been begging to re-join and they’re telling the US no way.

And those markets the Chinese were buying into have moved to Brazil. Every trade agreement in every negotiation of the United States has been ruined.

And all this is going on while leading up to the elections next year.

But Trump has become such a cult figure to Republicans, they might not care about all this bad news.

Another thread about Trump by Dean...

As the other Canadian pointed out the bailout for the Auto industry was because of Corporate mismanagement but the bailout for farmers has to do with us finally telling China no more.

China is a threat to the World and only leftist fools would join their side. China is corrupt and will destroy any economy on this Planet while trying to spread their version of Communism around the world.

You seem to love China a lot with how you defend it daily while attacking America.

Tell me why do you want the U.S. to trade with a country that sell poisonous products, fund terrorist States like North Korea and Iran, funds the Cartel and rapes countries in Africa for it Natural Resources while using slave labor to make products to sell to those like you?
ReTard also wants to claim US citizens want a non-governmental body dictating what citizens can and can not do. These agreements like TPP are for corporations not the benefit of the citizens. They want it to be illegal to notify people where their food, medicine, etc. is being made and whether it is full of toxins, etc.

ReTard, F' TPP the people already rejected it along with your other globalist m'fer's.
As the other Canadian pointed out the bailout for the Auto industry was because of Corporate mismanagement but the bailout for farmers has to do with us finally telling China no more.
After the farmers had spent a couple of decades building that market. One has to laugh. Oh, right, that's what Canada and Brazil are doing.
The difference is simple, one was due to corporate mismanagement and they required being saved from themselves, the other is a sacrifice as America stares down dirty communist who want to destroy our way of life.

There are elements of pro and con for each, but in the long run, beating China is greater than any one industry or company restructuring.
Trumps trade war was contrived and poorly timed

The American people are feeling the pain and the bailout of farmers is a short term political ploy with an election coming up

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