The Democrats Find Endless Opportunities To Cut Their Own Throats For The 2022 Mid-terms


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
The Democrats Find Endless Opportunities To Cut Their Own Throats For The 2022 Mid-terms

The congressional Democrats, led by the corporate controlled moderates are doing their best to hurt the people that helped give them the majority in both chambers. Consistently failing to pass legislation beneficial to average Americans, the corporate controlled moderate Democrats should quit the Party and join the GOP. As Republicans, the former “moderate” Democrats can then openly aid in the GOP’s eternal efforts to force all average Americans into lives below the poverty line.

The corporate controlled moderate Democrats are working hard to show Big Business and the billionaire class they are as devoted to serving their interests as the Republicans. Courting the major political contributors, the corporate controlled moderate Democrats are lining up to sell their services to the highest bidder(s) in 2022.

This goes for the “moderate” Democrats in both the Senate and the House. They have done little to nothing of benefit for average Americans during their first session, under the Biden administration, and in the face of the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. The “moderates” are no better than the Republicans that have been working around-the-clock to kill off their mindless voter base. The trump-owned Republicans constantly parrot the same lies their cheeto-in-chief began spewing soon after the novel coronavirus began to spread across the continents.

Fortunately, the 81+ million Americans that voted for Biden have always known better than to listen to the endless bullsh!t regurgitated by the lying, former cheeto-in-chief. So, while the corporate controlled moderate Democrats pander to the heads of Big Business and the billionaires, they may win the hearts of the fat cats, but they’re inviting their voters to stay home from the polls on Election Day and throw family barbecues.

These family cook-outs on Election Day, Tuesday, November 8th, could very well be the last truly happy time for the vast majority of Americans. The corporate controlled moderate Democrats’ overwhelming desire to return to minority party status will be realized. This, coupled with the GOP’s regaining control of Congress and the sudden ability granted to the trump-owned Republican Party to end our constitutional government, will send the trump Nazis into the streets to celebrate.

However, those celebrations will be short lived, when the reality of life under the rule of a fascist dictator finally sinks in. The trump Nazis will suddenly find themselves nothing more than a part of the oppressed rabble, joining the dregs of society they were led to believe would be treated as incredibly inferior to themselves. That alternative reality, where the trump Nazis dwelt contently for the past five decades, will fade into oblivion... rapidly.

As for those corporate controlled moderate Democrats, they will, indeed, join the Republicans, in obsolescence, as will everyone in government. After all, a dictator has no need of a legislature, or a Supreme Court. His word is law, and subject to change on a whim. And as everyone has seen, the former cheeto-in-chief, trump, is nothing if not whimsical.

The Democrats Find Endless Opportunities To Cut Their Own Throats For The 2022 Mid-terms

The congressional Democrats, led by the corporate controlled moderates are doing their best to hurt the people that helped give them the majority in both chambers. Consistently failing to pass legislation beneficial to average Americans, the corporate controlled moderate Democrats should quit the Party and join the GOP. As Republicans, the former “moderate” Democrats can then openly aid in the GOP’s eternal efforts to force all average Americans into lives below the poverty line.

The corporate controlled moderate Democrats are working hard to show Big Business and the billionaire class they are as devoted to serving their interests as the Republicans. Courting the major political contributors, the corporate controlled moderate Democrats are lining up to sell their services to the highest bidder(s) in 2022.

This goes for the “moderate” Democrats in both the Senate and the House. They have done little to nothing of benefit for average Americans during their first session, under the Biden administration, and in the face of the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. The “moderates” are no better than the Republicans that have been working around-the-clock to kill off their mindless voter base. The trump-owned Republicans constantly parrot the same lies their cheeto-in-chief began spewing soon after the novel coronavirus began to spread across the continents.

Fortunately, the 81+ million Americans that voted for Biden have always known better than to listen to the endless bullsh!t regurgitated by the lying, former cheeto-in-chief. So, while the corporate controlled moderate Democrats pander to the heads of Big Business and the billionaires, they may win the hearts of the fat cats, but they’re inviting their voters to stay home from the polls on Election Day and throw family barbecues.

These family cook-outs on Election Day, Tuesday, November 8th, could very well be the last truly happy time for the vast majority of Americans. The corporate controlled moderate Democrats’ overwhelming desire to return to minority party status will be realized. This, coupled with the GOP’s regaining control of Congress and the sudden ability granted to the trump-owned Republican Party to end our constitutional government, will send the trump Nazis into the streets to celebrate.

However, those celebrations will be short lived, when the reality of life under the rule of a fascist dictator finally sinks in. The trump Nazis will suddenly find themselves nothing more than a part of the oppressed rabble, joining the dregs of society they were led to believe would be treated as incredibly inferior to themselves. That alternative reality, where the trump Nazis dwelt contently for the past five decades, will fade into oblivion... rapidly.

As for those corporate controlled moderate Democrats, they will, indeed, join the Republicans, in obsolescence, as will everyone in government. After all, a dictator has no need of a legislature, or a Supreme Court. His word is law, and subject to change on a whim. And as everyone has seen, the former cheeto-in-chief, trump, is nothing if not whimsical.

The people who are getting evicted have had over 1 year to get a fucking job, especially in Joe Biteme's roaring economic recovery, but alas, like good progressive slaves, they procrastinated and put off any types of employment thus now they reap the whirlwind by getting tossed out on their asses. You deserve all the misery and poverty the progressives push upon you..
The Democrats Find Endless Opportunities To Cut Their Own Throats For The 2022 Mid-terms

The congressional Democrats, led by the corporate controlled moderates are doing their best to hurt the people that helped give them the majority in both chambers. Consistently failing to pass legislation beneficial to average Americans, the corporate controlled moderate Democrats should quit the Party and join the GOP. As Republicans, the former “moderate” Democrats can then openly aid in the GOP’s eternal efforts to force all average Americans into lives below the poverty line.

The corporate controlled moderate Democrats are working hard to show Big Business and the billionaire class they are as devoted to serving their interests as the Republicans. Courting the major political contributors, the corporate controlled moderate Democrats are lining up to sell their services to the highest bidder(s) in 2022.

This goes for the “moderate” Democrats in both the Senate and the House. They have done little to nothing of benefit for average Americans during their first session, under the Biden administration, and in the face of the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. The “moderates” are no better than the Republicans that have been working around-the-clock to kill off their mindless voter base. The trump-owned Republicans constantly parrot the same lies their cheeto-in-chief began spewing soon after the novel coronavirus began to spread across the continents.

Fortunately, the 81+ million Americans that voted for Biden have always known better than to listen to the endless bullsh!t regurgitated by the lying, former cheeto-in-chief. So, while the corporate controlled moderate Democrats pander to the heads of Big Business and the billionaires, they may win the hearts of the fat cats, but they’re inviting their voters to stay home from the polls on Election Day and throw family barbecues.

These family cook-outs on Election Day, Tuesday, November 8th, could very well be the last truly happy time for the vast majority of Americans. The corporate controlled moderate Democrats’ overwhelming desire to return to minority party status will be realized. This, coupled with the GOP’s regaining control of Congress and the sudden ability granted to the trump-owned Republican Party to end our constitutional government, will send the trump Nazis into the streets to celebrate.

However, those celebrations will be short lived, when the reality of life under the rule of a fascist dictator finally sinks in. The trump Nazis will suddenly find themselves nothing more than a part of the oppressed rabble, joining the dregs of society they were led to believe would be treated as incredibly inferior to themselves. That alternative reality, where the trump Nazis dwelt contently for the past five decades, will fade into oblivion... rapidly.

As for those corporate controlled moderate Democrats, they will, indeed, join the Republicans, in obsolescence, as will everyone in government. After all, a dictator has no need of a legislature, or a Supreme Court. His word is law, and subject to change on a whim. And as everyone has seen, the former cheeto-in-chief, trump, is nothing if not whimsical.

The absolutely bizarre, ugly and hopefully temporary phenomenon that is Trumpism aside, the Democratic Party simply has not demonstrated that it deserves to, once and for all, wrest the public's trust and faith away from the otherworldly-sociopathic GQP.

The Democrats just can't seem to recognize the fact that some of their cultural views simply don't jibe with those of much of the country, enough to make a difference at the ballot box. This, at a time when this country badly needs to turn away from the ugly, arrogant ignorance that is Trumpism.

My guess is that, right now, the country is beginning to lean ever-so-precariously and microscopically to the Left. How many qualifiers did I just employ? I think that pushing too hard to the Left is a bad idea, and that's what I'm seeing. This is a really, really bad time for that.
It's more than apparent, Doc7505 didn't read the OP, he only read the thread title.

While the criticisms of the corporate controlled moderate Democrats describe their betrayal of their constituencies, that betrayal puts them in league with the GOP's never-ending screwing of all average Americans, including their own, loyal trump Nazis.

There is something badly wrong with you. If I thought you were just some low-IQ shill it wouldn't disturb me but dude, you are a true believer. YOU are the kind of individual who would make excuses for real gulags and genocides - "for the greater good".
The Democrats Find Endless Opportunities To Cut Their Own Throats For The 2022 Mid-terms

The congressional Democrats, led by the corporate controlled moderates are doing their best to hurt the people that helped give them the majority in both chambers. Consistently failing to pass legislation beneficial to average Americans, the corporate controlled moderate Democrats should quit the Party and join the GOP. As Republicans, the former “moderate” Democrats can then openly aid in the GOP’s eternal efforts to force all average Americans into lives below the poverty line.

The corporate controlled moderate Democrats are working hard to show Big Business and the billionaire class they are as devoted to serving their interests as the Republicans. Courting the major political contributors, the corporate controlled moderate Democrats are lining up to sell their services to the highest bidder(s) in 2022.

This goes for the “moderate” Democrats in both the Senate and the House. They have done little to nothing of benefit for average Americans during their first session, under the Biden administration, and in the face of the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. The “moderates” are no better than the Republicans that have been working around-the-clock to kill off their mindless voter base. The trump-owned Republicans constantly parrot the same lies their cheeto-in-chief began spewing soon after the novel coronavirus began to spread across the continents.

Fortunately, the 81+ million Americans that voted for Biden have always known better than to listen to the endless bullsh!t regurgitated by the lying, former cheeto-in-chief. So, while the corporate controlled moderate Democrats pander to the heads of Big Business and the billionaires, they may win the hearts of the fat cats, but they’re inviting their voters to stay home from the polls on Election Day and throw family barbecues.

These family cook-outs on Election Day, Tuesday, November 8th, could very well be the last truly happy time for the vast majority of Americans. The corporate controlled moderate Democrats’ overwhelming desire to return to minority party status will be realized. This, coupled with the GOP’s regaining control of Congress and the sudden ability granted to the trump-owned Republican Party to end our constitutional government, will send the trump Nazis into the streets to celebrate.

However, those celebrations will be short lived, when the reality of life under the rule of a fascist dictator finally sinks in. The trump Nazis will suddenly find themselves nothing more than a part of the oppressed rabble, joining the dregs of society they were led to believe would be treated as incredibly inferior to themselves. That alternative reality, where the trump Nazis dwelt contently for the past five decades, will fade into oblivion... rapidly.

As for those corporate controlled moderate Democrats, they will, indeed, join the Republicans, in obsolescence, as will everyone in government. After all, a dictator has no need of a legislature, or a Supreme Court. His word is law, and subject to change on a whim. And as everyone has seen, the former cheeto-in-chief, trump, is nothing if not whimsical.


The Dems will get fucking slaughtered in 2022. It's not the moderates fucking it up for Dems. It's the squad.

But, please don't listen to me. I want neither party to be in complete control, so please, fuck it up so the dog-shit GOP takes the house. kaythxbye
The absolutely bizarre, ugly and hopefully temporary phenomenon that is Trumpism aside, the Democratic Party simply has not demonstrated that it deserves to, once and for all, wrest the public's trust and faith away from the otherworldly-sociopathic GQP.

The Democrats just can't seem to recognize the fact that some of their cultural views simply don't jibe with those of much of the country, enough to make a difference at the ballot box. This, at a time when this country badly needs to turn away from the ugly, arrogant ignorance that is Trumpism.

My guess is that, right now, the country is beginning to lean ever-so-precariously and microscopically to the Left. How many qualifiers did I just employ? I think that pushing too hard to the Left is a bad idea, and that's what I'm seeing. This is a really, really bad time for that.
The country and the Constitution are toast when the GOP retakes control after the 2022 Mid-term elections. It will be the QANON conspiracy nuts/trump Nazis that will be leading in Congress, and will have Biden, Harris, Pelosi, and anyone else they choose impeached, tried, and convicted by lunchtime their first day. With trump appointed the nation's führer by early afternoon, the United States of America will cease to exist before 3:00 pm.

While the criticisms of the corporate controlled moderate Democrats describe their betrayal of their constituencies, that betrayal puts them in league with the GOP's never-ending screwing of all average Americans, including their own, loyal trump Nazis.
Your Party is going down the toilet because of AOC and the lunatic fringe Lefties NOT because of "corporate controlled moderate Democrats". You don't even recognize WHY your Party is in flames.
The absolutely bizarre, ugly and hopefully temporary phenomenon that is Trumpism aside, the Democratic Party simply has not demonstrated that it deserves to, once and for all, wrest the public's trust and faith away from the otherworldly-sociopathic GQP.

The Democrats just can't seem to recognize the fact that some of their cultural views simply don't jibe with those of much of the country, enough to make a difference at the ballot box. This, at a time when this country badly needs to turn away from the ugly, arrogant ignorance that is Trumpism.

My guess is that, right now, the country is beginning to lean ever-so-precariously and microscopically to the Left. How many qualifiers did I just employ? I think that pushing too hard to the Left is a bad idea, and that's what I'm seeing. This is a really, really bad time for that.
Leaning left or leaning libertarian? It's so confusing these days when people use left and right.

I would argue that the country (or at least Texas) is leaning yellow, rather than red or blue.
It's more than apparent, Doc7505 didn't read the OP, he only read the thread title.

While the criticisms of the corporate controlled moderate Democrats describe their betrayal of their constituencies, that betrayal puts them in league with the GOP's never-ending screwing of all average Americans, including their own, loyal trump Nazis.

Screwing of average Americans? Who has allowed gasoline prices to necessarily skyrocket dumbass? Who is inflating the dollar at record pace causing low and middle class to suffer sticker shock, dumbass? Who always creates misery and poverty, you stupid fuck? THE FUCKING DEMOCRATS...

The country and the Constitution are toast when the GOP retakes control after the 2022 Mid-term elections. It will be the QANON conspiracy nuts/trump Nazis that will be leading in Congress, and will have Biden, Harris, Pelosi, and anyone else they choose impeached, tried, and convicted by lunchtime their first day. With trump appointed the nation's führer by early afternoon, the United States of America will cease to exist before 3:00 pm..
The Democrats Find Endless Opportunities To Cut Their Own Throats For The 2022 Mid-terms

The congressional Democrats, led by the corporate controlled moderates are doing their best to hurt the people that helped give them the majority in both chambers. Consistently failing to pass legislation beneficial to average Americans, the corporate controlled moderate Democrats should quit the Party and join the GOP. As Republicans, the former “moderate” Democrats can then openly aid in the GOP’s eternal efforts to force all average Americans into lives below the poverty line.

The corporate controlled moderate Democrats are working hard to show Big Business and the billionaire class they are as devoted to serving their interests as the Republicans. Courting the major political contributors, the corporate controlled moderate Democrats are lining up to sell their services to the highest bidder(s) in 2022.

This goes for the “moderate” Democrats in both the Senate and the House. They have done little to nothing of benefit for average Americans during their first session, under the Biden administration, and in the face of the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. The “moderates” are no better than the Republicans that have been working around-the-clock to kill off their mindless voter base. The trump-owned Republicans constantly parrot the same lies their cheeto-in-chief began spewing soon after the novel coronavirus began to spread across the continents.

Fortunately, the 81+ million Americans that voted for Biden have always known better than to listen to the endless bullsh!t regurgitated by the lying, former cheeto-in-chief. So, while the corporate controlled moderate Democrats pander to the heads of Big Business and the billionaires, they may win the hearts of the fat cats, but they’re inviting their voters to stay home from the polls on Election Day and throw family barbecues.

These family cook-outs on Election Day, Tuesday, November 8th, could very well be the last truly happy time for the vast majority of Americans. The corporate controlled moderate Democrats’ overwhelming desire to return to minority party status will be realized. This, coupled with the GOP’s regaining control of Congress and the sudden ability granted to the trump-owned Republican Party to end our constitutional government, will send the trump Nazis into the streets to celebrate.

However, those celebrations will be short lived, when the reality of life under the rule of a fascist dictator finally sinks in. The trump Nazis will suddenly find themselves nothing more than a part of the oppressed rabble, joining the dregs of society they were led to believe would be treated as incredibly inferior to themselves. That alternative reality, where the trump Nazis dwelt contently for the past five decades, will fade into oblivion... rapidly.

As for those corporate controlled moderate Democrats, they will, indeed, join the Republicans, in obsolescence, as will everyone in government. After all, a dictator has no need of a legislature, or a Supreme Court. His word is law, and subject to change on a whim. And as everyone has seen, the former cheeto-in-chief, trump, is nothing if not whimsical.

Sounds like we'd all better not vote for any more democrats.
The absolutely bizarre, ugly and hopefully temporary phenomenon that is Trumpism aside, the Democratic Party simply has not demonstrated that it deserves to, once and for all, wrest the public's trust and faith away from the otherworldly-sociopathic GQP.

The Democrats just can't seem to recognize the fact that some of their cultural views simply don't jibe with those of much of the country, enough to make a difference at the ballot box. This, at a time when this country badly needs to turn away from the ugly, arrogant ignorance that is Trumpism.

My guess is that, right now, the country is beginning to lean ever-so-precariously and microscopically to the Left. How many qualifiers did I just employ? I think that pushing too hard to the Left is a bad idea, and that's what I'm seeing. This is a really, really bad time for that.
Yeah, the progressives like Red Bernie just can't resist "free stuff paid for by others."
I hope Democrats realize their party is a bunch of imbeciles before they succeed in destroying this country. Everything is going in the wrong direction now. The elections in 2022 might be the last chance to right this ship.
I hope Democrats realize their party is a bunch of imbeciles before they succeed in destroying this country. Everything is going in the wrong direction now. The elections in 2022 might be the last chance to right this ship.
...last chance to right the ship without violence and secession.
I hope Democrats realize their party is a bunch of imbeciles before they succeed in destroying this country. Everything is going in the wrong direction now. The elections in 2022 might be the last chance to right this ship.
Dont count on it..The cheaters have perfected the art of deception,, and their sheep are happy to be led to the slaughter...
Dems own party analysts are warning that the left 15% of the party is taking the rest of the party down. Keep listening to your moron left Dems you will get what you deserve.
It's more than apparent, Doc7505 didn't read the OP, he only read the thread title.

While the criticisms of the corporate controlled moderate Democrats describe their betrayal of their constituencies, that betrayal puts them in league with the GOP's never-ending screwing of all average Americans, including their own, loyal trump Nazis.

They're ALL controlled by the corporatists, ninny.
The absolutely bizarre, ugly and hopefully temporary phenomenon that is Trumpism aside, the Democratic Party simply has not demonstrated that it deserves to, once and for all, wrest the public's trust and faith away from the otherworldly-sociopathic GQP.

The Democrats just can't seem to recognize the fact that some of their cultural views simply don't jibe with those of much of the country, enough to make a difference at the ballot box. This, at a time when this country badly needs to turn away from the ugly, arrogant ignorance that is Trumpism.

My guess is that, right now, the country is beginning to lean ever-so-precariously and microscopically to the Left. How many qualifiers did I just employ? I think that pushing too hard to the Left is a bad idea, and that's what I'm seeing. This is a really, really bad time for that.

Libs are gonna be fine. They have the keys to dominion and have figured out how to deliver a fraud. R's are too spineless to call them out.
The Democrats Find Endless Opportunities To Cut Their Own Throats For The 2022 Mid-terms

The congressional Democrats, led by the corporate controlled moderates are doing their best to hurt the people that helped give them the majority in both chambers. Consistently failing to pass legislation beneficial to average Americans, the corporate controlled moderate Democrats should quit the Party and join the GOP. As Republicans, the former “moderate” Democrats can then openly aid in the GOP’s eternal efforts to force all average Americans into lives below the poverty line.

The corporate controlled moderate Democrats are working hard to show Big Business and the billionaire class they are as devoted to serving their interests as the Republicans. Courting the major political contributors, the corporate controlled moderate Democrats are lining up to sell their services to the highest bidder(s) in 2022.

This goes for the “moderate” Democrats in both the Senate and the House. They have done little to nothing of benefit for average Americans during their first session, under the Biden administration, and in the face of the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. The “moderates” are no better than the Republicans that have been working around-the-clock to kill off their mindless voter base. The trump-owned Republicans constantly parrot the same lies their cheeto-in-chief began spewing soon after the novel coronavirus began to spread across the continents.

Fortunately, the 81+ million Americans that voted for Biden have always known better than to listen to the endless bullsh!t regurgitated by the lying, former cheeto-in-chief. So, while the corporate controlled moderate Democrats pander to the heads of Big Business and the billionaires, they may win the hearts of the fat cats, but they’re inviting their voters to stay home from the polls on Election Day and throw family barbecues.

These family cook-outs on Election Day, Tuesday, November 8th, could very well be the last truly happy time for the vast majority of Americans. The corporate controlled moderate Democrats’ overwhelming desire to return to minority party status will be realized. This, coupled with the GOP’s regaining control of Congress and the sudden ability granted to the trump-owned Republican Party to end our constitutional government, will send the trump Nazis into the streets to celebrate.

However, those celebrations will be short lived, when the reality of life under the rule of a fascist dictator finally sinks in. The trump Nazis will suddenly find themselves nothing more than a part of the oppressed rabble, joining the dregs of society they were led to believe would be treated as incredibly inferior to themselves. That alternative reality, where the trump Nazis dwelt contently for the past five decades, will fade into oblivion... rapidly.

As for those corporate controlled moderate Democrats, they will, indeed, join the Republicans, in obsolescence, as will everyone in government. After all, a dictator has no need of a legislature, or a Supreme Court. His word is law, and subject to change on a whim. And as everyone has seen, the former cheeto-in-chief, trump, is nothing if not whimsical.

Those moderate Democrats appear to be one guy totally owned by big coal big oil and I suppose the cretin from Arizona.

Those moderate Democrats appear to be one guy totally owned by big oil and big coal and that cretan from Arizona. The problem is people who can't tell the difference between the two parties for crying out loud. So if you vote for Republicans ever, Meanwhile, I suppose you keep voting for the totally owned big oil big pharma big health big money GOP which opposes everything that can help regular people. I know another tax cut for the rich! Trump tax cut runs out for the regular people in 2024, but not for the rich. Funny thing lol, brainwashed functional moron.

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