The Democratic nominee in 2020. . .


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 16, 2012
Zuckerberg is a complete open borders, pro-censorship Jew who would be a threat to our sovereignty, heritage, and culture.
Zuckerberg is a complete open borders, pro-censorship Jew who would be a threat to our sovereignty, heritage, and culture.


Maybe Trump will change parties and run as a Democrat next time.
And watch the uproar on both sides.
Zuckerberg is a complete open borders, pro-censorship Jew who would be a threat to our sovereignty, heritage, and culture.

Zuckerberg, who taught himself to speak fluent Chinese, would be better off serving as
a diplomat to China, and negotiating a labor trade off to settle US debts to China at the
same time resolving issues of longterm human rights violations by Chinese govt:

He could negotiate a deal where prisons and labor camps are converted into
medical schools and centers to provide spiritual healing and natural therapies to the masses,
in order to reduce the cost of crime and medical care that the Chinese cannot manage for its population.

For debts the US owes to China can be worked off by labor invested as restitution for trafficking crimes
(either done by the criminals who owe for those crimes or by immigrants willing to "buy out those debts"
and invest their labor instead in order to earn their citizenship and amnesty as part of the trade agreement)
or the debts can be cancelled in exchange for China agreeing to consider those costs as penalties for human rights
violations, where the debt is transferred back to their own citizens for unpaid or underpaid labor.
Will fail. They've done themselves in this year.

If they keep going, half will be dead by then. It seems that's the way they want it.

Maybe Trump will change parties and run as a Democrat next time.
And watch the uproar on both sides.
Zuckerberg ? Are you talking about the Co-Founder of Facebook? the guy with all the charm and personality of a crack addled, leprosy infected sea urchin?

I realize the Democrats are prone to acts of stupendous imprudence but even they aren't that stupid.
that would be awesome. I would love to dig up all the old posts about how non politicians shouldnt be politicians.
I cant see any quality candidates coming out of either party, as the money needed to run is beyond any one not bought & paid for.
I cant see any quality candidates coming out of either party, as the money needed to run is beyond any one not bought & paid for.
Unfortunately the political system in the United States has become so poisonous and corrupt that nobody worth a shit will run for office, might as well get used to ever declining quality with respect to candidates. :(
that would be awesome. I would love to dig up all the old posts about how non politicians shouldnt be politicians.
None of that would be important.

The Deep State is out in the open now, he is the ultimate Deep State candidate. If you want to dig up old posts, I'm sure he could dig up much more meta data on any one save the CEO of Google.

(He also comes with his own deep state, and enough blackmail for half the country: “Mr. President, why no nominee for AG yet?” “I dunno, Jim, why do you spend so much time looking at those old pictures of Tammy from Waco?”)
Aspen Ideas: Mark Zuckerberg For President

But when the popular will defies Deep State, that monster breathes fire.

The "technocratic elite" has a corporate extension. Engorged government bureaucracies are complemented by colossal corporate entities, whose virtue-signaling managers have occupied "the commanding heights of the economy, politics, and culture." As Burnham warned they would.

The corporate element of this government-within-government superstructure (yes, the conservative Burnham had a Trotskyite beginning) has special access by virtue of its obscene wealth. Think the liver-spotted George Soros, who moves to overthrow governments in "lesser" countries. Think Apple's Tim Cook, Microsoft's Brad Smith, Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg, Uber's Travis Kalanick, or Google's Sundar Pichai. They all sprang into action against Trump's secession from the Paris Climate Accord.

Candidate Trump got considerable support for his promise to secede from or renegotiate this or the other agreement between the U.S. government and various supranational systems. Successive U.S. governments have ceded the rights and sovereignty of Americans to these supra-state systems.

Deplorables voted for more, not less, sovereignty. But bien-pensant Elon Musk of the Tesla and SpaceX fame is having none of this sovereignty stuff.

Musk, worth $15.2 billion, is muscling the Trump administration to further tax Americans so as to fund the Europeans and their polluting cosignatories to the climate accord.

Mr. Musk trashes the environment with his "Commie Cars," electrical cars which discharge into the environment lead, cadmium and nickel—the byproducts of batteries—and whose impact on the environment has been shown to be worse than that of the gasoline-powered car.

Trashing the popular will is all in a day's work for the corporate arm of the Deep State.
Elon Musk, Et Al.: The Corporate Arm Of The Deep-State

Mark Zuckerberg Runs A Giant Spy Machine In Palo Alto, California
Zuckerberg ? Are you talking about the Co-Founder of Facebook? the guy with all the charm and personality of a crack addled, leprosy infected sea urchin?

I realize the Democrats are prone to acts of stupendous imprudence but even they aren't that stupid.
I'm afraid middle America, GenX and iGen would fall over themselves to vote for him. Anything negative about him the mods on FB would probably make disappear.

It was memes that helped carry Trump to victory.

Did you know that before the campaign, Trump never used computers?

Here's How Facebook Actually Won Trump the Presidency
This Is How Facebook Actually Won Trump the Presidency

The Data That Turned the World Upside Down
Hannes Grassegger & Mikael Krogerus

Jan 28 2017, 9:15am
Psychologist Michal Kosinski developed a method to analyze people in minute detail based on their Facebook activity. Did a similar tool help propel Donald Trump to victory? Two reporters from Zurich-based Das Magazin went data-gathering.
The Data That Turned the World Upside Down

Does anyone honestly think the DNC will let some outsider take the nomination? The DNC crooks who have paid their dues for decades will lie, cheat, and steal their way to the nomination and no outsider is going to one up them. Just ask Bernie.
Zuckerberg ? Are you talking about the Co-Founder of Facebook? the guy with all the charm and personality of a crack addled, leprosy infected sea urchin?

I realize the Democrats are prone to acts of stupendous imprudence but even they aren't that stupid.
I'm afraid middle America, GenX and iGen would fall over themselves to vote for him. Anything negative about him the mods on FB would probably make disappear.

It was memes that helped carry Trump to victory.
The difference is Trump has his own sort of charm and appeal, granted it's limited but he's light years beyond Zuckerberg in the personality and charm departments and running for the Presidency does actually involve getting out and speaking to crowds something Zuckerberg has never demonstrated a talent for unless the crowds he's talking to are techies.

Zuckerberg is an excellent software developer and entrepreneur but as a political candidate I think he'd be a disaster and I base that on having seen him speak in both large and small settings, abrasive and arrogant don't even begin to describe him IMHO. I don't think he would appeal (in general) to Baby Boomers and Gen X'ers (I'm a Gen X'er) he might make inroads with Millennials but they have a tendency to skip voting.

Did you know that before the campaign, Trump never used computers?
Yes (although I don't think the description was "never", I could be wrong) and he still admits he has no real understanding of them, fortunately for him he was able to hire people that do.

Who knows though, stranger things have happened in Presidential Politics and Zuckerberg does have a lot of money.

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