The Death of Journalism in the Age of Trump

Can I get a transcript? I'm not watching or listening to an opinion for an hour- just sayin-

that said, journalist have always been opinionated- read Thomas Paine- his pamphlets were journalistic opinion-
It's up to the Individual to draw conclusions about the opinion(s) no matter where they come from.
Our Public Education system has been and is so focused on, conformity, that Individual thought has become almost extinct- today's journalist desire a celebrity status- what does that gain them? Group admiration. So, they pander to the group-

This is a monkey see, monkey do world- follower monkeys emulate leader monkeys- those who choose, even by accident, to disbelieve the group are ostracized by the group- so, all the monkeys climb on board, with rare exceptions- those exceptions are then ostracized by, the group- herd mentality- the politics are icing on the cake for the bakers- follow the money, see the agenda.

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