The data is in, trusting Faux can literally get you killed.


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
A report entitled.......... The Relation between Media Consumption and Misinformation at the Outset of the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic in the US

..........can be found inside this article.

The data is in: Fox News may have kept millions from taking the coronavirus threat seriously

The study revealed........... "A US national probability-based survey during the early days of the SARS-CoV-2 spread in the US showed that, above and beyond respondents’ political party, mainstream broadcast media use (e.g., NBC News) correlated with accurate information about the disease's lethality, and mainstream print media use (e.g., the New York Times) correlated with accurate beliefs about protection from infection. In addition, conservative media use (e.g., Fox News) correlated with conspiracy theories including believing that some in the CDC were exaggerating the seriousness of the virus to undermine the presidency of Donald Trump. Five recommendations are made to improve public understanding of SARS-CoV-2."

Essentially, consumers of right wing media sources that consistently misinformed its audience about COVID lead to people being less concerned about the risk it posed.

From the WP article............"Three serious research efforts have put numerical weight — yes, data-driven evidence — behind what many suspected all along: Americans who relied on Fox News, or similar right-wing sources, were duped as the coronavirus began its deadly spread.

Dangerously duped.

The studies “paint a picture of a media ecosystem that amplifies misinformation, entertains conspiracy theories and discourages audiences from taking concrete steps to protect themselves and others,” wrote my colleague Christopher Ingraham in an analysis last week."
Hmmmmmmmmm. Trumpleton's response to this is predictable. Total denial of the empirical data. Not the first time they have denied data, science, or fact. And it won't be the last.

It should be noted that while the scope of this study is primarily limited to information surrounding COVID, Faux's 24/7 misinformation spew is responsible for copious amounts of erroneous beliefs held by Trumpletards. Everything from climate change to Mueller's findings of obstruction of his investigation by Trump to the efficacy of a border wall unconstitutionally paid for by misappropriating funds designed to be spent elsewhere.
The only real misinformation in this country is coming from the mainstream. This is just a conspiracy float to distract people away from the complicit role the mainstream had in downplaying the threat of the covid virus, often likening it to no more than a cold or mild flu. Through all that, they managed to keep the 24/7 coverage of the failed impeachment of the Presdient.
A report entitled.......... The Relation between Media Consumption and Misinformation at the Outset of the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic in the US

..........can be found inside this article.

The data is in: Fox News may have kept millions from taking the coronavirus threat seriously

The study revealed........... "A US national probability-based survey during the early days of the SARS-CoV-2 spread in the US showed that, above and beyond respondents’ political party, mainstream broadcast media use (e.g., NBC News) correlated with accurate information about the disease's lethality, and mainstream print media use (e.g., the New York Times) correlated with accurate beliefs about protection from infection. In addition, conservative media use (e.g., Fox News) correlated with conspiracy theories including believing that some in the CDC were exaggerating the seriousness of the virus to undermine the presidency of Donald Trump. Five recommendations are made to improve public understanding of SARS-CoV-2."

Essentially, consumers of right wing media sources that consistently misinformed its audience about COVID lead to people being less concerned about the risk it posed.

From the WP article............"Three serious research efforts have put numerical weight — yes, data-driven evidence — behind what many suspected all along: Americans who relied on Fox News, or similar right-wing sources, were duped as the coronavirus began its deadly spread.

Dangerously duped.

The studies “paint a picture of a media ecosystem that amplifies misinformation, entertains conspiracy theories and discourages audiences from taking concrete steps to protect themselves and others,” wrote my colleague Christopher Ingraham in an analysis last week."
Hmmmmmmmmm. Trumpleton's response to this is predictable. Total denial of the empirical data. Not the first time they have denied data, science, or fact. And it won't be the last.

It should be noted that while the scope of this study is primarily limited to information surrounding COVID, Faux's 24/7 misinformation spew is responsible for copious amounts of erroneous beliefs held by Trumpletards. Everything from climate change to Mueller's findings of obstruction of his investigation by Trump to the efficacy of a border wall unconstitutionally paid for by misappropriating funds designed to be spent elsewhere.

Of course you are talking Crapola, berg.

None of the top 6 major countries with much higher death rates from COVID than America even have Fox available to them.

Further, even though Fox is the most successful cable news provider out there by far, the vast majority of Americans never tune in.
A report entitled.......... The Relation between Media Consumption and Misinformation at the Outset of the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic in the US

..........can be found inside this article.

The data is in: Fox News may have kept millions from taking the coronavirus threat seriously

The study revealed........... "A US national probability-based survey during the early days of the SARS-CoV-2 spread in the US showed that, above and beyond respondents’ political party, mainstream broadcast media use (e.g., NBC News) correlated with accurate information about the disease's lethality, and mainstream print media use (e.g., the New York Times) correlated with accurate beliefs about protection from infection. In addition, conservative media use (e.g., Fox News) correlated with conspiracy theories including believing that some in the CDC were exaggerating the seriousness of the virus to undermine the presidency of Donald Trump. Five recommendations are made to improve public understanding of SARS-CoV-2."

Essentially, consumers of right wing media sources that consistently misinformed its audience about COVID lead to people being less concerned about the risk it posed.

From the WP article............"Three serious research efforts have put numerical weight — yes, data-driven evidence — behind what many suspected all along: Americans who relied on Fox News, or similar right-wing sources, were duped as the coronavirus began its deadly spread.

Dangerously duped.

The studies “paint a picture of a media ecosystem that amplifies misinformation, entertains conspiracy theories and discourages audiences from taking concrete steps to protect themselves and others,” wrote my colleague Christopher Ingraham in an analysis last week."
Hmmmmmmmmm. Trumpleton's response to this is predictable. Total denial of the empirical data. Not the first time they have denied data, science, or fact. And it won't be the last.

It should be noted that while the scope of this study is primarily limited to information surrounding COVID, Faux's 24/7 misinformation spew is responsible for copious amounts of erroneous beliefs held by Trumpletards. Everything from climate change to Mueller's findings of obstruction of his investigation by Trump to the efficacy of a border wall unconstitutionally paid for by misappropriating funds designed to be spent elsewhere.

Of course you are talking Crapola, berg.

None of the top 6 major countries with much higher death rates from COVID than America even have Fox available to them.

Further, even though Fox is the most successful cable news provider out there by far, the vast majority of Americans never tune in.
But the ones who do are less informed than the ones who don't.
A report entitled.......... The Relation between Media Consumption and Misinformation at the Outset of the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic in the US

..........can be found inside this article.

The data is in: Fox News may have kept millions from taking the coronavirus threat seriously

The study revealed........... "A US national probability-based survey during the early days of the SARS-CoV-2 spread in the US showed that, above and beyond respondents’ political party, mainstream broadcast media use (e.g., NBC News) correlated with accurate information about the disease's lethality, and mainstream print media use (e.g., the New York Times) correlated with accurate beliefs about protection from infection. In addition, conservative media use (e.g., Fox News) correlated with conspiracy theories including believing that some in the CDC were exaggerating the seriousness of the virus to undermine the presidency of Donald Trump. Five recommendations are made to improve public understanding of SARS-CoV-2."

Essentially, consumers of right wing media sources that consistently misinformed its audience about COVID lead to people being less concerned about the risk it posed.

From the WP article............"Three serious research efforts have put numerical weight — yes, data-driven evidence — behind what many suspected all along: Americans who relied on Fox News, or similar right-wing sources, were duped as the coronavirus began its deadly spread.

Dangerously duped.

The studies “paint a picture of a media ecosystem that amplifies misinformation, entertains conspiracy theories and discourages audiences from taking concrete steps to protect themselves and others,” wrote my colleague Christopher Ingraham in an analysis last week."
Hmmmmmmmmm. Trumpleton's response to this is predictable. Total denial of the empirical data. Not the first time they have denied data, science, or fact. And it won't be the last.

It should be noted that while the scope of this study is primarily limited to information surrounding COVID, Faux's 24/7 misinformation spew is responsible for copious amounts of erroneous beliefs held by Trumpletards. Everything from climate change to Mueller's findings of obstruction of his investigation by Trump to the efficacy of a border wall unconstitutionally paid for by misappropriating funds designed to be spent elsewhere.
You attack Fox but say nothing about Liberal Reporters hyping a garage pull rope into a national emergency. Everyday you act like a trusting goldfish with your mouth agape ready to swallow whatever they toss at you. But Fox is the problem. Yeah ok. :auiqs.jpg:
A report entitled.......... The Relation between Media Consumption and Misinformation at the Outset of the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic in the US

..........can be found inside this article.

The data is in: Fox News may have kept millions from taking the coronavirus threat seriously

The study revealed........... "A US national probability-based survey during the early days of the SARS-CoV-2 spread in the US showed that, above and beyond respondents’ political party, mainstream broadcast media use (e.g., NBC News) correlated with accurate information about the disease's lethality, and mainstream print media use (e.g., the New York Times) correlated with accurate beliefs about protection from infection. In addition, conservative media use (e.g., Fox News) correlated with conspiracy theories including believing that some in the CDC were exaggerating the seriousness of the virus to undermine the presidency of Donald Trump. Five recommendations are made to improve public understanding of SARS-CoV-2."

Essentially, consumers of right wing media sources that consistently misinformed its audience about COVID lead to people being less concerned about the risk it posed.

From the WP article............"Three serious research efforts have put numerical weight — yes, data-driven evidence — behind what many suspected all along: Americans who relied on Fox News, or similar right-wing sources, were duped as the coronavirus began its deadly spread.

Dangerously duped.

The studies “paint a picture of a media ecosystem that amplifies misinformation, entertains conspiracy theories and discourages audiences from taking concrete steps to protect themselves and others,” wrote my colleague Christopher Ingraham in an analysis last week."
Hmmmmmmmmm. Trumpleton's response to this is predictable. Total denial of the empirical data. Not the first time they have denied data, science, or fact. And it won't be the last.

It should be noted that while the scope of this study is primarily limited to information surrounding COVID, Faux's 24/7 misinformation spew is responsible for copious amounts of erroneous beliefs held by Trumpletards. Everything from climate change to Mueller's findings of obstruction of his investigation by Trump to the efficacy of a border wall unconstitutionally paid for by misappropriating funds designed to be spent elsewhere.

Just because someone is "less concerned" about COVID doesn't mean they are more or less likely to contract it. Concern didn't provide immunity during the Black Death, and it didn't help with protecting people during the aids pandemic beginning in the 80's. In fact, with aids, communities with LESS concern about it- Normative people- had fewer cases than those who were concerned. And the same, BTW, with COVID. States like Wyoming and the Dakotas with less restrictive measures have done a lot better than states with draconian COVID regulations.
A report entitled.......... The Relation between Media Consumption and Misinformation at the Outset of the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic in the US

..........can be found inside this article.

The data is in: Fox News may have kept millions from taking the coronavirus threat seriously

The study revealed........... "A US national probability-based survey during the early days of the SARS-CoV-2 spread in the US showed that, above and beyond respondents’ political party, mainstream broadcast media use (e.g., NBC News) correlated with accurate information about the disease's lethality, and mainstream print media use (e.g., the New York Times) correlated with accurate beliefs about protection from infection. In addition, conservative media use (e.g., Fox News) correlated with conspiracy theories including believing that some in the CDC were exaggerating the seriousness of the virus to undermine the presidency of Donald Trump. Five recommendations are made to improve public understanding of SARS-CoV-2."

Essentially, consumers of right wing media sources that consistently misinformed its audience about COVID lead to people being less concerned about the risk it posed.

From the WP article............"Three serious research efforts have put numerical weight — yes, data-driven evidence — behind what many suspected all along: Americans who relied on Fox News, or similar right-wing sources, were duped as the coronavirus began its deadly spread.

Dangerously duped.

The studies “paint a picture of a media ecosystem that amplifies misinformation, entertains conspiracy theories and discourages audiences from taking concrete steps to protect themselves and others,” wrote my colleague Christopher Ingraham in an analysis last week."
Hmmmmmmmmm. Trumpleton's response to this is predictable. Total denial of the empirical data. Not the first time they have denied data, science, or fact. And it won't be the last.

It should be noted that while the scope of this study is primarily limited to information surrounding COVID, Faux's 24/7 misinformation spew is responsible for copious amounts of erroneous beliefs held by Trumpletards. Everything from climate change to Mueller's findings of obstruction of his investigation by Trump to the efficacy of a border wall unconstitutionally paid for by misappropriating funds designed to be spent elsewhere.

Of course you are talking Crapola, berg.

None of the top 6 major countries with much higher death rates from COVID than America even have Fox available to them.

Further, even though Fox is the most successful cable news provider out there by far, the vast majority of Americans never tune in.
But the ones who do are less informed than the ones who don't.

So? Being less informed doesn't seem to increase the chance of coming down with a case of the covids
A report entitled.......... The Relation between Media Consumption and Misinformation at the Outset of the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic in the US

..........can be found inside this article.

The data is in: Fox News may have kept millions from taking the coronavirus threat seriously

The study revealed........... "A US national probability-based survey during the early days of the SARS-CoV-2 spread in the US showed that, above and beyond respondents’ political party, mainstream broadcast media use (e.g., NBC News) correlated with accurate information about the disease's lethality, and mainstream print media use (e.g., the New York Times) correlated with accurate beliefs about protection from infection. In addition, conservative media use (e.g., Fox News) correlated with conspiracy theories including believing that some in the CDC were exaggerating the seriousness of the virus to undermine the presidency of Donald Trump. Five recommendations are made to improve public understanding of SARS-CoV-2."

Essentially, consumers of right wing media sources that consistently misinformed its audience about COVID lead to people being less concerned about the risk it posed.

From the WP article............"Three serious research efforts have put numerical weight — yes, data-driven evidence — behind what many suspected all along: Americans who relied on Fox News, or similar right-wing sources, were duped as the coronavirus began its deadly spread.

Dangerously duped.

The studies “paint a picture of a media ecosystem that amplifies misinformation, entertains conspiracy theories and discourages audiences from taking concrete steps to protect themselves and others,” wrote my colleague Christopher Ingraham in an analysis last week."
Hmmmmmmmmm. Trumpleton's response to this is predictable. Total denial of the empirical data. Not the first time they have denied data, science, or fact. And it won't be the last.

It should be noted that while the scope of this study is primarily limited to information surrounding COVID, Faux's 24/7 misinformation spew is responsible for copious amounts of erroneous beliefs held by Trumpletards. Everything from climate change to Mueller's findings of obstruction of his investigation by Trump to the efficacy of a border wall unconstitutionally paid for by misappropriating funds designed to be spent elsewhere.

Of course you are talking Crapola, berg.

None of the top 6 major countries with much higher death rates from COVID than America even have Fox available to them.

Further, even though Fox is the most successful cable news provider out there by far, the vast majority of Americans never tune in.
But the ones who do are less informed than the ones who don't.

So? Being less informed doesn't seem to increase the chance of coming down with a case of the covids
I would say it probably does.
New research explores how conservative media misinformation may have intensified the severity of the pandemic

"Coronavirus infections have surged in a number of states, setting the United States on a markedly different pandemic trajectory than other wealthy nations.
There are many reasons our response to the pandemic tied to more than 120,000 U.S. deaths has faltered, experts say, including the lack of a cohesive federal policy, missteps on testing and tracing, and a national culture emphasizing individualism.

In recent weeks, three studies have focused on conservative media’s role in fostering confusion about the seriousness of the coronavirus. Taken together, they paint a picture of a media ecosystem that amplifies misinformation, entertains conspiracy theories and discourages audiences from taking concrete steps to protect themselves and others."
Do you think Hannity sleeps well at night?

"The end result, according to one of the studies, is that infection and mortality rates are higher in places where one pundit who initially downplayed the severity of the pandemic — Fox News’s Sean Hannity — reaches the largest audiences."
So you have hard data on this many Trumpers died and this many Demwits died......I didnt think so.
Blue states lead in deaths......but trumpers caused it LLLMMAAOOOO
A report entitled.......... The Relation between Media Consumption and Misinformation at the Outset of the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic in the US

..........can be found inside this article.

The data is in: Fox News may have kept millions from taking the coronavirus threat seriously

The study revealed........... "A US national probability-based survey during the early days of the SARS-CoV-2 spread in the US showed that, above and beyond respondents’ political party, mainstream broadcast media use (e.g., NBC News) correlated with accurate information about the disease's lethality, and mainstream print media use (e.g., the New York Times) correlated with accurate beliefs about protection from infection. In addition, conservative media use (e.g., Fox News) correlated with conspiracy theories including believing that some in the CDC were exaggerating the seriousness of the virus to undermine the presidency of Donald Trump. Five recommendations are made to improve public understanding of SARS-CoV-2."

Essentially, consumers of right wing media sources that consistently misinformed its audience about COVID lead to people being less concerned about the risk it posed.

From the WP article............"Three serious research efforts have put numerical weight — yes, data-driven evidence — behind what many suspected all along: Americans who relied on Fox News, or similar right-wing sources, were duped as the coronavirus began its deadly spread.

Dangerously duped.

The studies “paint a picture of a media ecosystem that amplifies misinformation, entertains conspiracy theories and discourages audiences from taking concrete steps to protect themselves and others,” wrote my colleague Christopher Ingraham in an analysis last week."
Hmmmmmmmmm. Trumpleton's response to this is predictable. Total denial of the empirical data. Not the first time they have denied data, science, or fact. And it won't be the last.

It should be noted that while the scope of this study is primarily limited to information surrounding COVID, Faux's 24/7 misinformation spew is responsible for copious amounts of erroneous beliefs held by Trumpletards. Everything from climate change to Mueller's findings of obstruction of his investigation by Trump to the efficacy of a border wall unconstitutionally paid for by misappropriating funds designed to be spent elsewhere.
Wow and I am still alive
So you have hard data on this many Trumpers died and this many Demwits died......I didnt think so.
Blue states lead in deaths......but trumpers caused it LLLMMAAOOOO

That is a laugh, because the facts are that the most COVID infected area of the country is the Ultraliberal Greater NYC area, by far. Where Sean Hannity fans are rare birds indeed.
That's funny. PMSDNC and CNN caused me to not take it seriously. They attacked Trump for putting in place the travel restrictions from China on Jan 31st. They called him xenophobic making me think this covid19 thing must not be nearly as bad as Trump is making it out to be.
A report entitled.......... The Relation between Media Consumption and Misinformation at the Outset of the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic in the US

..........can be found inside this article.

The data is in: Fox News may have kept millions from taking the coronavirus threat seriously

The study revealed........... "A US national probability-based survey during the early days of the SARS-CoV-2 spread in the US showed that, above and beyond respondents’ political party, mainstream broadcast media use (e.g., NBC News) correlated with accurate information about the disease's lethality, and mainstream print media use (e.g., the New York Times) correlated with accurate beliefs about protection from infection. In addition, conservative media use (e.g., Fox News) correlated with conspiracy theories including believing that some in the CDC were exaggerating the seriousness of the virus to undermine the presidency of Donald Trump. Five recommendations are made to improve public understanding of SARS-CoV-2."

Essentially, consumers of right wing media sources that consistently misinformed its audience about COVID lead to people being less concerned about the risk it posed.

From the WP article............"Three serious research efforts have put numerical weight — yes, data-driven evidence — behind what many suspected all along: Americans who relied on Fox News, or similar right-wing sources, were duped as the coronavirus began its deadly spread.

Dangerously duped.

The studies “paint a picture of a media ecosystem that amplifies misinformation, entertains conspiracy theories and discourages audiences from taking concrete steps to protect themselves and others,” wrote my colleague Christopher Ingraham in an analysis last week."
Hmmmmmmmmm. Trumpleton's response to this is predictable. Total denial of the empirical data. Not the first time they have denied data, science, or fact. And it won't be the last.

It should be noted that while the scope of this study is primarily limited to information surrounding COVID, Faux's 24/7 misinformation spew is responsible for copious amounts of erroneous beliefs held by Trumpletards. Everything from climate change to Mueller's findings of obstruction of his investigation by Trump to the efficacy of a border wall unconstitutionally paid for by misappropriating funds designed to be spent elsewhere.

Of course you are talking Crapola, berg.

None of the top 6 major countries with much higher death rates from COVID than America even have Fox available to them.

Further, even though Fox is the most successful cable news provider out there by far, the vast majority of Americans never tune in.

well if you do not have cable then yeah Fox is not available. Still if they are the most successful cable news then it is available. There may even be fox affiliates that run under the fox name.

Yeah I would buy in to that except that you go to McDonald and even on military bases, they have the TV on Fox news in hospital waiting rooms, and other areas where people are waiting for some type of service.
The fact is that many do not take it seriously and they get the encouragement from FOX as being one of the viewed networks that caters to certain belief. As I do not watch Fox, it would be highly unethical to not take this seriously for even Fox. Even if your core base does not. But to cater to your base is not unusual. Personally, I am getting tired of this COVID - 19 news. It was interesting to watch in the beginning but it is getting old. Now it up to the individual who must decide - do I want to take it seriously or not. I did notice that the mask thing in the beginning was spotty. Then it seem to die down. Now it seems to be picking up as everyone is selling them now. Still the vast majority that I observe do not wear masks. But as the availability grows and the prices drop, it maybe more easier to wear it. Trying to find the one that is breathable is hard. The reviews of these mask are funny.

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