The Dark Origins of Communism

By the way, these social things most often work against the very same proletariat.
All these institutional funds are essentially ordinary speculators with free investments, and the care about the proletariat is reduced to the care of the shepherd for the sheep. Normal people consider it beneath their dignity to report whether they have lice between their legs and what they eat for breakfast.
This was exactly what the army of slaves was distinguished by, they looked for lice and monitored the cleanliness of their necks. Slaves were forced to cut their hair, motivating this with healthcare, they also took care of them when they put anti-retreat forces in the war, so that they would not be confused in which direction to direct their rifles
Right-wing ideas are also now turned inside out. During the world wars, these were the concepts of the Austro-Hungarian military aristocracy and not hucksters. Now these right are the same left
Liberation from slavery, in fact, is also a "right" idea, because the slave benefits from being built and dressed, this is the mentality of northern Europe, where there was matriarchy and hatred of everything male, free and independent
This is also the Christian-Jewish idea of reforging swords into plowshares.
Traders from ancient times have worked on these very ideas. The church itself was the largest lender and performed banking functions, the Jews were actively involved in commerce and finance.
So the modern right is the left
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Right-wing politics should be understood as a military-aristocratic regime, of the eastern patriarchal type, with lofty ideals and heroic morality, otherwise it makes no sense. Haggling is the reverse side of slavery, such a "rightist" just mimic the "right" in fact he is leftist
That reminds of why the Nazis allowed Antigone to be shown during the occupation.

Because it was Produced by the Nazi Censorship Board, and was essentially critical of both the Vichy Government, as well as the Free French Forces and French Underground. The Germans were not really discussed at all, and by 1944 they themselves were growing increasingly frustrated with the Vichy Government.

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