The County That Won't Vote


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2019
Gold Coast
West Virginians don't bother to vote. Especially in McDowell County.

Trump told those people in West Virginia coal jobs will be back. That hasn't happened.
Politicians have been promising jobs there for over 30 years. Still poor. Still don't vote.
On coal jobs there, Biden tells them it's true, "we need to get you into something else"

"There were 100 million eligible voters in 2016 who didn’t vote then, and they are the largest bloc of voters who could shift the election if they got to the polls"

"The top county with the most non-voters is McDowell County, West Virginia. The state is also the lowest-voting state in the country. Interviewing some of the residents there, NBC News’ Morgan Radford said that President Donald Trump won the county with about 4,000 votes to Hillary Clinton’s over 1,000 votes. There were 11,000 people who didn’t vote at all."

Voters in rust belt states have been voting against their own best interest for decades. Conservative lie to them and cajole them with promises. Their jobs continue to leave. Their economic situation gets worse.
And they keep on voting Republican. I've given up trying to understand it.
Voters in rust belt states have been voting against their own best interest for decades. Conservative lie to them and cajole them with promises. Their jobs continue to leave. Their economic situation gets worse.
And they keep on voting Republican. I've given up trying to understand it.
but the problem has been there for years. damn scum demonrats
There is a great song from a british film in the 1990s that some people might remember called Brassed Off.

The plot is about the closing of a coal mine and how it affects the lives not only of the workers but their entire families

West Virginians don't bother to vote. Especially in McDowell County.

Trump told those people in West Virginia coal jobs will be back. That hasn't happened.
Politicians have been promising jobs there for over 30 years. Still poor. Still don't vote.
On coal jobs there, Biden tells them it's true, "we need to get you into something else"

"There were 100 million eligible voters in 2016 who didn’t vote then, and they are the largest bloc of voters who could shift the election if they got to the polls"

"The top county with the most non-voters is McDowell County, West Virginia. The state is also the lowest-voting state in the country. Interviewing some of the residents there, NBC News’ Morgan Radford said that President Donald Trump won the county with about 4,000 votes to Hillary Clinton’s over 1,000 votes. There were 11,000 people who didn’t vote at all."

West Virginians don't bother to vote. Especially in McDowell County.

Trump told those people in West Virginia coal jobs will be back. That hasn't happened.
Politicians have been promising jobs there for over 30 years. Still poor. Still don't vote.
On coal jobs there, Biden tells them it's true, "we need to get you into something else"

"There were 100 million eligible voters in 2016 who didn’t vote then, and they are the largest bloc of voters who could shift the election if they got to the polls"

"The top county with the most non-voters is McDowell County, West Virginia. The state is also the lowest-voting state in the country. Interviewing some of the residents there, NBC News’ Morgan Radford said that President Donald Trump won the county with about 4,000 votes to Hillary Clinton’s over 1,000 votes. There were 11,000 people who didn’t vote at all."

Wow, criticize the President for trying to do something that you libbers have fought tooth and nail.....and in reality don't give a spit about.
West Virginians don't bother to vote. Especially in McDowell County.

Trump told those people in West Virginia coal jobs will be back. That hasn't happened.
Politicians have been promising jobs there for over 30 years. Still poor. Still don't vote.
On coal jobs there, Biden tells them it's true, "we need to get you into something else"

"There were 100 million eligible voters in 2016 who didn’t vote then, and they are the largest bloc of voters who could shift the election if they got to the polls"

"The top county with the most non-voters is McDowell County, West Virginia. The state is also the lowest-voting state in the country. Interviewing some of the residents there, NBC News’ Morgan Radford said that President Donald Trump won the county with about 4,000 votes to Hillary Clinton’s over 1,000 votes. There were 11,000 people who didn’t vote at all."

West Virginians don't bother to vote. Especially in McDowell County.

Trump told those people in West Virginia coal jobs will be back. That hasn't happened.
Politicians have been promising jobs there for over 30 years. Still poor. Still don't vote.
On coal jobs there, Biden tells them it's true, "we need to get you into something else"

"There were 100 million eligible voters in 2016 who didn’t vote then, and they are the largest bloc of voters who could shift the election if they got to the polls"

"The top county with the most non-voters is McDowell County, West Virginia. The state is also the lowest-voting state in the country. Interviewing some of the residents there, NBC News’ Morgan Radford said that President Donald Trump won the county with about 4,000 votes to Hillary Clinton’s over 1,000 votes. There were 11,000 people who didn’t vote at all."

Wow, criticize the President for trying to do something that you libbers have fought tooth and nail.....and in reality don't give a spit about.
Clinton received flack from the RWingers for offering to get those poor folks trained in new jobs.
Explain that fact.
West Virginians don't bother to vote. Especially in McDowell County.

Trump told those people in West Virginia coal jobs will be back. That hasn't happened.
Politicians have been promising jobs there for over 30 years. Still poor. Still don't vote.
On coal jobs there, Biden tells them it's true, "we need to get you into something else"

"There were 100 million eligible voters in 2016 who didn’t vote then, and they are the largest bloc of voters who could shift the election if they got to the polls"

"The top county with the most non-voters is McDowell County, West Virginia. The state is also the lowest-voting state in the country. Interviewing some of the residents there, NBC News’ Morgan Radford said that President Donald Trump won the county with about 4,000 votes to Hillary Clinton’s over 1,000 votes. There were 11,000 people who didn’t vote at all."

West Virginians don't bother to vote. Especially in McDowell County.

Trump told those people in West Virginia coal jobs will be back. That hasn't happened.
Politicians have been promising jobs there for over 30 years. Still poor. Still don't vote.
On coal jobs there, Biden tells them it's true, "we need to get you into something else"

"There were 100 million eligible voters in 2016 who didn’t vote then, and they are the largest bloc of voters who could shift the election if they got to the polls"

"The top county with the most non-voters is McDowell County, West Virginia. The state is also the lowest-voting state in the country. Interviewing some of the residents there, NBC News’ Morgan Radford said that President Donald Trump won the county with about 4,000 votes to Hillary Clinton’s over 1,000 votes. There were 11,000 people who didn’t vote at all."

Wow, criticize the President for trying to do something that you libbers have fought tooth and nail.....and in reality don't give a spit about.
Clinton received flack from the RWingers for offering to get those poor folks trained in new jobs.
Explain that fact.
Because they liked doing the jobs they had, which were necessary for supplying fuel to the US. And because he had sex with women in the White House.
There is a great song from a british film in the 1990s that some people might remember called Brassed Off.

The plot is about the closing of a coal mine and how it affects the lives not only of the workers but their entire families

We had more than 10 fully operational mines south of here. Now we have 2 that are running a skeleton crew. We used to have many 105 car rail trains leaving out every day. Today, we might see a short 50 car train once a week. Usually, they keep the cars on a siding until they get 105 cars but they can't even do that anymore. It's sad to see a weekly 50 car shot train. The fact is, there isn't the call for coal for power plants like there once was. And homes have gotten way from coal for heat. Natural Gas pretty well put the hamper on Coal these days. And even the Oil Burners have long since went by the way.

When 1 out of 20 Miners were laid off, the community all but dried up. It affected families for at least 150 miles for jobs. For 2 years (2014 to 2016) Somerset laid off over 800 workers. The families ran out of Unemployment and even the food bank went bust. The Godsend was a Fiber Company came to Somerset and hired the miners. Not at the wages they made working the mines but enough to live on. They make fiber cable. And guess what is part of the process? You guessed it, Coal. One of the fiber products is carbon fiber which coal is extremely rich with carbon. They also make glass cabling. While Somerset in Penn and WV is blowing away which Somerset Colorado was named for, Somerset Colorado is turning the bend. The Miners were retrained at a fraction of the cost of moving an entire industry of workers in. Rump had nothing to do with this upturn. It was all the brain child of a married Couple with money to invest that fell in love with Somerset.

Before you start screaming "Cite, Cite, Cite" I AM the cite. It's called getting out of your basement and just looking around and asking questions. Not to mention, knowing your roots. I have family working in Somerset. I used to drive into Somerset on a daily basis. And it was almost overnight, I was looking for another job. But by then, I lived in Grand Junction that wasn't nearly as effected as Somerset, Paonia, Hotckiss, Delta and Cedaredge.
The Miners were retrained at a fraction of the cost of moving an entire industry of workers in. Rump had nothing to do with this upturn.
I hear what you’re saying but disagree that trump had nothing to do with it

nothing directly perhaps, but his optimism for America has turned peoples thinking around

plus the tax cut for the wealthy lets them keep more of their money to invest in ideas like this
West Virginians don't bother to vote. Especially in McDowell County.

Trump told those people in West Virginia coal jobs will be back. That hasn't happened.
Politicians have been promising jobs there for over 30 years. Still poor. Still don't vote.
On coal jobs there, Biden tells them it's true, "we need to get you into something else"

"There were 100 million eligible voters in 2016 who didn’t vote then, and they are the largest bloc of voters who could shift the election if they got to the polls"

"The top county with the most non-voters is McDowell County, West Virginia. The state is also the lowest-voting state in the country. Interviewing some of the residents there, NBC News’ Morgan Radford said that President Donald Trump won the county with about 4,000 votes to Hillary Clinton’s over 1,000 votes. There were 11,000 people who didn’t vote at all."

So according to your statement, Bush I didn’t help, Clinton didn’t help, Bush II didn’t help, Obama didn’t help and now you lay it at the feet of Trump and you do you believe Biden will help? That sounds pretty dumb. Neither party has helped for 30 years but now Biden will? West Virginians haven’t been heard and have been lied to by politicians for 30 years and then you want them to vote for Biden because...? I think West Virginia should all vote for third party candidates, fuck the Republicans and Democrats it’s obvious they don’t give a fuck about West Virginians.
The Miners were retrained at a fraction of the cost of moving an entire industry of workers in. Rump had nothing to do with this upturn.
I hear what you’re saying but disagree that trump had nothing to do with it

nothing directly perhaps, but his optimism for America has turned peoples thinking around

plus the tax cut for the wealthy lets them keep more of their money to invest in ideas like this

The Fiber Company was setup in 2016. And it wasn't done because any president had anything to do with it. It was a brainchild of a married couple with a love for the Somerset area. Another case of giving Rump credit for something he had exactly zero to do with directly nor indirectly.
West Virginians don't bother to vote. Especially in McDowell County.

Trump told those people in West Virginia coal jobs will be back. That hasn't happened.
Politicians have been promising jobs there for over 30 years. Still poor. Still don't vote.
On coal jobs there, Biden tells them it's true, "we need to get you into something else"

"There were 100 million eligible voters in 2016 who didn’t vote then, and they are the largest bloc of voters who could shift the election if they got to the polls"

"The top county with the most non-voters is McDowell County, West Virginia. The state is also the lowest-voting state in the country. Interviewing some of the residents there, NBC News’ Morgan Radford said that President Donald Trump won the county with about 4,000 votes to Hillary Clinton’s over 1,000 votes. There were 11,000 people who didn’t vote at all."

West Virginians don't bother to vote. Especially in McDowell County.

Trump told those people in West Virginia coal jobs will be back. That hasn't happened.
Politicians have been promising jobs there for over 30 years. Still poor. Still don't vote.
On coal jobs there, Biden tells them it's true, "we need to get you into something else"

"There were 100 million eligible voters in 2016 who didn’t vote then, and they are the largest bloc of voters who could shift the election if they got to the polls"

"The top county with the most non-voters is McDowell County, West Virginia. The state is also the lowest-voting state in the country. Interviewing some of the residents there, NBC News’ Morgan Radford said that President Donald Trump won the county with about 4,000 votes to Hillary Clinton’s over 1,000 votes. There were 11,000 people who didn’t vote at all."

Wow, criticize the President for trying to do something that you libbers have fought tooth and nail.....and in reality don't give a spit about.
Clinton received flack from the RWingers for offering to get those poor folks trained in new jobs.
Explain that fact.
Because they liked doing the jobs they had, which were necessary for supplying fuel to the US. And because he had sex with women in the White House.
What a shit response. You have not a clue.
West Virginians don't bother to vote. Especially in McDowell County.

Trump told those people in West Virginia coal jobs will be back. That hasn't happened.
Politicians have been promising jobs there for over 30 years. Still poor. Still don't vote.
On coal jobs there, Biden tells them it's true, "we need to get you into something else"

"There were 100 million eligible voters in 2016 who didn’t vote then, and they are the largest bloc of voters who could shift the election if they got to the polls"

"The top county with the most non-voters is McDowell County, West Virginia. The state is also the lowest-voting state in the country. Interviewing some of the residents there, NBC News’ Morgan Radford said that President Donald Trump won the county with about 4,000 votes to Hillary Clinton’s over 1,000 votes. There were 11,000 people who didn’t vote at all."

West Virginians don't bother to vote. Especially in McDowell County.

Trump told those people in West Virginia coal jobs will be back. That hasn't happened.
Politicians have been promising jobs there for over 30 years. Still poor. Still don't vote.
On coal jobs there, Biden tells them it's true, "we need to get you into something else"

"There were 100 million eligible voters in 2016 who didn’t vote then, and they are the largest bloc of voters who could shift the election if they got to the polls"

"The top county with the most non-voters is McDowell County, West Virginia. The state is also the lowest-voting state in the country. Interviewing some of the residents there, NBC News’ Morgan Radford said that President Donald Trump won the county with about 4,000 votes to Hillary Clinton’s over 1,000 votes. There were 11,000 people who didn’t vote at all."

Wow, criticize the President for trying to do something that you libbers have fought tooth and nail.....and in reality don't give a spit about.
Clinton received flack from the RWingers for offering to get those poor folks trained in new jobs.
Explain that fact.
Because they liked doing the jobs they had, which were necessary for supplying fuel to the US. And because he had sex with women in the White House.
What a shit response. You have not a clue.
Oh okay snowflake....and what part was not true in my response?
West Virginians don't bother to vote. Especially in McDowell County.

Trump told those people in West Virginia coal jobs will be back. That hasn't happened.
Politicians have been promising jobs there for over 30 years. Still poor. Still don't vote.
On coal jobs there, Biden tells them it's true, "we need to get you into something else"

"There were 100 million eligible voters in 2016 who didn’t vote then, and they are the largest bloc of voters who could shift the election if they got to the polls"

"The top county with the most non-voters is McDowell County, West Virginia. The state is also the lowest-voting state in the country. Interviewing some of the residents there, NBC News’ Morgan Radford said that President Donald Trump won the county with about 4,000 votes to Hillary Clinton’s over 1,000 votes. There were 11,000 people who didn’t vote at all."

West Virginians don't bother to vote. Especially in McDowell County.

Trump told those people in West Virginia coal jobs will be back. That hasn't happened.
Politicians have been promising jobs there for over 30 years. Still poor. Still don't vote.
On coal jobs there, Biden tells them it's true, "we need to get you into something else"

"There were 100 million eligible voters in 2016 who didn’t vote then, and they are the largest bloc of voters who could shift the election if they got to the polls"

"The top county with the most non-voters is McDowell County, West Virginia. The state is also the lowest-voting state in the country. Interviewing some of the residents there, NBC News’ Morgan Radford said that President Donald Trump won the county with about 4,000 votes to Hillary Clinton’s over 1,000 votes. There were 11,000 people who didn’t vote at all."

Wow, criticize the President for trying to do something that you libbers have fought tooth and nail.....and in reality don't give a spit about.
Clinton received flack from the RWingers for offering to get those poor folks trained in new jobs.
Explain that fact.
Because they liked doing the jobs they had, which were necessary for supplying fuel to the US. And because he had sex with women in the White House.
What a shit response. You have not a clue.
Oh okay snowflake....and what part was not true in my response?
Do some research on which Clinton I was talking about. Maybe you are smart enough to do that. Maybe not.
West Virginians don't bother to vote. Especially in McDowell County.

Trump told those people in West Virginia coal jobs will be back. That hasn't happened.
Politicians have been promising jobs there for over 30 years. Still poor. Still don't vote.
On coal jobs there, Biden tells them it's true, "we need to get you into something else"

"There were 100 million eligible voters in 2016 who didn’t vote then, and they are the largest bloc of voters who could shift the election if they got to the polls"

"The top county with the most non-voters is McDowell County, West Virginia. The state is also the lowest-voting state in the country. Interviewing some of the residents there, NBC News’ Morgan Radford said that President Donald Trump won the county with about 4,000 votes to Hillary Clinton’s over 1,000 votes. There were 11,000 people who didn’t vote at all."

West Virginians don't bother to vote. Especially in McDowell County.

Trump told those people in West Virginia coal jobs will be back. That hasn't happened.
Politicians have been promising jobs there for over 30 years. Still poor. Still don't vote.
On coal jobs there, Biden tells them it's true, "we need to get you into something else"

"There were 100 million eligible voters in 2016 who didn’t vote then, and they are the largest bloc of voters who could shift the election if they got to the polls"

"The top county with the most non-voters is McDowell County, West Virginia. The state is also the lowest-voting state in the country. Interviewing some of the residents there, NBC News’ Morgan Radford said that President Donald Trump won the county with about 4,000 votes to Hillary Clinton’s over 1,000 votes. There were 11,000 people who didn’t vote at all."

Wow, criticize the President for trying to do something that you libbers have fought tooth and nail.....and in reality don't give a spit about.
Clinton received flack from the RWingers for offering to get those poor folks trained in new jobs.
Explain that fact.
Because they liked doing the jobs they had, which were necessary for supplying fuel to the US. And because he had sex with women in the White House.
What a shit response. You have not a clue.
Oh okay snowflake....and what part was not true in my response?
Do some research on which Clinton I was talking about. Maybe you are smart enough to do that. Maybe not.
Oh I see....well one Clinton is as worthless as the other so really doesn't matter now does it? The idea was still to get away from fossil fuels for the ultimate libber dream of alternate power right??
West Virginians don't bother to vote. Especially in McDowell County.

Trump told those people in West Virginia coal jobs will be back. That hasn't happened.
Politicians have been promising jobs there for over 30 years. Still poor. Still don't vote.
On coal jobs there, Biden tells them it's true, "we need to get you into something else"

"There were 100 million eligible voters in 2016 who didn’t vote then, and they are the largest bloc of voters who could shift the election if they got to the polls"

"The top county with the most non-voters is McDowell County, West Virginia. The state is also the lowest-voting state in the country. Interviewing some of the residents there, NBC News’ Morgan Radford said that President Donald Trump won the county with about 4,000 votes to Hillary Clinton’s over 1,000 votes. There were 11,000 people who didn’t vote at all."

West Virginians don't bother to vote. Especially in McDowell County.

Trump told those people in West Virginia coal jobs will be back. That hasn't happened.
Politicians have been promising jobs there for over 30 years. Still poor. Still don't vote.
On coal jobs there, Biden tells them it's true, "we need to get you into something else"

"There were 100 million eligible voters in 2016 who didn’t vote then, and they are the largest bloc of voters who could shift the election if they got to the polls"

"The top county with the most non-voters is McDowell County, West Virginia. The state is also the lowest-voting state in the country. Interviewing some of the residents there, NBC News’ Morgan Radford said that President Donald Trump won the county with about 4,000 votes to Hillary Clinton’s over 1,000 votes. There were 11,000 people who didn’t vote at all."

Wow, criticize the President for trying to do something that you libbers have fought tooth and nail.....and in reality don't give a spit about.
Clinton received flack from the RWingers for offering to get those poor folks trained in new jobs.
Explain that fact.
Because they liked doing the jobs they had, which were necessary for supplying fuel to the US. And because he had sex with women in the White House.
What a shit response. You have not a clue.
Oh okay snowflake....and what part was not true in my response?
Do some research on which Clinton I was talking about. Maybe you are smart enough to do that. Maybe not.
Oh I see....well one Clinton is as worthless as the other so really doesn't matter now does it? The idea was still to get away from fossil fuels for the ultimate libber dream of alternate power right??

I knew you would come around to your real reason for your BS. Thank you for finally getting around to it.
West Virginians don't bother to vote. Especially in McDowell County.

Trump told those people in West Virginia coal jobs will be back. That hasn't happened.
Politicians have been promising jobs there for over 30 years. Still poor. Still don't vote.
On coal jobs there, Biden tells them it's true, "we need to get you into something else"

"There were 100 million eligible voters in 2016 who didn’t vote then, and they are the largest bloc of voters who could shift the election if they got to the polls"

"The top county with the most non-voters is McDowell County, West Virginia. The state is also the lowest-voting state in the country. Interviewing some of the residents there, NBC News’ Morgan Radford said that President Donald Trump won the county with about 4,000 votes to Hillary Clinton’s over 1,000 votes. There were 11,000 people who didn’t vote at all."

West Virginians don't bother to vote. Especially in McDowell County.

Trump told those people in West Virginia coal jobs will be back. That hasn't happened.
Politicians have been promising jobs there for over 30 years. Still poor. Still don't vote.
On coal jobs there, Biden tells them it's true, "we need to get you into something else"

"There were 100 million eligible voters in 2016 who didn’t vote then, and they are the largest bloc of voters who could shift the election if they got to the polls"

"The top county with the most non-voters is McDowell County, West Virginia. The state is also the lowest-voting state in the country. Interviewing some of the residents there, NBC News’ Morgan Radford said that President Donald Trump won the county with about 4,000 votes to Hillary Clinton’s over 1,000 votes. There were 11,000 people who didn’t vote at all."

Wow, criticize the President for trying to do something that you libbers have fought tooth and nail.....and in reality don't give a spit about.
Clinton received flack from the RWingers for offering to get those poor folks trained in new jobs.
Explain that fact.
Because they liked doing the jobs they had, which were necessary for supplying fuel to the US. And because he had sex with women in the White House.
What a shit response. You have not a clue.
Oh okay snowflake....and what part was not true in my response?
Do some research on which Clinton I was talking about. Maybe you are smart enough to do that. Maybe not.
Oh I see....well one Clinton is as worthless as the other so really doesn't matter now does it? The idea was still to get away from fossil fuels for the ultimate libber dream of alternate power right??

I knew you would come around to your real reason for your BS. Thank you for finally getting around to it.
What bs? You wacko libbers are the ones with the secret agenda you try to keep clear from your brainless masses, not me. I vote for law enforcement, border protection, jobs in the US, support of companies that create those jobs, the economy, and the military. What do you support doofus?
Here's the deal, Biden is taking a big hit about energy and fossil fuel so "Raw Story" gets somebody named Sara Burris to write a energy related story critical of the President. Burris is from Oklahoma and lives in Washington and chances are she has never been to West Va. in her life.

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