The conservative backlash is coming


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
This is a truly amazing time in our country. The eye of the liberal storm. The conservative backlash is coming. The Arizona law is just the beginning. The Tea Party? Just scratching the surface.

See, you radical lefties desensitized a lot of stuff. The extreme political views, anything goes commentary on Bush, blah blah blah. You played the race card so much we are now immune to it. We don't care anymore if you play it. We no longer feel uncomfortable speaking out and having radical conservative opinions, like abolishing welfare, demanding drug testing for welfare, etc.

The Obama disaster has done nothing but empower and enable all the soccer moms and working dads who before just ignored politics and lived their lives. No more. I truly think the liberals have no idea the type of backlash that is coming their way. They had better get everything they want to pass done in the next 2 years. A radical conservative swing is coming, and Arizona is just the beginning. 15-25 Southern and Southwestern states probably follow the Arizona model within 5 years. After that? Well, we can only hope welfare and entitlement for the lazy is addressed. But this country will get fixed, don't worry.

And libs? You can always move to Greece for your liberal utopia if you don't like it here when we are done. But first......countdown to 01-20-2013.
But you see, the GOP will not have any seats until the Tea Party approves the candidates. The GOP can't move unless it ask the Tea Baggers how far it can move.

You see who the Baggers have chosen? The racist son of the racist Ron Paul. I thinkit is hilarious!!!
Im not sure there will be much of a country left in November to have a backlash.
But you see, the GOP will not have any seats until the Tea Party approves the candidates. The GOP can't move unless it ask the Tea Baggers how far it can move.

You see who the Baggers have chosen? The racist son of the racist Ron Paul. I thinkit is hilarious!!!

It would be nice if you were honest. There are tons of legitimate reasons to criticize the father/son duo. But they aren't racists. Disagreeing with your politics isn't de facto racist.
This is a truly amazing time in our country. The eye of the liberal storm. The conservative backlash is coming. The Arizona law is just the beginning. The Tea Party? Just scratching the surface.

See, you radical lefties desensitized a lot of stuff. The extreme political views, anything goes commentary on Bush, blah blah blah. You played the race card so much we are now immune to it. We don't care anymore if you play it. We no longer feel uncomfortable speaking out and having radical conservative opinions, like abolishing welfare, demanding drug testing for welfare, etc.

The Obama disaster has done nothing but empower and enable all the soccer moms and working dads who before just ignored politics and lived their lives. No more. I truly think the liberals have no idea the type of backlash that is coming their way. They had better get everything they want to pass done in the next 2 years. A radical conservative swing is coming, and Arizona is just the beginning. 15-25 Southern and Southwestern states probably follow the Arizona model within 5 years. After that? Well, we can only hope welfare and entitlement for the lazy is addressed. But this country will get fixed, don't worry.

And libs? You can always move to Greece for your liberal utopia if you don't like it here when we are done. But first......countdown to 01-20-2013.

The great thing about America is how liberal it has become over the years....

even conservatives have become more liberal

1. most Americans are no longer repulsed by the mere thought of homosexuality...

gays are out and about EVERYWHERE! On tv, in theatre, music, business, politics

some of our favorite shows have gays and many of our favorite entertainers are gay.
They are our friends and family, we work wit them, they live in our neighborhoods...

2. most people are rethinking pot and pot laws. Even many republican conservative politicians are advocating ending the war on pot

3. large numbers of Americans (up to 15%) admit they don't believe in god!
and apparently that number is growing!

4. large numbers of Americans live together sans marriage. MILLIONS of men and women, who love each other, live together without bothering to marry

5. more and more people are waiting longer and longer before gatting married (if they marry at all). No longer are they tying the knot at the too early and immature age of 18 or 21.

6. divorce is more common than ever. People understand that it is a waste of their lives to continue to live in a bad marriage

7. blacks and whites marry now and nobody bats an eye!

8. gays, blacks, women are in all aspects of life; the military, business, politics...
and achieving high levels of prominence and success.

what a wonderfully liberal country we have become!
This is a truly amazing time in our country. The eye of the liberal storm. The conservative backlash is coming. The Arizona law is just the beginning. The Tea Party? Just scratching the surface.

See, you radical lefties desensitized a lot of stuff. The extreme political views, anything goes commentary on Bush, blah blah blah. You played the race card so much we are now immune to it. We don't care anymore if you play it. We no longer feel uncomfortable speaking out and having radical conservative opinions, like abolishing welfare, demanding drug testing for welfare, etc.

The Obama disaster has done nothing but empower and enable all the soccer moms and working dads who before just ignored politics and lived their lives. No more. I truly think the liberals have no idea the type of backlash that is coming their way. They had better get everything they want to pass done in the next 2 years. A radical conservative swing is coming, and Arizona is just the beginning. 15-25 Southern and Southwestern states probably follow the Arizona model within 5 years. After that? Well, we can only hope welfare and entitlement for the lazy is addressed. But this country will get fixed, don't worry.

And libs? You can always move to Greece for your liberal utopia if you don't like it here when we are done. But first......countdown to 01-20-2013.

The great thing about America is how liberal it has become over the years....

even conservatives have become more liberal

1. most Americans are no longer repulsed by the mere thought of homosexuality...

gays are out and about EVERYWHERE! On tv, in theatre, music, business, politics

some of our favorite shows have gays and many of our favorite entertainers are gay.
They are our friends and family, we work wit them, they live in our neighborhoods...

2. most people are rethinking pot and pot laws. Even many republican conservative politicians are advocating ending the war on pot

3. large numbers of Americans (up to 15%) admit they don't believe in god!
and apparently that number is growing!

4. large numbers of Americans live together sans marriage. MILLIONS of men and women, who love each other, live together without bothering to marry

5. more and more people are waiting longer and longer before gatting married (if they marry at all). No longer are they tying the knot at the too early and immature age of 18 or 21.

6. divorce is more common than ever. People understand that it is a waste of their lives to continue to live in a bad marriage

7. blacks and whites marry now and nobody bats an eye!

8. gays, blacks, women are in all aspects of life; the military, business, politics...
and achieving high levels of prominence and success.

what a wonderfully liberal country we have become!

I would like to know which one of these things have anything to do with the functioning of government or what role government should have in our lives. It seems to me that these 'liberal' values are nothing more than personal values that people live by which makes modern liberalism more of religion and I think more and more people are beginning to catch onto this fact.
This is a truly amazing time in our country. The eye of the liberal storm. The conservative backlash is coming. The Arizona law is just the beginning. The Tea Party? Just scratching the surface.

See, you radical lefties desensitized a lot of stuff. The extreme political views, anything goes commentary on Bush, blah blah blah. You played the race card so much we are now immune to it. We don't care anymore if you play it. We no longer feel uncomfortable speaking out and having radical conservative opinions, like abolishing welfare, demanding drug testing for welfare, etc.

The Obama disaster has done nothing but empower and enable all the soccer moms and working dads who before just ignored politics and lived their lives. No more. I truly think the liberals have no idea the type of backlash that is coming their way. They had better get everything they want to pass done in the next 2 years. A radical conservative swing is coming, and Arizona is just the beginning. 15-25 Southern and Southwestern states probably follow the Arizona model within 5 years. After that? Well, we can only hope welfare and entitlement for the lazy is addressed. But this country will get fixed, don't worry.

And libs? You can always move to Greece for your liberal utopia if you don't like it here when we are done. But first......countdown to 01-20-2013.

The great thing about America is how liberal it has become over the years....

even conservatives have become more liberal

what a wonderfully liberal country we have become!

One problem: Everything you listed shows a freedom that was gained. The breed of liberalism sweeping into the White House right now evolves to less and less freedom, and eventual government tyranny.

Less government lends itself to those freedoms you listed. More government does not. Don't confuse conservatism in the Tea Party brand with GOP Republicanism. And don't confuse social liberalism of the Ron Paul brand with (gov't stays out of your life mostly) with the social liberalism of Barack Obama, which is rooted in Marxism, George Bernard Shaw and eugenics.
But you see, the GOP will not have any seats until the Tea Party approves the candidates. The GOP can't move unless it ask the Tea Baggers how far it can move.

hardly. Even though, it would be fun to watch, what would be next ...
Next? You mean after losing Ted's seat? After losing governorships in VA & NJ? After Specter got upset? After Murtha's seat went to a guy preaching the GOP/Tea-Bagger's lines?

You haven't seen anything yet. Just wait until November when the voters can vent. This year should let the pols know what the deal is.
The backlash will be against the conservative crazies.

Hard for that to happen. You must be thinking of a frontlash.

You folks are the one calling the shots it's impossible for a backlash to hit conservatives.

They aren't the ones screwing up things in Washington.
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This is a truly amazing time in our country. The eye of the liberal storm. The conservative backlash is coming. The Arizona law is just the beginning. The Tea Party? Just scratching the surface.

See, you radical lefties desensitized a lot of stuff. The extreme political views, anything goes commentary on Bush, blah blah blah. You played the race card so much we are now immune to it. We don't care anymore if you play it. We no longer feel uncomfortable speaking out and having radical conservative opinions, like abolishing welfare, demanding drug testing for welfare, etc.

The Obama disaster has done nothing but empower and enable all the soccer moms and working dads who before just ignored politics and lived their lives. No more. I truly think the liberals have no idea the type of backlash that is coming their way. They had better get everything they want to pass done in the next 2 years. A radical conservative swing is coming, and Arizona is just the beginning. 15-25 Southern and Southwestern states probably follow the Arizona model within 5 years. After that? Well, we can only hope welfare and entitlement for the lazy is addressed. But this country will get fixed, don't worry.

And libs? You can always move to Greece for your liberal utopia if you don't like it here when we are done. But first......countdown to 01-20-2013.

Scientists conducting a study with obvious negative results have been scouring the country to find someone to test the old addage of "Pissing into the Wind".

There was much elation when a certain "Bucs90" volunteered.
Next? You mean after losing Ted's seat? After losing governorships in VA & NJ? After Specter got upset? After Murtha's seat went to a guy preaching the GOP/Tea-Bagger's lines?

You haven't seen anything yet. Just wait until November when the voters can vent. This year should let the pols know what the deal is.

Murtha's seat?:lol:
The backlash will be against the conservative crazies.

Hard for that to happen. You must be thinking of a frontlash.

You folks are the one calling the shots it's impossible for a backlash to hit conservatives.

They aren't the ones screwing up things in Washington.

Naw, they are just generally screwing up. And the backlash will not be in Washington, but in the voting booths around the nation, as in Pennsylvania.
You people are just too delusional.

Have you seen how the Republicans are trying to simultaneously bring the T-Baggers into their ranks and run as far away from them as they can?

Too funny!

I believe the Right is in for a WHOPPING surprise.

You people are just too delusional.

Have you seen how the Republicans are trying to simultaneously bring the T-Baggers into their ranks and run as far away from them as they can?

Too funny!

I believe the Right is in for a WHOPPING surprise.


Yes, on the upside you ignorant piece of shit.
You people are just too delusional.

Have you seen how the Republicans are trying to simultaneously bring the T-Baggers into their ranks and run as far away from them as they can?

Too funny!

I believe the Right is in for a WHOPPING surprise.


Why on earth would we have to run away from responsible fisical policy and tax policy?
"Obama's a socialist, marxist, arksist, polarksist, warksist, socialist pig!!!"

Keep it up guys.

November will be FUN!


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