The Coming Militarization of the Southern Border


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
Due to the continued intransigent and illegal actions of the Congressional Democrats to block all efforts to defend the sovereignty of US soil, Trump has been forced to send an additional 300 US Troops to the border with more possibly on the way.

They will join 2,900 active duty troops and 2,000 National Guardsmen providing support to the border patrol.

Now with this national crisis reaching 92,000 illegals in just March alone, the Democrats will not be happy (in fact they are COUNTING on it) until there is open fighting, gunfire, shooting, combat and finally deaths, possibly some of them American, in their never-ending politicization of basic US policy to do whatever they can to sneak in more illegal democratic votes at the risk of US lives as they always do to try to throw elections in their favor.

More blood on the Democrat's hands.

Pentagon expected to send about 300 more troops to border

Hondurans defy Trump to head north for US border

Thousands of troops could head to US-Mexico border to stop migrants

It would be so much safer, easier and cheaper if they simply put up a barrier but you just cannot expect any sanity or cooperation from the Democratic Party. It's like we are fighting a war on TWO fronts, both without and WITHIN our own country. WHOSE interests do democrats serve anymore? Not the US citizen!.
You know who would understand the purpose of such a barrier and shrug at the politics of it? The same people who are coming across the border today. They would not bitch about "human rights" (that shit comes from guilt-ridden pasty gringo leftists whose families have been here for generations - and whatever few dupes they can dress up for their dog and pony shows). They would still want to come here (who wouldn't want to move from an impossibly dangerous place of no hope to the greatest country in the history of the world?), and many would still try to find a way, but they know what the score is better than anyone posting on this site.

And unless the wall is built about 40,000 feet high, there will still be illegal immigration.

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