The Clintons,The Bushs,the Obama's the best of friends.


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
The proof is in the pudding that people can no longer deny it anymore that its a ONE PARTY SYSTEM designed to look like two parties.sometimes a picture speaks a thousand words. In this case,a video.

They are SUPPOSE to have different opposite views yet they pal around with each other.They are like pro wrestlers pretending to hate each other but in reality,prove they are good buddies.

If Obama was any different than Bush,he would have given him the middle finger when he got in offfice and never gone anywherenear him instead of palling around with him giving him hugs.

this first video of Clinton and Bush is hilarious.:lol::lol:

Oh and take a look at them all chumming together recently.One big happy gang.

Behind-the-scenes photos reveal George W. Bush proudly showing off his artwork and dining with the Obamas on Air Force One during journey to South Africa | Mail Online
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The proof is in the pudding that people can no longer deny it anymore that its a ONE PARTY SYSTEM designed to look like two parties.sometimes a picture speaks a thousand words. In this case,a video.

The Best Of Friends - YouTube

They are SUPPOSE to have different opposite views yet they pal around with each other.They are like pro wrestlers pretending to hate each other but in reality,prove they are good buddies.

If Obama was any different than Bush,he would have given him the middle finger when he got in offfice and never gone anywherenear him instead of palling around with him giving him hugs.

this first video of Clinton and Bush is hilarious.:lol::lol:

Oh and take a look at them all chumming together recently.One big happy gang.

Behind-the-scenes photos reveal George W. Bush proudly showing off his artwork and dining with the Obamas on Air Force One during journey to South Africa | Mail Online

There's some difference between the two parties. A democrat will help you when you're down. A republican will kick you when you're down and then call the cops on you for loitering or for being poor.
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The proof is in the pudding that people can no longer deny it anymore that its a ONE PARTY SYSTEM designed to look like two parties.sometimes a picture speaks a thousand words. In this case,a video.

The Best Of Friends - YouTube

They are SUPPOSE to have different opposite views yet they pal around with each other.They are like pro wrestlers pretending to hate each other but in reality,prove they are good buddies.

If Obama was any different than Bush,he would have given him the middle finger when he got in offfice and never gone anywherenear him instead of palling around with him giving him hugs.

this first video of Clinton and Bush is hilarious.:lol::lol:

Oh and take a look at them all chumming together recently.One big happy gang.

Behind-the-scenes photos reveal George W. Bush proudly showing off his artwork and dining with the Obamas on Air Force One during journey to South Africa | Mail Online

There's some difference between the two parties. A democrat will help you when you're down. A republican will kick you when you're down and then call the cops on you for loitering or for being poor.

not much to say about the video or those pics I see.:cuckoo:
Are you telling me people can still be friendly and civil with each other despite political differences? THOSE MONSTERS!
The first line of your OP is a valid and salient point. After that you kinda dug yourself into a hole.

And the video -- cute collage and all but doesn't prove the point.

A for premise, F for execution.
They're all really good and nice people. I can see them being on friendly terms, they have a lot in common.
The proof is in the pudding that people can no longer deny it anymore that its a ONE PARTY SYSTEM designed to look like two parties.sometimes a picture speaks a thousand words. In this case,a video.

The Best Of Friends - YouTube

They are SUPPOSE to have different opposite views yet they pal around with each other.They are like pro wrestlers pretending to hate each other but in reality,prove they are good buddies.

If Obama was any different than Bush,he would have given him the middle finger when he got in offfice and never gone anywherenear him instead of palling around with him giving him hugs.

this first video of Clinton and Bush is hilarious.:lol::lol:

Oh and take a look at them all chumming together recently.One big happy gang.

Behind-the-scenes photos reveal George W. Bush proudly showing off his artwork and dining with the Obamas on Air Force One during journey to South Africa | Mail Online

There's some difference between the two parties. A democrat will help you when you're down. A republican will kick you when you're down and then call the cops on you for loitering or for being poor.

Yes, a Democrat will help you when you are down.
He will steal money from producers to give to moochers, borrow the rest and force your kids and grandkids to pay for it.
Real easy to be and like a Democrat when you are using OTHER PEOPLE'S $$$$$.
Democrats keep you poor, Republicans make you earn your money.
The real idiots are the dumb masses that believe it when media tells them they hate each other.
The first line of your OP is a valid and salient point. After that you kinda dug yourself into a hole.

And the video -- cute collage and all but doesn't prove the point.

A for premise, F for execution.

Both daughters call him Uncle Bill. No shit here. You know I never lie. And they call her Aunty.

I'm too sick on NyQuil now but if you want back up I'll PM you everything.

Both Bush girls call her Aunty and want her to run.
Now this is how they are going to play it.

Jeb will be thrown in to siphon off moderates. It appears someone is already trying to beg Jeb into the game.

And they will suck up all the money.
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The first line of your OP is a valid and salient point. After that you kinda dug yourself into a hole.

And the video -- cute collage and all but doesn't prove the point.

A for premise, F for execution.

Both daughters call him Uncle Bill. No shit here. You know I never lie. And they call her Aunty.

I'm too sick on NyQuil now but if you want back up I'll PM you everything.

Both Bush girls call her Aunty and want her to run.

Feel better, "Molly" :smiliehug:
[ame=]Boom Baby! Obama and McCain - South Park - YouTube[/ame]
They are SUPPOSE to have different opposite views yet they pal around with each other.
I was swindled into donating $100 to Dennis Kucinich campaign in 2007/8 because he was a fierce critic of Bush. then I saw him trying to shake hands with Bush. the rest is explained at the end of this video:

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There's some difference between the two parties. A democrat will help you when you're down. A republican will kick you when you're down and then call the cops on you for loitering or for being poor.
To get elected, democratic candidate Obama promised dialog with Iran and Syria, then after getting elected, this second term democratic president, never yet met Syrian leader, and while his country is down, he was shaking hands with Saudi kings, inviting them to White house, while Saudi kings sent death row inmates to fight Syrian people. I have nothing further to say to you.

[ame=]YouTube Debate: Would You Meet with Iran/Syria/North Korea? - YouTube[/ame]




[ame=]President Obama & King Adbullah Meet at the White House - YouTube[/ame]
Are you telling me people can still be friendly and civil with each other despite political differences? THOSE MONSTERS!

uh when one is a mass murderer like Bush is who cant visit certain countries because he will get arrested for his crimes against humanity, then to pal around with him and not prosecute him for his crimes he committed against mankind when you have the power to do so,then yeah,you hit the nail right on the head,that IS being an evil monster just as bad as that person is.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Clinton,Bush,and Obama are all mass murderers and have committed crimes against mankind so thats why Obama wont do anything about Slick willie or the Bushwackers cause HE is a mass murderer as well.duh.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

god there are a lot of ignorant sheep here at this site i got to explain EVERYTHING to.

Both parties are corrupt.its really a ONE PARTY SYSTEM of demopublicans and reprocrats so you sheople think you have a choice in who gets elected.:cuckoo: never getting it that they are here to serve wall street and the bankers not the american people.:cuckoo:

if you had any brainwss,you would know Obama has lied about everything he said he would do when he got in,that instead of ending the war like he said he would,he exapnded it and said he would vote to reverse the patriot act,instead he voted to reinstate it. damn you sheople here are dense.cant believe i got to explain all these little things to you.if you had watched the video in my link that says MUST SEE video called THE OBAMA DECEPTION,you would know and understand all this and i wouldnt have to explain ANY of this to you.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
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The real idiots are the dumb masses that believe it when media tells them they hate each other.

matthew,and arronland are those dumbmasses sheople with their heads buried in the sand that you mentioned.excellent post well said.

they are EXACTLY like pro wrestlers. where inside the ring they put on a show and act like they hate each other.

Outside the ring though,they'll make arrangements though to go to some bar and hang out together and share a few brews with each other.

Thats why every president thats gets in,never prosecutes the previous one from the different party for their crimes they committed against mankind because they are willing puppets for the establishment there to do their bidding to serve them and the bankers instead of us.

each president that gets into office is always worse than the previous one and will be from here on out.just go back the last 50 years,everyone of them has been worse than the previous one. and the reason is isnt because they are naturally more evil than the previous one,its just that by the time they get into office,the establishment anty upps their agenda of what they want them to do to serve them and that president carrys out crimes against the american people and the world worse than the previous one everytime.

example,not sure about Obama,but Clinton I have done enough research on that I know for a fact that by nature,his whole life,he wasnt as bad a person as Bush sr was.By nature,judging by their upbringings,before they became president Bush was more evil and Clinton was.

However Clintons actions as president and his atrocities he committed against the american people and mankind were even worse than Bush Sr's was so his time as president,even though he isnt near as bad a person as Bush is by nature,his crimes in office were even worse than his exceeding them because he was the establishments willing puppet there to do their bidding and serve them.
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