The Climate Change Cult


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified

You know how cults sometimes go up to a mountaintop awaiting Armageddon. They tell us that they are the only persons "sayved" and going to heaven.
THEN in the morning they go home dragging their tails behind them depressed because the world did not end and wondering why they had to sign over their wealth and property to their "leader" if the world was ending anyway??

----- Exactly like the "Climate Armageddon" gang. And the kids they are scaring with BS are no better. Somehow the solution is ALWAYS adding a tax (government revenue piles for politicians to spend) to utilities or whatever. then they pretend the problem is "solved" and move on to tax another "EVILLL" influence in the USA.
Which is only to feed their addiction to OPM----Other Peoples' Money.
I'm inclined to get in as much rape and pillage as I can before the end comes.

View attachment 280552

You know how cults sometimes go up to a mountaintop awaiting Armageddon. They tell us that they are the only persons "sayved" and going to heaven.
THEN in the morning they go home dragging their tails behind them depressed because the world did not end and wondering why they had to sign over their wealth and property to their "leader" if the world was ending anyway??

----- Exactly like the "Climate Armageddon" gang. And the kids they are scaring with BS are no better. Somehow the solution is ALWAYS adding a tax (government revenue piles for politicians to spend) to utilities or whatever. then they pretend the problem is "solved" and move on to tax another "EVILLL" influence in the USA.
Which is only to feed their addiction to OPM----Other Peoples' Money.
1 watermelon nazis.jpg

HEr handler and escort is a soros brainless useful idiot

View attachment 280552

You know how cults sometimes go up to a mountaintop awaiting Armageddon. They tell us that they are the only persons "sayved" and going to heaven.
THEN in the morning they go home dragging their tails behind them depressed because the world did not end and wondering why they had to sign over their wealth and property to their "leader" if the world was ending anyway??

----- Exactly like the "Climate Armageddon" gang. And the kids they are scaring with BS are no better. Somehow the solution is ALWAYS adding a tax (government revenue piles for politicians to spend) to utilities or whatever. then they pretend the problem is "solved" and move on to tax another "EVILLL" influence in the USA.
Which is only to feed their addiction to OPM----Other Peoples' Money.
View attachment 280556

HEr handler and escort is a soros brainless useful idiot

This is a scary comparison but her parents being fascists themselves makes the point very well.
View attachment 280552

You know how cults sometimes go up to a mountaintop awaiting Armageddon. They tell us that they are the only persons "sayved" and going to heaven.
THEN in the morning they go home dragging their tails behind them depressed because the world did not end and wondering why they had to sign over their wealth and property to their "leader" if the world was ending anyway??

----- Exactly like the "Climate Armageddon" gang. And the kids they are scaring with BS are no better. Somehow the solution is ALWAYS adding a tax (government revenue piles for politicians to spend) to utilities or whatever. then they pretend the problem is "solved" and move on to tax another "EVILLL" influence in the USA.
Which is only to feed their addiction to OPM----Other Peoples' Money.
She does realize that climate does not favor the rich? What the Hell are they teaching them?
View attachment 280552

You know how cults sometimes go up to a mountaintop awaiting Armageddon. They tell us that they are the only persons "sayved" and going to heaven.
THEN in the morning they go home dragging their tails behind them depressed because the world did not end and wondering why they had to sign over their wealth and property to their "leader" if the world was ending anyway??

----- Exactly like the "Climate Armageddon" gang. And the kids they are scaring with BS are no better. Somehow the solution is ALWAYS adding a tax (government revenue piles for politicians to spend) to utilities or whatever. then they pretend the problem is "solved" and move on to tax another "EVILLL" influence in the USA.
Which is only to feed their addiction to OPM----Other Peoples' Money.
View attachment 280556

HEr handler and escort is a soros brainless useful idiot

YEP are now equating a kid with Hitler Youth because she is concerned about climate change?

I guess there is no low to low.
View attachment 280552

You know how cults sometimes go up to a mountaintop awaiting Armageddon. They tell us that they are the only persons "sayved" and going to heaven.
THEN in the morning they go home dragging their tails behind them depressed because the world did not end and wondering why they had to sign over their wealth and property to their "leader" if the world was ending anyway??

----- Exactly like the "Climate Armageddon" gang. And the kids they are scaring with BS are no better. Somehow the solution is ALWAYS adding a tax (government revenue piles for politicians to spend) to utilities or whatever. then they pretend the problem is "solved" and move on to tax another "EVILLL" influence in the USA.
Which is only to feed their addiction to OPM----Other Peoples' Money.
View attachment 280556

HEr handler and escort is a soros brainless useful idiot

YEP are now equating a kid with Hitler Youth because she is concerned about climate change?

I guess there is no low to low.

Feigned outrage.. I love it.... The parents of the little girl are using her for their political agenda just as Hitler did with kids.. It is an excellent comparison as the outcomes they each want/wanted are the same, Total control over the populace...
View attachment 280552

You know how cults sometimes go up to a mountaintop awaiting Armageddon. They tell us that they are the only persons "sayved" and going to heaven.
THEN in the morning they go home dragging their tails behind them depressed because the world did not end and wondering why they had to sign over their wealth and property to their "leader" if the world was ending anyway??

----- Exactly like the "Climate Armageddon" gang. And the kids they are scaring with BS are no better. Somehow the solution is ALWAYS adding a tax (government revenue piles for politicians to spend) to utilities or whatever. then they pretend the problem is "solved" and move on to tax another "EVILLL" influence in the USA.
Which is only to feed their addiction to OPM----Other Peoples' Money.
View attachment 280556

HEr handler and escort is a soros brainless useful idiot

YEP are now equating a kid with Hitler Youth because she is concerned about climate change?

I guess there is no low to low.

Feigned outrage.. I love it.... The parents of the little girl are using her for their political agenda just as Hitler did with kids.. It is an excellent comparison as the outcomes they each want/wanted are the same, Total control over the populace...
Just like Hitler huh? They’re selling her on genocide, racial purity and Aryan superiority? Right?

God you guys are assholes.
View attachment 280552

You know how cults sometimes go up to a mountaintop awaiting Armageddon. They tell us that they are the only persons "sayved" and going to heaven.
THEN in the morning they go home dragging their tails behind them depressed because the world did not end and wondering why they had to sign over their wealth and property to their "leader" if the world was ending anyway??

----- Exactly like the "Climate Armageddon" gang. And the kids they are scaring with BS are no better. Somehow the solution is ALWAYS adding a tax (government revenue piles for politicians to spend) to utilities or whatever. then they pretend the problem is "solved" and move on to tax another "EVILLL" influence in the USA.
Which is only to feed their addiction to OPM----Other Peoples' Money.
I would bet money that kid has no clue what teh AGW premise is or why it fails. I would also bet money that she has handlers that indoctrinated her with a whole bunch of lies, that she proudly spouts... Cluelessly!
View attachment 280552

You know how cults sometimes go up to a mountaintop awaiting Armageddon. They tell us that they are the only persons "sayved" and going to heaven.
THEN in the morning they go home dragging their tails behind them depressed because the world did not end and wondering why they had to sign over their wealth and property to their "leader" if the world was ending anyway??

----- Exactly like the "Climate Armageddon" gang. And the kids they are scaring with BS are no better. Somehow the solution is ALWAYS adding a tax (government revenue piles for politicians to spend) to utilities or whatever. then they pretend the problem is "solved" and move on to tax another "EVILLL" influence in the USA.
Which is only to feed their addiction to OPM----Other Peoples' Money.
View attachment 280556

HEr handler and escort is a soros brainless useful idiot

YEP are now equating a kid with Hitler Youth because she is concerned about climate change?

I guess there is no low to low.

Feigned outrage.. I love it.... The parents of the little girl are using her for their political agenda just as Hitler did with kids.. It is an excellent comparison as the outcomes they each want/wanted are the same, Total control over the populace...
Just like Hitler huh? They’re selling her on genocide, racial purity and Aryan superiority? Right?

God you guys are assholes.

Just people who see the human behavior for what it is... A damn power grab at the expense of children who they lie too. Useful idiots all and those who eat it up are worse than useful idiots.. They are enablers of the lie and propaganda...
View attachment 280552

You know how cults sometimes go up to a mountaintop awaiting Armageddon. They tell us that they are the only persons "sayved" and going to heaven.
THEN in the morning they go home dragging their tails behind them depressed because the world did not end and wondering why they had to sign over their wealth and property to their "leader" if the world was ending anyway??

----- Exactly like the "Climate Armageddon" gang. And the kids they are scaring with BS are no better. Somehow the solution is ALWAYS adding a tax (government revenue piles for politicians to spend) to utilities or whatever. then they pretend the problem is "solved" and move on to tax another "EVILLL" influence in the USA.
Which is only to feed their addiction to OPM----Other Peoples' Money.
View attachment 280556

HEr handler and escort is a soros brainless useful idiot

YEP are now equating a kid with Hitler Youth because she is concerned about climate change?

I guess there is no low to low.

Feigned outrage.. I love it.... The parents of the little girl are using her for their political agenda just as Hitler did with kids.. It is an excellent comparison as the outcomes they each want/wanted are the same, Total control over the populace...

Feigned outrage.... it comes easily to the brainwashed drama queen gays...A little to easily

Ya think we would learn from their own plans that the only way to save the earth from a made up crises IS only with crushing taxes and the higher cost of everything!!!IT is the only way to control the global climate or we will all die in white capitalist genocide ! :10::04:
View attachment 280552

You know how cults sometimes go up to a mountaintop awaiting Armageddon. They tell us that they are the only persons "sayved" and going to heaven.
THEN in the morning they go home dragging their tails behind them depressed because the world did not end and wondering why they had to sign over their wealth and property to their "leader" if the world was ending anyway??

----- Exactly like the "Climate Armageddon" gang. And the kids they are scaring with BS are no better. Somehow the solution is ALWAYS adding a tax (government revenue piles for politicians to spend) to utilities or whatever. then they pretend the problem is "solved" and move on to tax another "EVILLL" influence in the USA.
Which is only to feed their addiction to OPM----Other Peoples' Money.
Hurrah for pollution!
What really sickens me are those on the left that can not see what it is they are engaged in.

Socialism demands that the children are property of the state. Thus they are used by the state to control the parents. Hitler did this very slowly and very well. Hitler used socialism to first destroy families. Hitler claimed them as wards of the state that allowed them to live in their parents homes.
*He made any discipline of them to be reported. (Just like our current "You cant touch me" kids today calling DFS if they are disciplined.)
*He instructed the kids to tell their teachers about all the guns in their homes, friends of the family, political leanings and other connections of the adults to others in the community. (just as they do today in our schools)
*He used them as propaganda tools to gain power. Everything he did was "for the children" and was aimed at getting adults to give up their rights without firing a shot.
*Once Hitler took control he used the children to inform his regime directly. They feared their own children... Its coming!

As a student of history, we are heading down the same path Hitler took, now the same under Democrats and Socialism.. Its been incremental and slow over the last forty years but constant. Is it too late to stop this? I think were over the edge and AGW is just another scam to get control of the populace by limiting their movement and abilities to feed and be self-sufficient without government.

De-Jae-Vue.... and most people who dealt with Hitler and his antics are now dead... Doomed because we have liberals in charge of our schools and rewriting history.. Millions will die because of this and population reduction is the number one goal of the UN and AGW crowd..
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View attachment 280552

You know how cults sometimes go up to a mountaintop awaiting Armageddon. They tell us that they are the only persons "sayved" and going to heaven.
THEN in the morning they go home dragging their tails behind them depressed because the world did not end and wondering why they had to sign over their wealth and property to their "leader" if the world was ending anyway??

----- Exactly like the "Climate Armageddon" gang. And the kids they are scaring with BS are no better. Somehow the solution is ALWAYS adding a tax (government revenue piles for politicians to spend) to utilities or whatever. then they pretend the problem is "solved" and move on to tax another "EVILLL" influence in the USA.
Which is only to feed their addiction to OPM----Other Peoples' Money.
Hurrah for pollution!

Typical dumbed down leftard
since we dont believe the flat out lie we're all of a sudden "pro pollution" lets have a tire fire everyday and just lay waste to the lands!

You leftarded naizs are pathetic and its really getting old
its was old 20 years ago
View attachment 280552

You know how cults sometimes go up to a mountaintop awaiting Armageddon. They tell us that they are the only persons "sayved" and going to heaven.
THEN in the morning they go home dragging their tails behind them depressed because the world did not end and wondering why they had to sign over their wealth and property to their "leader" if the world was ending anyway??

----- Exactly like the "Climate Armageddon" gang. And the kids they are scaring with BS are no better. Somehow the solution is ALWAYS adding a tax (government revenue piles for politicians to spend) to utilities or whatever. then they pretend the problem is "solved" and move on to tax another "EVILLL" influence in the USA.
Which is only to feed their addiction to OPM----Other Peoples' Money.
We did do something about Climate Change. We checked with scientists world wide, and their answer was the same across the board--climate change is nothing new. It has been around since creation, and it will continue to go on until the end which is not expected for about seven billion years, minimum, and maybe never.

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