The Civil War

Your illustration only underlines what the quoted post tries to say. Attacking symbols looks dramatic, but what does it bring of substance? We still have "rightists" like the Nazis. And who defeated Germany? Stalin? There's a big advance for you!
And yet, your ilk does NOTHING but attack symbols.

Some try to say slavery was not so bad. Uhhhh, would you work for no wages under the threat of being beaten. The more I research the more angry I become at the repugnant anti Christian slave owners and I'm as white as it gets.

The slaves were provided with all the necessities and very few were whipped....and never to the extent many think. Slaves were very valuable property and no sane person would do anything harmful to his property.

The Slaves did know if they misbehaved or refused to work they would be subjected to disciplinary actions.

Also....many if not most slaves were allowed to have a patch of ground to grow their own produce ....which they could sell or use for barter purposes.

Fort the most part Slavery in the Southern U.S. was very humane.

Even after the slaves were freed most remained on the same plantation under a system known as share-cropping.

When you read the memoirs of former slaves you see many if not most had very fond memories of life on the old plantation....and of their former mastahs.

You left off the part where they were singing and dancing because they were so happy
It wasn't the War of Northern Aggression or the War Between the States.

It wasn't a war between the states?

View attachment 462175
They've been lying to us in school all those years.
A civil war is defined as "a war between citizens of the same country." Seems plain enough.
Southerners were not citizens of the Unites States after they seceded.

Yes they were. The so-called secession was illegitimate, illegal, and recognized by exactly 0 nations on this planet earth.
Prove it.
It has been proven and demonstrated and documented over and over and over and over and over on this very side, you stupid piece of shit.
You haven't proved jack shit.
Study history, you brainless douche.
I have, especially the history of the Civil War.
Clearly you have not, you ignorant douche.
Clearly I have.....

Despite zero evidence of any education training or experience in the area. You’re just another idiot with one of those things that everybody has.

The United States was founded on the principle that legitimate government is based on the people recognizing the government as legitimate.

When you say people who were trying to fight a war to leave cannot leave, maybe you can claim they are still subjects of our government, but our government was no longer legitimate by it's own founding documents.

Did you read that part of history?

If every citizen of the so-called confederate states shared a desire to leave the union, you might have a tiny fraction of an argument to build upon, but they did not and you do not. The traitorous rebels were illegal and illegitimate in every way. They were punished to a tiny fraction of what they deserved, just as assholes today who take up their evil cause will be let off the hook for far too easily.

LOL, so you're seriously a history teacher and you don't grasp the role of CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED in our country or the founding documents.

Can you get your money back from whatever school gave you a degree without educating you?

Go back to school, you don't know whit about what you are teaching.

Consent of the governed to you is a "shred" of a point. And you're a history teacher. Just wow.

Then you follow that up with they were evil and that justifies forcing them to stay in the United States, because they were evil. Your arguments get dumber and dumber
The Civil War was all about slavery, OK? It wasn't the War of Northern Aggression or the War Between the States. That's bullshit. It was a Civil War, and it was about slavery. Denying that is like denying that the Nazis murdered millions of Jews in concentration camps... oh, wait, you deny that, too?
The end of slavery was one of the eventual outcomes of the war. Odd that every other country that had slaves was able to ban slavery without killing a million of its own citizens...UK and France for example

What uninsightful examples. The Brits particularly who as a military power brought most of our slaves here to begin with
Some try to say slavery was not so bad. Uhhhh, would you work for no wages under the threat of being beaten. The more I research the more angry I become at the repugnant anti Christian slave owners and I'm as white as it gets.

The slaves were provided with all the necessities and very few were whipped....and never to the extent many think. Slaves were very valuable property and no sane person would do anything harmful to his property.

The Slaves did know if they misbehaved or refused to work they would be subjected to disciplinary actions.

Also....many if not most slaves were allowed to have a patch of ground to grow their own produce ....which they could sell or use for barter purposes.

Fort the most part Slavery in the Southern U.S. was very humane.

Even after the slaves were freed most remained on the same plantation under a system known as share-cropping.

When you read the memoirs of former slaves you see many if not most had very fond memories of life on the old plantation....and of their former mastahs.

You left off the part where they were singing and dancing because they were so happy

It's it funny how slavery is your goal
It wasn't the War of Northern Aggression or the War Between the States.

It wasn't a war between the states?

View attachment 462175
They've been lying to us in school all those years.
A civil war is defined as "a war between citizens of the same country." Seems plain enough.
Southerners were not citizens of the Unites States after they seceded.

Yes they were. The so-called secession was illegitimate, illegal, and recognized by exactly 0 nations on this planet earth.

Both Great Britain and France traded with The Confederacy for arms and other supplies.
Doesn’t the green new deal reinstate slavery? If Democrats control your energy they control you
As people do not fall up, there is no reason to discuss what to do if it happens..
Joining something in perpetuity means not leaving it. The group would not discuss how to leave.
It wasn't the War of Northern Aggression or the War Between the States.

It wasn't a war between the states?

View attachment 462175
They've been lying to us in school all those years.
A civil war is defined as "a war between citizens of the same country." Seems plain enough.
Southerners were not citizens of the Unites States after they seceded.

Yes they were. The so-called secession was illegitimate, illegal, and recognized by exactly 0 nations on this planet earth.

Both Great Britain and France traded with The Confederacy for arms and other supplies.

The Union naval blockade put a stop to that in short order. Both Britain and France refused to recognize the so-called confederacy as an independent state. Britain refused to be scammed into buying cotton from the idiot 'confederates' at inflated prices.
It wasn't the War of Northern Aggression or the War Between the States.

It wasn't a war between the states?

View attachment 462175
They've been lying to us in school all those years.
A civil war is defined as "a war between citizens of the same country." Seems plain enough.
Southerners were not citizens of the Unites States after they seceded.

Yes they were. The so-called secession was illegitimate, illegal, and recognized by exactly 0 nations on this planet earth.
Prove it.
It has been proven and demonstrated and documented over and over and over and over and over on this very side, you stupid piece of shit.
You haven't proved jack shit.
Study history, you brainless douche.
I have, especially the history of the Civil War.
Clearly you have not, you ignorant douche.
Clearly I have.....

Despite zero evidence of any education training or experience in the area. You’re just another idiot with one of those things that everybody has.

The United States was founded on the principle that legitimate government is based on the people recognizing the government as legitimate.

When you say people who were trying to fight a war to leave cannot leave, maybe you can claim they are still subjects of our government, but our government was no longer legitimate by it's own founding documents.

Did you read that part of history?

If every citizen of the so-called confederate states shared a desire to leave the union, you might have a tiny fraction of an argument to build upon, but they did not and you do not. The traitorous rebels were illegal and illegitimate in every way. They were punished to a tiny fraction of what they deserved, just as assholes today who take up their evil cause will be let off the hook for far too easily.

LOL, so you're seriously a history teacher and you don't grasp the role of CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED in our country or the founding documents.

Consent of who? EVERY state that allegedly joined the so-called confederacy had armed regiments within the states actively fighting against the treason of the rebel dogs. EVERY one.

Then you follow that up with they were evil and that justifies forcing them to stay in the United States, because they were evil. Your arguments get dumber and dumber

When those idiots occupied part of downtown Seattle this past summer, did you advocate for recognizing CHOP as an independent nation, shitforbrains?
It wasn't the War of Northern Aggression or the War Between the States.

It wasn't a war between the states?

View attachment 462175
They've been lying to us in school all those years.
A civil war is defined as "a war between citizens of the same country." Seems plain enough.
Southerners were not citizens of the Unites States after they seceded.

Yes they were. The so-called secession was illegitimate, illegal, and recognized by exactly 0 nations on this planet earth.

Both Great Britain and France traded with The Confederacy for arms and other supplies.

The Union naval blockade put a stop to that in short order. Both Britain and France refused to recognize the so-called confederacy as an independent state. Britain refused to be scammed into buying cotton from the idiot 'confederates' at inflated prices.

Leading to the re-birth of Egyptian cotton industry.
It wasn't the War of Northern Aggression or the War Between the States.

It wasn't a war between the states?

View attachment 462175
They've been lying to us in school all those years.
A civil war is defined as "a war between citizens of the same country." Seems plain enough.
Southerners were not citizens of the Unites States after they seceded.

Yes they were. The so-called secession was illegitimate, illegal, and recognized by exactly 0 nations on this planet earth.
Prove it.
It has been proven and demonstrated and documented over and over and over and over and over on this very side, you stupid piece of shit.
You haven't proved jack shit.
Study history, you brainless douche.
I have, especially the history of the Civil War.
Clearly you have not, you ignorant douche.
Clearly I have.....

Despite zero evidence of any education training or experience in the area. You’re just another idiot with one of those things that everybody has.

The United States was founded on the principle that legitimate government is based on the people recognizing the government as legitimate.

When you say people who were trying to fight a war to leave cannot leave, maybe you can claim they are still subjects of our government, but our government was no longer legitimate by it's own founding documents.

Did you read that part of history?

If every citizen of the so-called confederate states shared a desire to leave the union, you might have a tiny fraction of an argument to build upon, but they did not and you do not. The traitorous rebels were illegal and illegitimate in every way. They were punished to a tiny fraction of what they deserved, just as assholes today who take up their evil cause will be let off the hook for far too easily.

LOL, so you're seriously a history teacher and you don't grasp the role of CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED in our country or the founding documents.

Consent of who? EVERY state that allegedly joined the so-called confederacy had armed regiments within the states actively fighting against the treason of the rebel dogs. EVERY one.

OMG, you're a government history teacher, aren't you?

That's just sad.

So tell me, you actually believe that the funding fathers meant that others can consent on your behalf. Your great, great grandparents consent is binding on you.

You actually believe that. And you're a history teacher.

I can't believe you just said that. Government teachers, what a way to rot the brains of your children

Then you follow that up with they were evil and that justifies forcing them to stay in the United States, because they were evil. Your arguments get dumber and dumber

When those idiots occupied part of downtown Seattle this past summer, did you advocate for recognizing CHOP as an independent nation, shitforbrains?

CHOP = State. They are equivalent.

You seriously just made that argument.

You're seriously a danger to the children in your class. Quit your job tomorrow if you care about your students at all.

Have you ever read a history book?
Slavery was one of the main causes of the civil war. However, it was not the sole one.
Name a specific other one please?

Apologies, that should have read”slavery was the main cause, not the sole one”
The problem I have is that all the other causes you are I would be willing to name will all boil down to slavery. War never ever breaks out over one particular reason. The US civil war has probably one of the most straightforward root causes in history.

That was the point I was trying to make, as you correctly stated,war does not break out over one particular reason. The issues may all connect to one main one, but it does not mean they are all one and the same.
If they all connect to the same one the other reasons aren't all that relevant and for the purpose of revisionism distracting at the least and dishonest at worst.

I usually appluad nuance I really do but to often in this narrative its used as a justification for starting a war in order to preserve something that was recognised as reprehensible even at that time.

I understand that, but not everyone is attempting to revise history by acknowledging nuances. When someone states “The civil war was all about slavery”, that isn’t painting the entire picture. Not saying it’s incorrect, just not complete.
It's certainly not complete, there were both economic and political reasons for the South to secede. Prior to the ACW, the South controlled the Federal government and was an economic powerhouse that provided a very large percentage of US exports. That was rapidly changing due to immigration into the free states and the industrialization of the North. Power was shifting North and the leaders of the southern states wanted to stop it.
Slavery was one of the main causes of the civil war. However, it was not the sole one.
Name a specific other one please?

Apologies, that should have read”slavery was the main cause, not the sole one”
The problem I have is that all the other causes you are I would be willing to name will all boil down to slavery. War never ever breaks out over one particular reason. The US civil war has probably one of the most straightforward root causes in history.

That was the point I was trying to make, as you correctly stated,war does not break out over one particular reason. The issues may all connect to one main one, but it does not mean they are all one and the same.
If they all connect to the same one the other reasons aren't all that relevant and for the purpose of revisionism distracting at the least and dishonest at worst.

I usually appluad nuance I really do but to often in this narrative its used as a justification for starting a war in order to preserve something that was recognised as reprehensible even at that time.

I understand that, but not everyone is attempting to revise history by acknowledging nuances. When someone states “The civil war was all about slavery”, that isn’t painting the entire picture. Not saying it’s incorrect, just not complete.
It's certainly not complete, there were both economic and political reasons for the South to secede. Prior to the ACW, the South controlled the Federal government and was an economic powerhouse that provided a very large percentage of US exports. That was rapidly changing due to immigration into the free states and the industrialization of the North. Power was shifting North and the leaders of the southern states wanted to stop it.

The motto of the North was "Save the Union"
The North does not get to redefine, in the middle of the war, its reason for going to war. What the North proclaimed in the beginning, stands, as its reason for going to war -- and it is unchangeable. War measures halfway through the war, such as the Emancipation Proclamation that freed no slaves (and prevented close to a million slaves from achieving their freedom), have nothing to do with why the North went to war in the first place.

There would have been no American slavery without black tribal chieftains in Africa, and British and Yankee slave traders.

The reason the South gets all the blame is because of a half-century of political correctness in which only one side of the story has been told because, if you tell the Southern side, even in a scholarly manner, you open yourself up to charges of being a racist and member of the KKK who wishes we still had slavery.
Esteemed historian, Eugene D. Genovese, writes:

To speak positively about any part of this Southern tradition is to invite charges of being a racist and an apologist for slavery and segregation. We are witnessing a cultural and political atrocity
an increasingly successful campaign by the media and an academic elite to strip young white Southerners, and arguably black Southerners as well, of their heritage, and therefore, their identity. They are being taught to forget their forebears or to remember them with shame.

You are forgetting the Muslims who were the slave traders who bought black slaves from the tribal chieftains and resold them to the English, Spanish, Dutch, American and French merchants who transported them across the oceans and resold them again. The same Muslims also held white and black slaves of their own in far worse conditions than any new world slave was held.
Slavery was one of the main causes of the civil war. However, it was not the sole one.
Name a specific other one please?

Apologies, that should have read”slavery was the main cause, not the sole one”
The problem I have is that all the other causes you are I would be willing to name will all boil down to slavery. War never ever breaks out over one particular reason. The US civil war has probably one of the most straightforward root causes in history.

That was the point I was trying to make, as you correctly stated,war does not break out over one particular reason. The issues may all connect to one main one, but it does not mean they are all one and the same.
If they all connect to the same one the other reasons aren't all that relevant and for the purpose of revisionism distracting at the least and dishonest at worst.

I usually appluad nuance I really do but to often in this narrative its used as a justification for starting a war in order to preserve something that was recognised as reprehensible even at that time.

I understand that, but not everyone is attempting to revise history by acknowledging nuances. When someone states “The civil war was all about slavery”, that isn’t painting the entire picture. Not saying it’s incorrect, just not complete.
It's certainly not complete, there were both economic and political reasons for the South to secede. Prior to the ACW, the South controlled the Federal government and was an economic powerhouse that provided a very large percentage of US exports. That was rapidly changing due to immigration into the free states and the industrialization of the North. Power was shifting North and the leaders of the southern states wanted to stop it.
The souths economic power was rooted in slavery and the "export" you were talking about was cotton harvested by slaves. The interesting thing is that so many of those pushing the narrative of the civil war wasn't about slavery all just give euphemisms in an attempt I assume to not use the actual word slavery.
Some try to say slavery was not so bad. Uhhhh, would you work for no wages under the threat of being beaten. The more I research the more angry I become at the repugnant anti Christian slave owners and I'm as white as it gets.
Slavery was AND IS an evil. Some slaves were treated humanely, others weren't, but as far as I know slaves had no legal protections from bad owners. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. most slaves were black. The was due to the diseases common to the new world, prior to that most slaves were white. Before the settlement of the new world there was little commercial slavery in sub-Saharan Africa.

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