'The City That Bush Built'


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
Irbil (Erbil, Arbil), Kurdistan (Northern Iraq) is a city in Northern Iraq that is thriving now that Saddam Hussein's reign of terror is over. Of course, this is something that the anti-Christian, pro-Obama media does not want to tell you.

Here are some comments from YT users:

I live in Erbil and when I first moved to Erbil in 2007 it was really boring and like a desert but in the past 6 years Erbil improved really fast and now it's the most beautiful country I know and also I know that what I'm about to say right makes no deal with what I said first but the cafe and the supermarket is all in Royal Mall

I wish Erbil become the example of all middle east city, peace, loving and respectful no matter what or who you are, religion or race ... blessings to all Kurdistan, hope for the best.

Kurds throw off the chains of evil Islam which was forced on you by mohammeds killers, and truly become free!!


we kurdish dont even have the word racisim we dont bleive in that word we think everyone is equal :)

I think Erbil is a very safe and nice place to live in, people are helpful and not overbearing...shopping is decent, though more international brands are welcome!! ;)

Kurdistan can be the newest, modern and democratic nation not to mention it is strategically located in the Middle East Region.

There is no discrimination or racisim in Kurdistan absolutely

Technically no, their is a region in northern Iraq where the kurds live. They want independence but currently geopolitics wont allow that. But they are independant in all but name, they have a government, an army and a rich culture.

Erbil is one of the friendliest cities I have ever been to. I would absolutely LOVE to go back!

Women are free to go anywhere within any part of Kurdistan. There are no restrictions and lack of women in certain regions is a precaution taken by the women themselves for respect and safety reasons.

from Israel :)

Israel support free Kurdistan - good luck, hope Gd protect you.

I'm kurdish from Arbil and in Kurdistan everybody love america and american peoples

You'll notice that the Kurds are enjoying great prosperity. Though, it is greatly threatened by the Obama sanctioned rise of Syrian Rebels and ISIS.

OP Title Note: Anyone that knows me knows that I'm not a partisan and would not try to truly paint GWB as a grand hero. I speak somewhat tongue n' cheek with the title. Though, it is a response to all the liberal propaganda that the Iraq War was a waste. IMO, had Bush really been interested in doing the right thing, Kurdistan would be its own country right now.
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Those are all pictures of that kurdish city?

Dang I thought they Lived in mud huts and road around on camels lol
Irbil (Erbil, Arbil), Kurdistan (Northern Iraq) is a city in Northern Iraq that is thriving now that Saddam Hussein's reign of terror is over. Of course, this is something that the anti-Christian, pro-Obama media does not want to tell you.

Here are some comments from YT users:

I live in Erbil and when I first moved to Erbil in 2007 it was really boring and like a desert but in the past 6 years Erbil improved really fast and now it's the most beautiful country I know and also I know that what I'm about to say right makes no deal with what I said first but the cafe and the supermarket is all in Royal Mall

I wish Erbil become the example of all middle east city, peace, loving and respectful no matter what or who you are, religion or race ... blessings to all Kurdistan, hope for the best.

Kurds throw off the chains of evil Islam which was forced on you by mohammeds killers, and truly become free!!


we kurdish dont even have the word racisim we dont bleive in that word we think everyone is equal :)

I think Erbil is a very safe and nice place to live in, people are helpful and not overbearing...shopping is decent, though more international brands are welcome!! ;)

Kurdistan can be the newest, modern and democratic nation not to mention it is strategically located in the Middle East Region.

There is no discrimination or racisim in Kurdistan absolutely

Technically no, their is a region in northern Iraq where the kurds live. They want independence but currently geopolitics wont allow that. But they are independant in all but name, they have a government, an army and a rich culture.

Erbil is one of the friendliest cities I have ever been to. I would absolutely LOVE to go back!

Women are free to go anywhere within any part of Kurdistan. There are no restrictions and lack of women in certain regions is a precaution taken by the women themselves for respect and safety reasons.

from Israel :)

Israel support free Kurdistan - good luck, hope Gd protect you.

I'm kurdish from Arbil and in Kurdistan everybody love america and american peoples

You'll notice that the Kurds are enjoying great prosperity. Though, it is greatly threatened by the Obama sanctioned rise of Syrian Rebels and ISIS.

OP Title Note: Anyone that knows me knows that I'm not a partisan and would not try to truly paint GWB as a grand hero. I speak somewhat tongue n' cheek with the title. Though, it is a response to all the liberal propaganda that the Iraq War was a waste. IMO, had Bush really been interested in doing the right thing, Kurdistan would be its own country right now.

How do you suppose that Bush would have made Kurdistan it own country? How would that have worked along side of self-determination?
Irbil (Erbil, Arbil), Kurdistan (Northern Iraq) is a city in Northern Iraq that is thriving now that Saddam Hussein's reign of terror is over. Of course, this is something that the anti-Christian, pro-Obama media does not want to tell you.

Here are some comments from YT users:

I live in Erbil and when I first moved to Erbil in 2007 it was really boring and like a desert but in the past 6 years Erbil improved really fast and now it's the most beautiful country I know and also I know that what I'm about to say right makes no deal with what I said first but the cafe and the supermarket is all in Royal Mall

I wish Erbil become the example of all middle east city, peace, loving and respectful no matter what or who you are, religion or race ... blessings to all Kurdistan, hope for the best.

Kurds throw off the chains of evil Islam which was forced on you by mohammeds killers, and truly become free!!


we kurdish dont even have the word racisim we dont bleive in that word we think everyone is equal :)

I think Erbil is a very safe and nice place to live in, people are helpful and not overbearing...shopping is decent, though more international brands are welcome!! ;)

Kurdistan can be the newest, modern and democratic nation not to mention it is strategically located in the Middle East Region.

There is no discrimination or racisim in Kurdistan absolutely

Technically no, their is a region in northern Iraq where the kurds live. They want independence but currently geopolitics wont allow that. But they are independant in all but name, they have a government, an army and a rich culture.

Erbil is one of the friendliest cities I have ever been to. I would absolutely LOVE to go back!

Women are free to go anywhere within any part of Kurdistan. There are no restrictions and lack of women in certain regions is a precaution taken by the women themselves for respect and safety reasons.

from Israel :)

Israel support free Kurdistan - good luck, hope Gd protect you.

I'm kurdish from Arbil and in Kurdistan everybody love america and american peoples

You'll notice that the Kurds are enjoying great prosperity. Though, it is greatly threatened by the Obama sanctioned rise of Syrian Rebels and ISIS.

OP Title Note: Anyone that knows me knows that I'm not a partisan and would not try to truly paint GWB as a grand hero. I speak somewhat tongue n' cheek with the title. Though, it is a response to all the liberal propaganda that the Iraq War was a waste. IMO, had Bush really been interested in doing the right thing, Kurdistan would be its own country right now.

Would you trade 4000 lives for each city in the ME we could make a bit more pleasant?

You are one sick fuck.
Irbil (Erbil, Arbil), Kurdistan (Northern Iraq) is a city in Northern Iraq that is thriving now that Saddam Hussein's reign of terror is over. Of course, this is something that the anti-Christian, pro-Obama media does not want to tell you.

Here are some comments from YT users:

I live in Erbil and when I first moved to Erbil in 2007 it was really boring and like a desert but in the past 6 years Erbil improved really fast and now it's the most beautiful country I know and also I know that what I'm about to say right makes no deal with what I said first but the cafe and the supermarket is all in Royal Mall

I wish Erbil become the example of all middle east city, peace, loving and respectful no matter what or who you are, religion or race ... blessings to all Kurdistan, hope for the best.

Kurds throw off the chains of evil Islam which was forced on you by mohammeds killers, and truly become free!!


we kurdish dont even have the word racisim we dont bleive in that word we think everyone is equal :)

I think Erbil is a very safe and nice place to live in, people are helpful and not overbearing...shopping is decent, though more international brands are welcome!! ;)

Kurdistan can be the newest, modern and democratic nation not to mention it is strategically located in the Middle East Region.

There is no discrimination or racisim in Kurdistan absolutely

Technically no, their is a region in northern Iraq where the kurds live. They want independence but currently geopolitics wont allow that. But they are independant in all but name, they have a government, an army and a rich culture.

Erbil is one of the friendliest cities I have ever been to. I would absolutely LOVE to go back!

Women are free to go anywhere within any part of Kurdistan. There are no restrictions and lack of women in certain regions is a precaution taken by the women themselves for respect and safety reasons.

from Israel :)

Israel support free Kurdistan - good luck, hope Gd protect you.

I'm kurdish from Arbil and in Kurdistan everybody love america and american peoples

You'll notice that the Kurds are enjoying great prosperity. Though, it is greatly threatened by the Obama sanctioned rise of Syrian Rebels and ISIS.

OP Title Note: Anyone that knows me knows that I'm not a partisan and would not try to truly paint GWB as a grand hero. I speak somewhat tongue n' cheek with the title. Though, it is a response to all the liberal propaganda that the Iraq War was a waste. IMO, had Bush really been interested in doing the right thing, Kurdistan would be its own country right now.

Would you trade 4000 lives for each city in the ME we could make a bit more pleasant?

You are one sick fuck.
Listen i kind of like your intelegent liberal posts
But on this one you are so wrong, do you think 400,000 Americans death were in vain in world war II? You do know 72 million plus died in that war
WW2 Statistics

Yes those 4,000 deaths were worth it.
ISIS Attacks Near Erbil Iraq Repelled by Peshmerga Kurds - NBC News

ISIS launched several waves of attacks in northern Iraq late Tuesday, engaging in close-quarters combat with Kurdish forces before being repelled by reinforcements and airstrikes, officials said.

The jihadis attacked from several directions near the towns of Gewr and Makhmour, southwest of Erbil, according to the Kurdistan Region Security Council (KRSC). They were armed with mortars, rocket-propelled grenades and heavy machine guns.

The ISIS fighters were driven back by U.S.-led coalition airstrikes, and at least 30 of their number were killed including an emir known as Abu Yaqin who was leading the attacks, the KRSC said in a statement.

Oil and Why America Is Dropping Bombs to Defend Erbil - The New Yorker

AUGUST 10, 2014

Erbil is the capital of the oil-endowed Kurdish Regional Government, in northern Iraq. There the United States built political alliances and equipped Kurdish peshmerga militias long before the Bush Administration’s invasion of Iraq, in 2003. Since 2003, it has been the most stable place in an unstable country. But last week, well-armed guerrillas loyal to the Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham, or ISIS, threatened Erbil’s outskirts, forcing Obama’s momentous choice. (The President also ordered air operations to deliver humanitarian aid to tens of thousands of Yazidis and other non-Muslim minorities stranded on remote Mount Sinjar. A secure Kurdistan could provide sanctuary for those survivors.)

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