The Circus Ringmaster calls for the Circus’s End


Jul 26, 2011
Democrats have the uncanny ability to throw rocks while hiding their hands. What I mean by that is one would think that no Democrat at anytime had anything to do with the present U.S. economic down turn, the subsequent credit downgrade from AAA to AA+ that the down turn caused or the chronic above 9.0 % unemployment rate under the current president that has devastated the U.S. economy.

For most of the Bush presidency Democrats had equal control or majority control of Congress. Democrats filled war funding under Bush with so much pork that Sen. Barry Hussein Soetoro vowed as a presidential candidate that he would simply end the practice. Well he has yet to end the pork but in spite of that the way we hear Democrats recant the history everything wrong that has ever happened was Bush’s fault or the Republicans’ fault. Simply amazing. Read more... Creating Orwellian Worldview

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