Zone1 The Church Of Thyatira


Diamond Member
Dec 16, 2020
For me to know and you not to find out.

As Christians, we are to adhere to the Bibilcal teachings concerning sin and righteousness. Not to "save" us as that matter was settled when we came to faith in Christ, but to ensure that there is no sin in our lives and to point people to the Cross. Now, that being said, there is a dangerous trend among Christians that we must "tolerate" homosexual marriage, abortion, and so forth, but G-d does not. I was watching a bit of Dr. Michael Yuseff today and he touched on Revelation 2:18-end of chapter. This describes these people perfectly. Jesus commends them on their service and good works, but indicts them for embracing the "Spirit of Jezebel" when allowed the Christians in that time to fall into sexual immorality and eating foods sacrificed to idols. I believe this describes so-called "Liberal" Christians concisely. That being said, if you are a believer and embrace the "social justice" gospel, then you need to repent and turn back to the foundational teachings of the Bible.
Oh please I study the bible almost 24/7 I challenge anyone , and I mean anyone to meet me at Packers stadium in front of 100,000 people, and let's debate.

I have mother Mary in me most do not
Hail Mary full of Grace, the Lord is with thee.
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As Christians, we are to adhere to the Bibilcal teachings concerning sin and righteousness. Not to "save" us as that matter was settled when we came to faith in Christ, but to ensure that there is no sin in our lives and to point people to the Cross. Now, that being said, there is a dangerous trend among Christians that we must "tolerate" homosexual marriage, abortion, and so forth, but G-d does not. I was watching a bit of Dr. Michael Yuseff today and he touched on Revelation 2:18-end of chapter.

This describes these people perfectly. Jesus commends them on their service and good works, but indicts them for embracing the "Spirit of Jezebel" when allowed the Christians in that time to fall into sexual immorality and eating foods sacrificed to idols. I believe this describes so-called "Liberal" Christians concisely. That being said, if you are a believer and embrace the "social justice" gospel, then you need to repent and turn back to the foundational teachings of the Bible.


As Christians, we are to adhere to the Bibilcal teachings concerning sin and righteousness. Not to "save" us as that matter was settled when we came to faith in Christ, but to ensure that there is no sin in our lives and to point people to the Cross. Now, that being said, there is a dangerous trend among Christians that we must "tolerate" homosexual marriage, abortion, and so forth, but G-d does not. I was watching a bit of Dr. Michael Yuseff today and he touched on Revelation 2:18-end of chapter. This describes these people perfectly. Jesus commends them on their service and good works, but indicts them for embracing the "Spirit of Jezebel" when allowed the Christians in that time to fall into sexual immorality and eating foods sacrificed to idols. I believe this describes so-called "Liberal" Christians concisely. That being said, if you are a believer and embrace the "social justice" gospel, then you need to repent and turn back to the foundational teachings of the Bible.

As Christians, we are to adhere to the Bibilcal teachings concerning sin and righteousness.

there is a reason not one word written by the exemplar is included in the c-bible -

their book was written 400 years past the 1st century events and reflects through forgeries and fallacies the sentiments of the crucifiers who wrote it and not the liberation theology, self determination the actual events of the 1st century reflected.

as such is the reflection of the o p - that of the crucifiers than the heavenly message for all people to accomplish in life the same goal of paradise on earth.
there is a reason not one word written by the exemplar is included in the c-bible -

their book was written 400 years past the 1st century events and reflects through forgeries and fallacies the sentiments of the crucifiers who wrote it and not the liberation theology, self determination the actual events of the 1st century reflected.

as such is the reflection of the o p - that of the crucifiers than the heavenly message for all people to accomplish in life the same goal of paradise on earth.

Nope most of the New Testament was written between 50 AD and 120 AD. See Early Christian Writings link on this thread.
Nope most of the New Testament was written between 50 AD and 120 AD. See Early Christian Writings link on this thread.

really -

Christianity in the 4th century was dominated in its early stage by Constantine the great and the First Council of Nicaea of 325, which was the beginning of the period of the First seven Ecumenical Councils (325–787), and in its late stage by the Edict of Thessalonica of 380, which made Nicene Christianity the state church of the Roman Empire.

sure and edited for just under 100 years. by the crucifiers.

and the events - in the middle east - were meant to become, by who was crucified - - the state religion of the roman empire ...

- and islam was written in great briton by mc-mohamed.
The spirit of Jezebel is the main point here...was it not? And you see this spirit manifested in certain women in congress for example...because the Jezebel spirit desires positions of power. Hilliary, Pelosi, Cheney, Harris to a degree, are eaten up with it, shines in her face. It's not just women though, men too.

Warning signs that a person/persons/nation are in the Jezebel spirit.2 Indicators of a Jezebel Spirit at Work

1. People influenced by a spirit of Jezebel have fear issues of rejection. They control others so that they will not be hurt. Generally, there is a history of trauma or abuse.

2. They target the headship. They offer free help to be their top assistant because they want their protection. It hides from the leader’s view but manifests in front of others.

3. They make commitments and promises quickly and use recommendations from others to impress others.

4. They seem super-spiritual in an exaggerated way to gain acceptance and attention. They have their own agenda. They are looking for disciples of their own. They whine until they get their way.

5. They isolate and pit people against each other privately and individually behind closed doors.

6. They play the victim. They are never wrong. They blame everyone else. They play on compassion to block discernment.

7. They use false humility and feel entitled or owed something.

8. They are not accountable to anyone and often accuse others of being a Jezebel.

9. They look for others who are hurt and wounded to mentor them.

10. They accuse people falsely.

11. They operate with insecurity.

12. They initiate witchcraft prayers based on selfish motivation.
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Nope most of the New Testament was written between 50 AD and 120 AD. See Early Christian Writings link on this thread.

and if so why did they spend 100 years writing the c-bible in the 4th century ... the crucifiers, their state religion of the roman empire.

- where is the archive you claim exists of every original writing used to compile the christian bible and not one you have claimed was written during the historical events - where are those, the liberation theology, self determination those people during that time - died for.
really -

sure and edited for just under 100 years. by the crucifiers.

and the events - in the middle east - were meant to become, by who was crucified - - the state religion of the roman empire ...

- and islam was written in great briton by mc-mohamed.

You forget that they found the Dead Sea scrolls.

Islam was not a British construct. That's truly stupid.
You forget that they found the Dead Sea scrolls.

Islam was not a British construct. That's truly stupid.
and if so why did they spend 100 years writing the c-bible in the 4th century ...

why are they having to find scrolls that are only copies of which documents ... again christian where is the archive (they) used in the 4th century to write the c-bible where are their documents.

the desert religions are one in the same -


monogamous sterility, fatalists by marshal law.
why are they having to find scrolls that are only copies of which documents ... again christian where is the archive (they) used in the 4th century to write the c-bible where are their documents.

the desert religions are one in the same -


monogamous sterility, fatalists by marshal law.

They didn't write the Bible in the 4th century.. They put it together in the 4th century. They decided which writings should be in the biblos.
They didn't write the Bible in the 4th century.. They put it together in the 4th century. They decided which writings should be in the biblos.
... again christian where is the archive (they) used in the 4th century to write the c-bible where are their documents.

put it together - with what ... and they spent nearly 100 years - putting it together ...

answer christian - where are the documents they used to put together the c-bible, did they destroy them the sought after evidence for their compilation.

... another 20 questions - for an honest person - a book written without documentation - what is it called.
put it together - with what ... and they spent nearly 100 years - putting it together ...

answer christian - where are the documents they used to put together the c-bible, did they destroy them the sought after evidence for their compilation.

... another 20 questions - for an honest person - a book written without documentation - what is it called.

You mean 325 AD?

You mean 325 AD?

well, up till then for their beginning ... till ~ 393.

Christianity in the 4th century was dominated in its early stage by Constantine the great and the First Council of Nicaea of 325, which was the beginning of the period of the First seven Ecumenical Councils (325–787), and in its late stage by the Edict of Thessalonica of 380, which made Nicene Christianity the state church of the Roman Empire.
The 27-book New Testament was first formally canonized during the councils of Hippo (393) and Carthage (397) in North Africa.

there were misgivings throughout the 4th century - the trinity for one ... decided by a vote.

answer christian - where are the documents they used to put together the c-bible, did they destroy them - the sought after evidence for their compilation.

again ... where is the archive of documents they used to write the c-bible ... the proof for their claims, messiah - trinity etc. non of which has ever been unanimous.

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