The Chargers are nobodys team in the NO FAN LOYALTY LEAGUE.

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Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
The organization has now come to grips and accepted it that they play 16 road games all year long now.:lmao::haha:

  • L.A. didnā€™t invite them, San Diego is mad at them, and these are the resultsā€”even in a pint-sized soccer stadium, the transplanted team is drawing more opposing fans than ā€œhomeā€ fans
And now look. Or donā€™t. Nobody is going to Chargers games.
Giving L.A. a second NFL team is like giving Miami a second snowplow. Nobody asked for it, nobody wants it and nobody knows what to do with it.
The Chargers Are Nobodyā€™s Team

Reminds me of the days when the Rams were in stank louis other than the warner/faulk years when they had the greatest show on turf being the exception.

experts TRIED to tell spanos and the NFL this is what would happen if they moved,they just covered their ears and ignored them though like the arrogant A holes they are.

How much longer they think they will last if they keep pulling this shit on fans with all thise relocation BS? The fans are hearing about it around the country how san diego fans are flying banners accross the stadium telling spanos his chargers are not wanted and he cant stop them like he tried to is what is REALLY funny.:lmao:

Plane w/ banner flies over Coliseum: ā€œNFL = No F'N Loyalty SD & OAK Deserve Betterā€

Kudos to the Oakland fans for doing the same thing in oakland with that snake mark davis.:thup:

why does the arrogant NFL always ignore facts that two teams in LA has NEVER worked and never will?:cuckoo::rolleyes:

I said two years ago this is what would happen in LA if the chargers were stupid enough to go there and it will happen in vegas as well if Mark Davis is as much a moron as Dean Spanos is in the dumb and dumber contest.:rolleyes:
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All part of the implosion of the NFL.

have you heard there is already talk of the chargers going back to SD by the NFL league office?:lmao:

here is a good objective article on it on the possiblity.

Is all that ā€˜Chargers Forced Back to San Diegoā€™ talk just Looney?

I dont think it will happen anytime soon,but I do think it will happen sometime in the next 5 to ten years when they move into Inglewood with the Rams.When the NFL sees all those empty seats everywhere they will be embarrased and will take action.

spanos and the NFL are so stupid they actually think the chargers will EVENTUALLY build a fanbase out there.:rolleyes: thats why i say there wont be serious discussions on them going back till they move into Inglewood and they see all the 60,000 plus empty seats there.

Once that happens,reality will set in with the NFL and they will be desperate to get them back to san diego. also REMEMBER,the NFL league office and the owners did not want the chargers to go to LA.

they made it possible for the chargers to go there giving them the green light if they could not get something done in SD but they thought spanos would try and stay and WOULD stay but it backfired on them cause spanos never tried to get anything done there.
All part of the implosion of the NFL.

have you heard there is already talk of the chargers going back to SD by the NFL league office?:lmao:

here is a good objective article on it on the possiblity.

Is all that ā€˜Chargers Forced Back to San Diegoā€™ talk just Looney?

I dont think it will happen anytime soon,but I do think it will happen sometime in the next 5 to ten years when they move into Inglewood with the Rams.When the NFL sees all those empty seats everywhere they will be embarrased and will take action.

spanos and the NFL are so stupid they actually think the chargers will EVENTUALLY build a fanbase out there.:rolleyes: thats why i say there wont be serious discussions on them going back till they move into Inglewood and they see all the 60,000 plus empty seats there.

Once that happens,reality will set in with the NFL and they will be desperate to get them back to san diego. also REMEMBER,the NFL league office and the owners did not want the chargers to go to LA.

they made it possible for the chargers to go there giving them the green light if they could not get something done in SD but they thought spanos would try and stay and WOULD stay but it backfired on them cause spanos never tried to get anything done there.
I would stand on the I-5 and block them.
Oh wait, the I-5 is a gridlock 24/7.
Clearly, the Chargers are a better team than the Rams.
And the local pop warner team of 12 year olds is better than both.

dude if you were talking about LAST year that would be accurate but it doesnt sound to me like you are aware of the fact that the Rams THIS year are an offensive scoring machine and that they have a 5-2 winning record? matter of fact last week they put together their best game of the season, a complete game in all phases with a shut out of the ST LOUIS Cardinals-33-0..

just so you know,the last time they started with a 5-2 record,,they had a winning season. They are poised to have their first winning season since 2004 wen they started 5-2.

I always said,once Kroneke moved to LA he would get serious about wanting to win and his actions clearly prove that with the hiring of offensive minded sean mcvey and a legitimate number one reciever in sammy watkins.
okay now it has been established that the Rams THIS YEAR are clearly one of the better teams in the NFL and not in the same catagory you mentioned weather man,this is some interesting stuff here.I expect once dean moves in with stan and has to start paying rent and sees all those embarrassing empty seats,this progress will start taking place.:up:

Joe Tsai Is The Solution To The NFL's Dean Spanos Problem
comedy gold.i love it.:happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::haha::haha::haha::lmao::lmao::lmao:

when you cant even sell out tickets to just a 25,000 seat stadium,thats embarrassing.:lmao: what i cant believe is the NFL is surprised over this.those morons ignored everyone that said this is what would happen.:rolleyes:

At halftime, the lead was 30 points.

Yet the Chargers are still a dud in Los Angeles.

They failed to sell out the small soccer stadium, despite needing to sell only about 25,500 tickets.
Team Spanos gets it together, and rest of AFC West spirals downward
Time for the chargers to turn tail and go back to san diego.Dean Spanos has embarrassed the entire organization with his FIGHT FOR LA slogan that has horribly backfired on him.the best they will do this here is come away with a medicore 9-7 where the Rams are a serious superbowl contender.

Give it up spanos and chargers,you lost your childish fight for LA before you even came up north. go back to SD,you are nobodys team.san diego fans have deserted you and nobody in LA wants you.sell the team dean and take them back to SD where they belong.

whats REALLY funny is the chargers they HAD a chance to compete with the fans in LA for attendance to charger games because the rams were so god awful and painful to watch last year but with the way they have took off this year and done things nobody could forsee happening,some writers are saying if the sign of things to come with the rams winning in LA,this does not forbode well for the chargers.:lmao:
Would it be right to presume that winning takes care of things?

actually no it would NOT.:biggrin: The Rams and the Niners are a classic california rivalry that has a history with each other that goes back DECADES so that was WHY the stadium was packed sunday in LA at the LA coliseum. :)

Even last year when BOTH these teams were horrible and the joke of the league,when they played each other both times in SF and in LA,the stadiums were packed to the max just like they were sunday at the LA coliseum.:)

Now the EAGLES game,the last game the Rams had this year when they played in LA few weeks ago,winning DID change the attendance for that game. as I pointed out here in post # 74 of mine in this link here,that place for that game was packed because yes they HAVE been winning.:)

Rams bitches!

and dude,you obviously are not aware of the fact that in LA they have THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of Raider fans there that GREATLY outnumber Charger fans.:lmao: The chargers knew BEFORE the season began going into this game,THAT game would be a sellout because of all the Raider fans in LA.:D

Even when the chargers played the Raiders in San Diego,most the fans that turned out for those games the majority were Raider fans because they not only had the raider fans in LA going to those games,but the oakland fans traveled there as well but that was the difference in LA and in SD was in SD,when the raiders came to town that was the ONLY time the opposing fans took over they did not have SIXTEEN road games as they do now in LA.:D

That was why I was elated that the chargers were the team chosen to be the second team to go into LA with the Rams because the Raiders being in LA again,that would drastically hurt the Rams attendance where the chargers are no threat to them even if they DO win.:D

the NFL did a survey with football fans in LA asking them of all the three teams the chargers,rams and raiders which one they would like back the most a few years ago here were the results.

Rams 1st with 60% of the votes
Raiders second with 35% of the votes.
Chargers a mere 5% of the votes.:D

the only reason the NFL gave the chargers the second option to join the Rams in LA over the raiders is because the NFL owners all hate the Davis family,they dont want them in LA again where they DO like dean spanos.:D

the NFL is run by a bunch of morons.Financial experts TRIED to warn dean spanos and the NFL that the chargers going to LA that this is what would happen,that the majority of the fans would all be from the opposing teams but they did not listen like the arrogant pricks they are.:rolleyes:

I said this would happen as well as many other did.

No it does not matter even if the chargers are playoff contenders in LA year after year,they will NEVER be embraced out there in LA.The fans dont want them and the san diego fans have deserted them.They will have the same problems the Raiders did when THEY played in LA.

The Raiders even when they were great,they drew horrible crowds out in LA because LA has always been Rams territory. the year they won the supoerbowl out there,the average crowd attendance there was just around 40,000.

the year they won the superbowl out there,the next season for their home opener they only drew a small crowd of just over 44,000.The OAKLAND Raiders might have won a superbowl out there in LA but clearly nobody in LA cared.:rofl:you think they will be any different with the chargers who have a much smaller fanbase out there?:lmao:

they will have the same problem the niners are having ever since they moved to santa clara where their crowds look like this every sunday because they priced out the loyal niner fans the blue collar workers and catered to the wealthy who dont have passion for the team. even if the niners win it will be the same problem for them as it is with the chargers since like in LA with the chargers,nobody in santa clara wants the niners there and the SF fans wont support them eiter as you can see from this pic below.:lmao:

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Here is another great post that talks about how the raiders bombed in I mentioned how the Raiders after they won the superbowl out there in LA hw the next season for their home opener they had a half empoty stadium of just 44,000.LOL guess what the RAMS attendance was for THEIR home opener that year? a sold out standing room crowd of over 77,000. Pretty impressive the fact it was a baseball

This is a foolish strategy, bordering on the insane ā€” as can be told by anyone who remembers the poor, inconsistent SoCal attendance that plagued the Raiders from 1982-1994. Those spotty box office numbers at the L.A. Coliseum, coupled with fan misbehavior that scared away the corporate dollar, explain why Al Davis tried moving the Raiders back to Oakland as early as 1990, before officially doing so five years later.

Put simply, if Los Angeles fans didnā€™t adequately support the Raiders in their own back yard, why does Davis think theyā€™ll travel nearly 300 miles to support them now in Vegas?

It makes no sense.
The organization has now come to grips and accepted it that they play 16 road games all year long now.:lmao::haha:

  • L.A. didnā€™t invite them, San Diego is mad at them, and these are the resultsā€”even in a pint-sized soccer stadium, the transplanted team is drawing more opposing fans than ā€œhomeā€ fans
And now look. Or donā€™t. Nobody is going to Chargers games.
Giving L.A. a second NFL team is like giving Miami a second snowplow. Nobody asked for it, nobody wants it and nobody knows what to do with it.
The Chargers Are Nobodyā€™s Team

Reminds me of the days when the Rams were in stank louis other than the warner/faulk years when they had the greatest show on turf being the exception.

experts TRIED to tell spanos and the NFL this is what would happen if they moved,they just covered their ears and ignored them though like the arrogant A holes they are.

How much longer they think they will last if they keep pulling this shit on fans with all thise relocation BS? The fans are hearing about it around the country how san diego fans are flying banners accross the stadium telling spanos his chargers are not wanted and he cant stop them like he tried to is what is REALLY funny.:lmao:

Plane w/ banner flies over Coliseum: ā€œNFL = No F'N Loyalty SD & OAK Deserve Betterā€

Kudos to the Oakland fans for doing the same thing in oakland with that snake mark davis.:thup:

why does the arrogant NFL always ignore facts that two teams in LA has NEVER worked and never will?:cuckoo::rolleyes:

I said two years ago this is what would happen in LA if the chargers were stupid enough to go there and it will happen in vegas as well if Mark Davis is as much a moron as Dean Spanos is in the dumb and dumber contest.:rolleyes:
Go rams. Beat Atlanta. You watching?
The organization has now come to grips and accepted it that they play 16 road games all year long now.:lmao::haha:

  • L.A. didnā€™t invite them, San Diego is mad at them, and these are the resultsā€”even in a pint-sized soccer stadium, the transplanted team is drawing more opposing fans than ā€œhomeā€ fans
And now look. Or donā€™t. Nobody is going to Chargers games.
Giving L.A. a second NFL team is like giving Miami a second snowplow. Nobody asked for it, nobody wants it and nobody knows what to do with it.
The Chargers Are Nobodyā€™s Team

Reminds me of the days when the Rams were in stank louis other than the warner/faulk years when they had the greatest show on turf being the exception.

experts TRIED to tell spanos and the NFL this is what would happen if they moved,they just covered their ears and ignored them though like the arrogant A holes they are.

How much longer they think they will last if they keep pulling this shit on fans with all thise relocation BS? The fans are hearing about it around the country how san diego fans are flying banners accross the stadium telling spanos his chargers are not wanted and he cant stop them like he tried to is what is REALLY funny.:lmao:

Plane w/ banner flies over Coliseum: ā€œNFL = No F'N Loyalty SD & OAK Deserve Betterā€

Kudos to the Oakland fans for doing the same thing in oakland with that snake mark davis.:thup:

why does the arrogant NFL always ignore facts that two teams in LA has NEVER worked and never will?:cuckoo::rolleyes:

I said two years ago this is what would happen in LA if the chargers were stupid enough to go there and it will happen in vegas as well if Mark Davis is as much a moron as Dean Spanos is in the dumb and dumber contest.:rolleyes:
Iā€™m rooting for LA. Atlanta is a choke team hang in. You donā€™t know because you donā€™t watch so trust me
I thought LA had a nice new stadium? What the sam heck are they doing in thar wet ratty old 1900 Coliseum? Bench seating? Wth? Fans are 100 yds back?
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