The causes of the riots


Active Member
Jul 22, 2010
Stockholm, Sweden
Prime Minister David Cameron blaims "Britain's moral collapse" for last week’s London riots. There is a similar situation in the US where "flash mobs" are attacking people, most notably in Philadelphia:

In today's egalitarian world we don't like to admit that some people are endowed with a weak character. What's really behind the riots is a low intellectual and moral level in the local population. When such people accumulate in certain housing areas, and are furnished with a mobile phone, so that they can co-ordinate themselves, then society has a problem for the future. Leftists tend to reverse cause and effect. They say that poverty causes the riots, but it is the rioters' inferior intellectual and moral capacities that have made them poor, and it is also what's behind their criminality and violent nature. This is a hard pill to swallow for people who believe in a homogenous humanity. But not all people are alike. The human population contains very inferior elements, and evil is part and parcel of human nature.

In fact, the rioters are much better off than the poor farmers in the Third World, in India, Thailand, etc., who must work hard only to get food on the table. They have no means of breaking out of their situation (micro-loanes are overestimated). So why don't they start a riot? It's because in these countries the lowlifes don't accumulate in certain villages, but are spread out. A major problem is that the UK continues to import people from all over the world. Often it is the very people who already have social problems that choose to migrate. We have the same problem in Sweden. Immigrant youths are causing riot, despite the fact that the welfare system is the strongest in the world, medical service and university education is free, etc. However, I doubt that people of such inferior qualities are capable of studying at the university, and the university is better off without them.

So it is a sign of inferiority. The structure of our society is such that it cannot accomodate such people, who have a very different way of functioning psychologically. On account of a weak ego system they are unable to carry moral suffering. They cannot escape feeling wronged and injured. This s a hallmark of the weak ego, who always thinks that it is exposed to threaths (This is very obvious in immigrants from certain cultures). The solution is to cause destruction and to create suffering in others. This is an important factor behind criminality. In this way the subject's suffering is transferred to other people, and he will feel a relief for a while. In many parts of the world, in the phallic-narcissistic cultures, transfer of suffering (sin) is instituted as part of culture and religion. In fact, in earlier eras people were tortured to death, in ritual human sacrifices, to satisfy this psychic function. Today, women sometimes fulfil this sacrificial function, within families. But normally these people torture their surrounding in less obvious ways, bullying people, casting suspicion on them, mobbing, committing petty crimes, etc. Now this destructive force has broken out in full daylight, something that hopefully will increase people's awareness that we have a serious problem, also when the town seems peaceful and is not burning.

M. Winther
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You know....when GREED IS GOOD became the mantra of our age, it was obvious to at least SOME OF US, that civilization was about to turn out the lights.

WE are really in the beginning of what become another dark age of humanity.

It is NOT science or techology that causes mankind to elevate himself and his society.

It is really the philosophy we tell ourselves that determines what kind of society we'll get.

When a society tells itself that GOOD is BAD and BAD is GOOD?

Well that society is headed down the chute, folks.
You know....when GREED IS GOOD became the mantra of our age, it was obvious to at least SOME OF US, that civilization was about to turn out the lights.

WE are really in the beginning of what become another dark age of humanity.

It is NOT science or techology that causes mankind to elevate himself and his society.

It is really the philosophy we tell ourselves that determines what kind of society we'll get.

When a society tells itself that GOOD is BAD and BAD is GOOD?

Well that society is headed down the chute, folks.
you are correct!!!and when we go into the dark ages personal responsibility is the only way people will survive.natural selection will once again take root and greedy leeches [people that want the fruits of someone else labor]:razz: will become extinct!!!

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