The case against more widespread testing and shelter orders to prevent the spread of Chinavirus

Oct 5, 2019
This will sound harsh, but in it's really the only rational way to proceed. We cannot allow our economy to keep taking these hits. Particularly if we want to ensure that President Trump stays in office so he can continue to MAGA and KAG. We need this virus to just spread to as many people as possible. Yes, a lot of people will die, but that should be viewed as a patriotic duty similar to dying for ones country during a war. The majority of people who will die are those older than 50 and who have underlying health issues. This is finally their chance to do some real good for the country. If they are not already, then they will soon cost the US taxpayers trillions of dollars. How much more can our social security take? We need to reduce the burden, and this virus could very well do just that. Not to mention how much the elderly and sick cost our healthcare system. Those are the people who make it so our healthcare costs are so high. We pay more to make up for how much they cost us. While some younger and healthy people will die too, but that is a hit that we'll have to take to ensure our country doesn't collapse in November by electing a demoncrap as president. The only downside is that if 2.5 to 4 million Americans die from this, then a good portion of them will likely be lost votes for President Trump. We need to figure out a way to lessen that hit. I would think that so many deaths would be a good reason to postpone elections for an extended period of time.

We need to stop this nonsense talk about stimulus to the people. Giving money to people will only encourage them to stay home instead of going to work and buying goods/services. Obviously we need to do something to stimulate the economy after democrat governors and mayors took steps to undermine Trump's economy by closing down their cities and states. That stimulus should go to the businesses and banks that keep our economy moving forward. They can use that money to hire people to replace the selfish people who put their own personal health above the health of the economy. Also, we should consider helping out landlords who need to evict tenants who don't pay their rent. It's expensive to evict someone and to get the houses/apartments cleaned and ready for new tenants. They are going to need our help too.

It's time to move forward and stop being a bunch of coward, America. Get out. Go work. Go shop. Go live (for as long as you can)
I would say this mostly applies to people 50 to 70. Not the "greatest generation" who is likely already on their way out.
This guy has to be related to Cuomo or Biden. I know, some would say that is great in light of their opinion that those two are "the salvation". But those two are as retarded as Democratic logic at this point.
This will sound harsh, but in it's really the only rational way to proceed. We cannot allow our economy to keep taking these hits. Particularly if we want to ensure that President Trump stays in office so he can continue to MAGA and KAG. We need this virus to just spread to as many people as possible. Yes, a lot of people will die, but that should be viewed as a patriotic duty similar to dying for ones country during a war. The majority of people who will die are those older than 50 and who have underlying health issues. This is finally their chance to do some real good for the country. If they are not already, then they will soon cost the US taxpayers trillions of dollars. How much more can our social security take? We need to reduce the burden, and this virus could very well do just that. Not to mention how much the elderly and sick cost our healthcare system. Those are the people who make it so our healthcare costs are so high. We pay more to make up for how much they cost us. While some younger and healthy people will die too, but that is a hit that we'll have to take to ensure our country doesn't collapse in November by electing a demoncrap as president. The only downside is that if 2.5 to 4 million Americans die from this, then a good portion of them will likely be lost votes for President Trump. We need to figure out a way to lessen that hit. I would think that so many deaths would be a good reason to postpone elections for an extended period of time.

We need to stop this nonsense talk about stimulus to the people. Giving money to people will only encourage them to stay home instead of going to work and buying goods/services. Obviously we need to do something to stimulate the economy after democrat governors and mayors took steps to undermine Trump's economy by closing down their cities and states. That stimulus should go to the businesses and banks that keep our economy moving forward. They can use that money to hire people to replace the selfish people who put their own personal health above the health of the economy. Also, we should consider helping out landlords who need to evict tenants who don't pay their rent. It's expensive to evict someone and to get the houses/apartments cleaned and ready for new tenants. They are going to need our help too.

It's time to move forward and stop being a bunch of coward, America. Get out. Go work. Go shop. Go live (for as long as you can)
Pelosi, Shumer, Biden and all the old Democrats should take the lead and render themselves room temperature first. The lemmings will follow.
This will sound harsh, but in it's really the only rational way to proceed. We cannot allow our economy to keep taking these hits. Particularly if we want to ensure that President Trump stays in office so he can continue to MAGA and KAG. We need this virus to just spread to as many people as possible. Yes, a lot of people will die, but that should be viewed as a patriotic duty similar to dying for ones country during a war. The majority of people who will die are those older than 50 and who have underlying health issues. This is finally their chance to do some real good for the country. If they are not already, then they will soon cost the US taxpayers trillions of dollars. How much more can our social security take? We need to reduce the burden, and this virus could very well do just that. Not to mention how much the elderly and sick cost our healthcare system. Those are the people who make it so our healthcare costs are so high. We pay more to make up for how much they cost us. While some younger and healthy people will die too, but that is a hit that we'll have to take to ensure our country doesn't collapse in November by electing a demoncrap as president. The only downside is that if 2.5 to 4 million Americans die from this, then a good portion of them will likely be lost votes for President Trump. We need to figure out a way to lessen that hit. I would think that so many deaths would be a good reason to postpone elections for an extended period of time.

We need to stop this nonsense talk about stimulus to the people. Giving money to people will only encourage them to stay home instead of going to work and buying goods/services. Obviously we need to do something to stimulate the economy after democrat governors and mayors took steps to undermine Trump's economy by closing down their cities and states. That stimulus should go to the businesses and banks that keep our economy moving forward. They can use that money to hire people to replace the selfish people who put their own personal health above the health of the economy. Also, we should consider helping out landlords who need to evict tenants who don't pay their rent. It's expensive to evict someone and to get the houses/apartments cleaned and ready for new tenants. They are going to need our help too.

It's time to move forward and stop being a bunch of coward, America. Get out. Go work. Go shop. Go live (for as long as you can)
Pelosi, Shumer, Biden and all the old Democrats should take the lead and render themselves room temperature first. The lemmings will follow.

I think I agree with you.
This will sound harsh, but in it's really the only rational way to proceed. We cannot allow our economy to keep taking these hits. Particularly if we want to ensure that President Trump stays in office so he can continue to MAGA and KAG. We need this virus to just spread to as many people as possible. Yes, a lot of people will die, but that should be viewed as a patriotic duty similar to dying for ones country during a war. The majority of people who will die are those older than 50 and who have underlying health issues. This is finally their chance to do some real good for the country. If they are not already, then they will soon cost the US taxpayers trillions of dollars. How much more can our social security take? We need to reduce the burden, and this virus could very well do just that. Not to mention how much the elderly and sick cost our healthcare system. Those are the people who make it so our healthcare costs are so high. We pay more to make up for how much they cost us. While some younger and healthy people will die too, but that is a hit that we'll have to take to ensure our country doesn't collapse in November by electing a demoncrap as president. The only downside is that if 2.5 to 4 million Americans die from this, then a good portion of them will likely be lost votes for President Trump. We need to figure out a way to lessen that hit. I would think that so many deaths would be a good reason to postpone elections for an extended period of time.

We need to stop this nonsense talk about stimulus to the people. Giving money to people will only encourage them to stay home instead of going to work and buying goods/services. Obviously we need to do something to stimulate the economy after democrat governors and mayors took steps to undermine Trump's economy by closing down their cities and states. That stimulus should go to the businesses and banks that keep our economy moving forward. They can use that money to hire people to replace the selfish people who put their own personal health above the health of the economy. Also, we should consider helping out landlords who need to evict tenants who don't pay their rent. It's expensive to evict someone and to get the houses/apartments cleaned and ready for new tenants. They are going to need our help too.

It's time to move forward and stop being a bunch of coward, America. Get out. Go work. Go shop. Go live (for as long as you can)
Survival of the fittest.

Hitler would be proud of you.
This will sound harsh, but in it's really the only rational way to proceed. We cannot allow our economy to keep taking these hits. Particularly if we want to ensure that President Trump stays in office so he can continue to MAGA and KAG. We need this virus to just spread to as many people as possible. Yes, a lot of people will die, but that should be viewed as a patriotic duty similar to dying for ones country during a war. The majority of people who will die are those older than 50 and who have underlying health issues. This is finally their chance to do some real good for the country. If they are not already, then they will soon cost the US taxpayers trillions of dollars. How much more can our social security take? We need to reduce the burden, and this virus could very well do just that. Not to mention how much the elderly and sick cost our healthcare system. Those are the people who make it so our healthcare costs are so high. We pay more to make up for how much they cost us. While some younger and healthy people will die too, but that is a hit that we'll have to take to ensure our country doesn't collapse in November by electing a demoncrap as president. The only downside is that if 2.5 to 4 million Americans die from this, then a good portion of them will likely be lost votes for President Trump. We need to figure out a way to lessen that hit. I would think that so many deaths would be a good reason to postpone elections for an extended period of time.

We need to stop this nonsense talk about stimulus to the people. Giving money to people will only encourage them to stay home instead of going to work and buying goods/services. Obviously we need to do something to stimulate the economy after democrat governors and mayors took steps to undermine Trump's economy by closing down their cities and states. That stimulus should go to the businesses and banks that keep our economy moving forward. They can use that money to hire people to replace the selfish people who put their own personal health above the health of the economy. Also, we should consider helping out landlords who need to evict tenants who don't pay their rent. It's expensive to evict someone and to get the houses/apartments cleaned and ready for new tenants. They are going to need our help too.

It's time to move forward and stop being a bunch of coward, America. Get out. Go work. Go shop. Go live (for as long as you can)
Survival of the fittest.

Hitler would be proud of you.

Hitler would have closed down Germany the way the demoncraps are doing.

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