The Capital Creth: American Dementia (Ouija)


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Sep 22, 2013
American developments can not account for the rise in popularity of 'other-worldly' elements or philosophies such as Anarchism and Ouija, despite America's celebration of mainstream networking and consumerism-based aesthetics (e.g., Wall Street, Wal-Mart, Walgreens).

Ouija is a strange spirit-board used for incanting the spirits from other dimensions or even ghosts or spectres. It may be considered heretical or pagan to use such a 'device' but Ouija has seeped into mainstream American culture in recent times, and there are even horror-films about it in recent years.

Why does capitalism create a strange fascination with etiquette paranoia (e.g., People Magazine)?

A 'creth' is a large or unsightly man or ghoul who has bizarre contradictions, and this capitalism yarn (my last one) I wrote about networking unruliness is a 'modernism creth-tale' inspired by the 'aesthetics-ethics' films Celebrity and Ghost in the Shell.

It's a nod to 'American dementia.' What do you think?



An alien species called the Xonies was kidnapping human females from Earth and taking them to Mars and then giving them sleeping-pills which killed the women painlessly. The aliens would then dissect the women to see the logic of their morphology, since women were the fertilizing gender of the human race. These aliens wanted to know why consumerism-convenience culture in modern-day capitalism-immersed America was creating obesity, unnatural lifestyles (e.g., sloth), and even anti-social violence (e.g., 9/11). The aliens wanted to know why human females were not inspiring American men from avoiding becoming 'creths.'


A galactic knight named Alas was travelling around the universe. He was from a faraway galaxy, and he was a humanoid and very handsome. Alas flew a terrific spacecraft which he received as a gift after a sensational run during a space-battle. Alas was flying in his spacecraft (which he named Lone Star) when he picked up distress signals emanating from Mars. Apparently, two human females (kidnapped by the Xonies) who managed to begin using the Xonies' radio-signal transmission device. Alas decided to land on Mars to investigate.


Alas rescued the two human females from the clutches of the Xonies. The women's names were Alice and Julia. Alas wanted to know what the Xonies wanted with the human females of Earth/America, and Alice/Julia explained that the Xonies were interested in 'dissecting' the 'ethics dementia' of modern-day America which they considered was too immersed in consumerism conveniences to be a balanced society. They explained that the Xonies believed Americans of modern times were too fascinated by the ethical disarray which comes from a piracy-oriented consciousness regarding capitalism loopholes (e.g., insider-trading on Wall Street, drug cartels in bordertowns such as Tijuana, etc.). Alas took off from Mars on Lone Star with Alice and Julia and decided to travel to Earth with them where he began doing research on this apparent 'piracy-consciousness' in American society/culture.


Alas landed in America and began watching films representative of this 'piracy-consciousness' in modern civilization. Alas wanted to provide advice to the U.S. government (the Trump Administration) regarding how to 'safeguard' societal ethics and leadership so as to avoid a complete invasion by the Xonies. Alas watched the representative films Celebrity (Woody Allen), Casino (Martin Scorsese), and Collateral (Michael Mann). Alas concluded that Americans were dangerously 'tinkering' with the deadly vice-traps of capitalism-consciousness (e.g., celebrity-scandals, political character-assassination, marketing pornography, racism exploitation for media pirates, etc.).


Alas decided to then travel back to Mars after providing the American people with valuable insights regarding the reorientation of ethics and customs in this modern commerce-gauged etiquette 'system' (e.g., WikiLeaks). Alas confronted the Xonies and debated with a diplomat of the species named Sonny. Alas wanted to connect capitalism consciousness with commercial optimism (and thereby convince Sonny and his Xonies to spare America...and humanity).

ALAS: Why were you Xonies angered with America?
SONNY: Capitalism had created 'creths.'
ALAS: What the heck is a creth, Sonny?
SONNY: A creth is a being of gluttony...
ALAS: Do you believe Wall Street and Burger King are creating sloth?
SONNY: Do you doubt it?
ALAS: Commerce can create peace and networking (e.g., Facebook)!
SONNY: Perhaps that's true, but creths surface to ruin the morality of America.
ALAS: Like who?
SONNY: Like tycoons, sharks, druglords, and kingpins.
ALAS: So you want to invade/destroy America as a gesture of cleansing?
SONNY: Precisely; why, for example, do Americans play Monopoly and Ouija?
ALAS: Monopoly (Parker Brothers) is a real-estate game; Ouija is a superstition-game.
SONNY: Yes, but what is the connection? Are Americans schizophrenic?
ALAS: No! They like Monopoly as well as Ouija, since they're interested in 'behaviour.'
SONNY: So networking/commerce makes them 'fascinated' with customs...
ALAS: Yes, and customs evaluations are presented in American films and shows.
SONNY: I see...such as Celebrity (Woody Allen) and Casino (Martin Scorsese).
ALAS: Precisely; Americans are interested in goals and dreams...
SONNY: Yet, they celebrate Harvard University while engaging in race-riots.
ALAS: Well, there are 'challenges' to networking and traffic in America.
SONNY: Do you think a 'cleansing' is unnecessary, and if so, why?
ALAS: Moral education is better delivered through careful psalms about dreams.
SONNY: Why do Americans love horror-films like A Nightmare on Elm Street?
ALAS: They're curious about the 'agony of socialization.'
SONNY: Maybe America is a 'wonderland.'
ALAS: That's what it is, and it warrants idealism (not wrath).
SONNY: Alright, Alas; we Xonies will spare America; you're a good lawyer!
ALAS: I've always appreciated the splendour of 'prairie-banking' (e.g., Castlevania).
SONNY: Live long and dream (about capitalism)...remember us Xonies.




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