The biggest problem with politics is.....


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2014
... the voters (or better said the people who have a vote, regardless of whether they use it or not).


Gold Star family of slain California soldier booed on flight

Here's a news story.

It's written in different parts.

Part one: the Title. "
Gold Star family of slain California soldier booed on flight"

First thoughts are, that somehow a load of people booed the family of a US service man who died for his country. I'm sure many people could come up with opposing arguments for and against this.

The second part states that: "he felt disrespected and hurt by passengers who booed him and his family when they were on a flight to meet his son's remains."

So they were on a flight to get their son's remains and then they got booed by the passengers. So, some people only read the headline then jumped in to the comments section to have their say. Some people got through the first paragraph before going off to the comments section.

The third part: Perry, an ex-Marine who lives in Stockton, said the flight to Phoenix was 45 minutes late and the crew, fearing the Gold Star family could miss their connecting flight, made an announcement for passengers to remain seated to let a "special military family" deplane first."

So, the plane was delayed, and then the airline decided this family should get off first, before first class passengers, before anyone else. At this point some other people jumped off to the comments section for their say.

The next part says "He said he doesn't know if the passengers from Sacramento knew there was a Gold Star family on board or whether people sitting in the coach section complained."

So, basically the passengers who booed didn't know the situation, didn't know they were going to meet the coffin of their dead son who died in Afghanistan, didn't know anything, so they booed because someone got pushed ahead in the line for what appeared to be no valid reason.

By now most people have either already gone to the comments section, or stopped reading.

Some of the comments based on this article:

"Typical wealthy American compassion for dead soldiers. Money talks and compassion walks."

"People who sit in first class are generally selfish pricks anyway, so not surprising in any way..."

"Support our troops - until you infringe on my first-class privileges! No wonder America is rapidly going down the toilet!"

"Talk about elitists. Republican or democrat, this kind of behavior is a new low of behavior."

"I would love to see the names of these slugs posted, so they could be tormented for life. American LOSERS"

These comments are the sort of comments that American voters are making. It's not even the comments that are scary, it's the attitude and the reasoning behind them. People without sufficient knowledge about an issue will decide they are in the know. Then the insults come out very quickly.

How can a country survive when this sort of attitude is the very attitude that is electing the leaders of the country?

People moan and groan about the politicians. But the politicians are playing the game that is set up for them by the people who vote. They see how people think, see how people work, and then try and appeal to such people.

Then the people are moaning it's all going to hell, but without realizing that they are the main culprits behind everything going to hell. But they won't admit it. They'll always blame someone else, because it's never, EVER their fault.

It's not just in America either. You look at Brexit and you see the same thing.
... the voters (or better said the people who have a vote, regardless of whether they use it or not).


Gold Star family of slain California soldier booed on flight

Here's a news story.

It's written in different parts.

Part one: the Title. "
Gold Star family of slain California soldier booed on flight"

First thoughts are, that somehow a load of people booed the family of a US service man who died for his country. I'm sure many people could come up with opposing arguments for and against this.

The second part states that: "he felt disrespected and hurt by passengers who booed him and his family when they were on a flight to meet his son's remains."

So they were on a flight to get their son's remains and then they got booed by the passengers. So, some people only read the headline then jumped in to the comments section to have their say. Some people got through the first paragraph before going off to the comments section.

The third part: Perry, an ex-Marine who lives in Stockton, said the flight to Phoenix was 45 minutes late and the crew, fearing the Gold Star family could miss their connecting flight, made an announcement for passengers to remain seated to let a "special military family" deplane first."

So, the plane was delayed, and then the airline decided this family should get off first, before first class passengers, before anyone else. At this point some other people jumped off to the comments section for their say.

The next part says "He said he doesn't know if the passengers from Sacramento knew there was a Gold Star family on board or whether people sitting in the coach section complained."

So, basically the passengers who booed didn't know the situation, didn't know they were going to meet the coffin of their dead son who died in Afghanistan, didn't know anything, so they booed because someone got pushed ahead in the line for what appeared to be no valid reason.

By now most people have either already gone to the comments section, or stopped reading.

Some of the comments based on this article:

"Typical wealthy American compassion for dead soldiers. Money talks and compassion walks."

"People who sit in first class are generally selfish pricks anyway, so not surprising in any way..."

"Support our troops - until you infringe on my first-class privileges! No wonder America is rapidly going down the toilet!"

"Talk about elitists. Republican or democrat, this kind of behavior is a new low of behavior."

"I would love to see the names of these slugs posted, so they could be tormented for life. American LOSERS"

These comments are the sort of comments that American voters are making. It's not even the comments that are scary, it's the attitude and the reasoning behind them. People without sufficient knowledge about an issue will decide they are in the know. Then the insults come out very quickly.

How can a country survive when this sort of attitude is the very attitude that is electing the leaders of the country?

People moan and groan about the politicians. But the politicians are playing the game that is set up for them by the people who vote. They see how people think, see how people work, and then try and appeal to such people.

Then the people are moaning it's all going to hell, but without realizing that they are the main culprits behind everything going to hell. But they won't admit it. They'll always blame someone else, because it's never, EVER their fault.

It's not just in America either. You look at Brexit and you see the same thing.
Welcome too political correctness
The OP was right, ignorant voters. Trump did say himself " I love the poorly educated". You guys never believe what he says, you can't recognize his bs from his truths, he also said the election was rigged, he was right about the 2 things I mentioned above, rigged election and poorly educated voters.

We are fed up not from the WEEK, but from the last 50 years of your bullshit.

And we expect nothing less that for you to continue your same bullshit.

Indeed, for you to learn at this point would be dangerous for us.

Trump is well set up to make FURTHER GAINS into your base, if you continue along as you have been.
The biggest problem with our politics is the narcissistic, hateful, binary madness that has gripped both ends of the political spectrum.

The rest of us, the majority, can only plead for it to stop so that actual progress can be made.

The difference is that those of the left are angry because of self generated delusions that the Right is Hitler,

while the Right is reasonably pissed off at the vile slander of the last 50 years.

We on the Right, CAN'T do anything about the LEft being complete jerks.

The Barrypuppet was just a socialist puppet clown....thus far the leftard clown posse's pissin' and moanin' about Trump hasn't bothered me in the least...but if he turns out to be another puppet of the banking oligarchs? I will join you in bashing him just like I did Bushpuppet and the Barrypuppet. Your gnashing of teeth doesn't mean shit to me at all. You are just having a hissyfit and it was to be expected. I have to laugh at the very thought that your lame flames has irritated think too much of might want to work on that. (snicker)
The biggest problem with our politics is the narcissistic, hateful, binary madness that has gripped both ends of the political spectrum.

The rest of us, the majority, can only plead for it to stop so that actual progress can be made.

The difference is that those of the left are angry because of self generated delusions that the Right is Hitler,

while the Right is reasonably pissed off at the vile slander of the last 50 years.

We on the Right, CAN'T do anything about the LEft being complete jerks.
And the beat goes on.......
... the voters (or better said the people who have a vote, regardless of whether they use it or not).


Gold Star family of slain California soldier booed on flight

Here's a news story.

It's written in different parts.

Part one: the Title. "
Gold Star family of slain California soldier booed on flight"

First thoughts are, that somehow a load of people booed the family of a US service man who died for his country. I'm sure many people could come up with opposing arguments for and against this.

The second part states that: "he felt disrespected and hurt by passengers who booed him and his family when they were on a flight to meet his son's remains."

So they were on a flight to get their son's remains and then they got booed by the passengers. So, some people only read the headline then jumped in to the comments section to have their say. Some people got through the first paragraph before going off to the comments section.

The third part: Perry, an ex-Marine who lives in Stockton, said the flight to Phoenix was 45 minutes late and the crew, fearing the Gold Star family could miss their connecting flight, made an announcement for passengers to remain seated to let a "special military family" deplane first."

So, the plane was delayed, and then the airline decided this family should get off first, before first class passengers, before anyone else. At this point some other people jumped off to the comments section for their say.

The next part says "He said he doesn't know if the passengers from Sacramento knew there was a Gold Star family on board or whether people sitting in the coach section complained."

So, basically the passengers who booed didn't know the situation, didn't know they were going to meet the coffin of their dead son who died in Afghanistan, didn't know anything, so they booed because someone got pushed ahead in the line for what appeared to be no valid reason.

By now most people have either already gone to the comments section, or stopped reading.

Some of the comments based on this article:

"Typical wealthy American compassion for dead soldiers. Money talks and compassion walks."

"People who sit in first class are generally selfish pricks anyway, so not surprising in any way..."

"Support our troops - until you infringe on my first-class privileges! No wonder America is rapidly going down the toilet!"

"Talk about elitists. Republican or democrat, this kind of behavior is a new low of behavior."

"I would love to see the names of these slugs posted, so they could be tormented for life. American LOSERS"

These comments are the sort of comments that American voters are making. It's not even the comments that are scary, it's the attitude and the reasoning behind them. People without sufficient knowledge about an issue will decide they are in the know. Then the insults come out very quickly.

How can a country survive when this sort of attitude is the very attitude that is electing the leaders of the country?

People moan and groan about the politicians. But the politicians are playing the game that is set up for them by the people who vote. They see how people think, see how people work, and then try and appeal to such people.

Then the people are moaning it's all going to hell, but without realizing that they are the main culprits behind everything going to hell. But they won't admit it. They'll always blame someone else, because it's never, EVER their fault.

It's not just in America either. You look at Brexit and you see the same thing.
Brexit and Trump are a direct result of the failure of our respective education systems.
The best selling paper in the UK is the Sun which succeeds by appealing to the vast mass of badly educated Britons. To ask these people to vote on complex issues is akin to teaching nuclear physics to a chimpanzee.
And thats why Brexit/Trump won. They reduced their argument to a soundbite that could be easily digested.

Reason wilts when faced with that.

I have yet to meet a brexiteer who can put together an argument in favour of brexit.

"Iss takin back control innit mate".

Having said that the majority of Americans rejected Trump who won by a quirk of the system.
... the voters (or better said the people who have a vote, regardless of whether they use it or not).


Gold Star family of slain California soldier booed on flight

Here's a news story.

It's written in different parts.

Part one: the Title. "
Gold Star family of slain California soldier booed on flight"

First thoughts are, that somehow a load of people booed the family of a US service man who died for his country. I'm sure many people could come up with opposing arguments for and against this.

The second part states that: "he felt disrespected and hurt by passengers who booed him and his family when they were on a flight to meet his son's remains."

So they were on a flight to get their son's remains and then they got booed by the passengers. So, some people only read the headline then jumped in to the comments section to have their say. Some people got through the first paragraph before going off to the comments section.

The third part: Perry, an ex-Marine who lives in Stockton, said the flight to Phoenix was 45 minutes late and the crew, fearing the Gold Star family could miss their connecting flight, made an announcement for passengers to remain seated to let a "special military family" deplane first."

So, the plane was delayed, and then the airline decided this family should get off first, before first class passengers, before anyone else. At this point some other people jumped off to the comments section for their say.

The next part says "He said he doesn't know if the passengers from Sacramento knew there was a Gold Star family on board or whether people sitting in the coach section complained."

So, basically the passengers who booed didn't know the situation, didn't know they were going to meet the coffin of their dead son who died in Afghanistan, didn't know anything, so they booed because someone got pushed ahead in the line for what appeared to be no valid reason.

By now most people have either already gone to the comments section, or stopped reading.

Some of the comments based on this article:

"Typical wealthy American compassion for dead soldiers. Money talks and compassion walks."

"People who sit in first class are generally selfish pricks anyway, so not surprising in any way..."

"Support our troops - until you infringe on my first-class privileges! No wonder America is rapidly going down the toilet!"

"Talk about elitists. Republican or democrat, this kind of behavior is a new low of behavior."

"I would love to see the names of these slugs posted, so they could be tormented for life. American LOSERS"

These comments are the sort of comments that American voters are making. It's not even the comments that are scary, it's the attitude and the reasoning behind them. People without sufficient knowledge about an issue will decide they are in the know. Then the insults come out very quickly.

How can a country survive when this sort of attitude is the very attitude that is electing the leaders of the country?

People moan and groan about the politicians. But the politicians are playing the game that is set up for them by the people who vote. They see how people think, see how people work, and then try and appeal to such people.

Then the people are moaning it's all going to hell, but without realizing that they are the main culprits behind everything going to hell. But they won't admit it. They'll always blame someone else, because it's never, EVER their fault.

It's not just in America either. You look at Brexit and you see the same thing.
Brexit and Trump are a direct result of the failure of our respective education systems.
The best selling paper in the UK is the Sun which succeeds by appealing to the vast mass of badly educated Britons. To ask these people to vote on complex issues is akin to teaching nuclear physics to a chimpanzee.
And thats why Brexit/Trump won. They reduced their argument to a soundbite that could be easily digested.

Reason wilts when faced with that.

I have yet to meet a brexiteer who can put together an argument in favour of brexit.

"Iss takin back control innit mate".

Having said that the majority of Americans rejected Trump who won by a quirk of the system.

Yes, I think you can see it on here too. Too many people unable to formulate a simple argument and good off insulting at the first opportunity.
The difference is that those of the left are angry because of self generated delusions that the Right is Hitler.
Minor problem there.



one guy could have done that. ONE GUY, that might well not even have been a member of what we call the Right.

HILLARY, the democratic nominee ran a whole Godwin Campaign.

Trump never called Hillary a Hitler. Trump never called Obama a Hitler.

THe two sides are not equal.

NOte you are citing anonymous individuals on the internet, and I am citing a democratic presidential candidate.
The difference is that those of the left are angry because of self generated delusions that the Right is Hitler.
Minor problem there.



one guy could have done that. ONE GUY, that might well not even have been a member of what we call the Right.

HILLARY, the democratic nominee ran a whole Godwin Campaign.

Trump never called Hillary a Hitler. Trump never called Obama a Hitler.

THe two sides are not equal.

NOte you are citing anonymous individuals on the internet, and I am citing a democratic presidential candidate.
Correct, the two sides are not equal, they're not exactly the same by any means, but they do share many behaviors.

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