The Big Iraq Lie Marches On


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
"'The war in Iraq will soon belong to history,' President Obama told the troops at Fort Bragg last week. 'Your service belongs to the ages. Never forget that you are part of an unbroken line of heroes spanning two centuries — from the colonists who overthrew an empire, to your grandparents and parents who faced down fascism and communism, to you — men and women who fought for the same principles in Fallujah and Kandahar, and delivered justice to those who attacked us on 9/11.'”

The latest Big Lie delivered by a Latest Liar living in the White House assures the troops that doing what's right is the prime motivator of all US military action.

Except the prime motivator of all US military action is the profit earned by 1% of the US population from the mass killing of innocent, foreign civilians.

"If there’s no such thing as a president who can tell the truth about a fraudulently launched, devastatingly counterproductive military adventure, or speak critically about militarism in general — because the truth would, oh, bring down the economy — we have an inadequate system of government, whose fundamental purpose is to resist change and perpetuate itself no matter what...."

One possible way to force change upon those who profit from mass murder would be to convene of a truth commission charged with an honest accounting of a lie that may have killed a million Iraqis and helped devastate the US economy even as it enriched a few powerful profiteers among the richest 1%.

"A disastrous war may be over, but there's no cause for cheering until we free our government from the interests that waged it."

The Big Lie Marches On | Common Dreams
He has to win re-election. Opportunism is part of a politician's life, according to requirements of today's political climate. What Obama said is certainly not right, but his position on Iraq is documented in history. He stood on right side of history when it mattered.

Soldiers are also voters. He won't tell them: "You committed war-crimes in Fallujah".
He'll tell them, that they brought "freedom" to Fallujah.
Did you notice Obama marked the end of the US occupation by calling on others not to meddle in Iraq's internal affairs?

In 1955 Albert Einstein and Bertrand Russell wrote an open letter to the world in which they pointed out a choice facing the planet that was "stark and dreadful and inescapable: shall we put an end to the human race; or shall mankind renounce war?"

Politicians like Obama serve those who profit from war and financial deregulation.
War will end this specie if we don't stop electing frauds like Obama or Mitt or Newt...
Did you notice Obama marked the end of the US occupation by calling on others not to meddle in Iraq's internal affairs?

In 1955 Albert Einstein and Bertrand Russell wrote an open letter to the world in which they pointed out a choice facing the planet that was "stark and dreadful and inescapable: shall we put an end to the human race; or shall mankind renounce war?"

Politicians like Obama serve those who profit from war and financial deregulation.
War will end this specie if we don't stop electing frauds like Obama or Mitt or Newt...

We could always elect Paul.

He's all in favor of a nuclear Iran.
You know who's going to take over Iraq soon, right?
"'The war in Iraq will soon belong to history,' President Obama told the troops at Fort Bragg last week. 'Your service belongs to the ages. Never forget that you are part of an unbroken line of heroes spanning two centuries — from the colonists who overthrew an empire, to your grandparents and parents who faced down fascism and communism, to you — men and women who fought for the same principles in Fallujah and Kandahar, and delivered justice to those who attacked us on 9/11.'”

The latest Big Lie delivered by a Latest Liar living in the White House assures the troops that doing what's right is the prime motivator of all US military action.

Except the prime motivator of all US military action is the profit earned by 1% of the US population from the mass killing of innocent, foreign civilians.

"If there’s no such thing as a president who can tell the truth about a fraudulently launched, devastatingly counterproductive military adventure, or speak critically about militarism in general — because the truth would, oh, bring down the economy — we have an inadequate system of government, whose fundamental purpose is to resist change and perpetuate itself no matter what...."

One possible way to force change upon those who profit from mass murder would be to convene of a truth commission charged with an honest accounting of a lie that may have killed a million Iraqis and helped devastate the US economy even as it enriched a few powerful profiteers among the richest 1%.

"A disastrous war may be over, but there's no cause for cheering until we free our government from the interests that waged it."

The Big Lie Marches On | Common Dreams

and delivered justice to those who attacked us on 9/11.'”

He wasn't saying Iraq was behind 9/11, which is clearly what you are trying to spin. Obama took out Bin Laden. So he did indeed deliver justice.

Obama voted against the Iraq war, but he's not going to tell those troops that the Republicans them fucked over, like the Republicans would do to him if given the chance. Oh, wait, they are already trying to do that.
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You know who's going to take over Iraq soon, right?

Iraq is a failed and deeply divided state.
Iran will enhance cooperation with the regions within Iraq which are supportive of Iran due to religious association. There's hardly convergence between Iran and people living West and North of Baghdad.

However, Obama isn't to blame. Obama just ended a war which is run on Chinese money, borrowed from tomorrow in the name of US children.
"'The war in Iraq will soon belong to history,' President Obama told the troops at Fort Bragg last week. 'Your service belongs to the ages. Never forget that you are part of an unbroken line of heroes spanning two centuries — from the colonists who overthrew an empire, to your grandparents and parents who faced down fascism and communism, to you — men and women who fought for the same principles in Fallujah and Kandahar, and delivered justice to those who attacked us on 9/11.'”

The latest Big Lie delivered by a Latest Liar living in the White House assures the troops that doing what's right is the prime motivator of all US military action.

Except the prime motivator of all US military action is the profit earned by 1% of the US population from the mass killing of innocent, foreign civilians.

"If there’s no such thing as a president who can tell the truth about a fraudulently launched, devastatingly counterproductive military adventure, or speak critically about militarism in general — because the truth would, oh, bring down the economy — we have an inadequate system of government, whose fundamental purpose is to resist change and perpetuate itself no matter what...."

One possible way to force change upon those who profit from mass murder would be to convene of a truth commission charged with an honest accounting of a lie that may have killed a million Iraqis and helped devastate the US economy even as it enriched a few powerful profiteers among the richest 1%.

"A disastrous war may be over, but there's no cause for cheering until we free our government from the interests that waged it."

The Big Lie Marches On | Common Dreams

and delivered justice to those who attacked us on 9/11.'”

He wasn't saying Iraq was behind 9/11, which is clearly what you are trying to spin. Obama took out Bin Laden. So he did indeed deliver justice.

Obama voted against the Iraq war, but he's not going to tell those troops that the Republicans them fucked over, like the Republicans would do to him if given the chance. Oh, wait, they are already trying to do that.

Sure looks like he claimed the war in Iraq was fighting those that attacked us on 9/11. Or perhaps you can point out for us how including that statement as said in that sentence at a speech praising the END of the Iraq war means either Afghanistan or Pakistan?

By the way? after the invasion and successful capture of Iraq, the post war was in fact a fight with elements of the Group that attacked us on 9/11.
You know who's going to take over Iraq soon, right?

Iraq is a failed and deeply divided state.
Iran will enhance cooperation with the regions within Iraq which are supportive of Iran due to religious association. There's hardly convergence between Iran and people living West and North of Baghdad.

However, Obama isn't to blame. Obama just ended a war which is run on Chinese money, borrowed from tomorrow in the name of US children.

And here I thought people were being unfair when they call you a goat-fucker.

By the way? after the invasion and successful capture of Iraq, the post war was in fact a fight with elements of the Group that attacked us on 9/11.

But those elements didn't exist in Iraq before the invasion.
They came shortly after the USA.
By the way? after the invasion and successful capture of Iraq, the post war was in fact a fight with elements of the Group that attacked us on 9/11.

But those elements didn't exist in Iraq before the invasion.
They came shortly after the USA.

Captured Government documents prove that Saddam had open ties to Osama Bin Laden's group. he had ties with other terror organizations as well.
Did you notice Obama marked the end of the US occupation by calling on others not to meddle in Iraq's internal affairs?

In 1955 Albert Einstein and Bertrand Russell wrote an open letter to the world in which they pointed out a choice facing the planet that was "stark and dreadful and inescapable: shall we put an end to the human race; or shall mankind renounce war?"

Politicians like Obama serve those who profit from war and financial deregulation.
War will end this specie if we don't stop electing frauds like Obama or Mitt or Newt...

We could always elect Paul.

He's all in favor of a nuclear Iran.
You know who's going to take over Iraq soon, right?
According to some recent polls a majority of the 99% in the Middle East believe Israel and the US pose a greater threat to world peace than a nuclear-armed Iran. The greatest purveyor of violence on this planet hasn't changed since King spoke those words five decades ago.
"'The war in Iraq will soon belong to history,' President Obama told the troops at Fort Bragg last week. 'Your service belongs to the ages. Never forget that you are part of an unbroken line of heroes spanning two centuries — from the colonists who overthrew an empire, to your grandparents and parents who faced down fascism and communism, to you — men and women who fought for the same principles in Fallujah and Kandahar, and delivered justice to those who attacked us on 9/11.'”

The latest Big Lie delivered by a Latest Liar living in the White House assures the troops that doing what's right is the prime motivator of all US military action.

Except the prime motivator of all US military action is the profit earned by 1% of the US population from the mass killing of innocent, foreign civilians.

"If there’s no such thing as a president who can tell the truth about a fraudulently launched, devastatingly counterproductive military adventure, or speak critically about militarism in general — because the truth would, oh, bring down the economy — we have an inadequate system of government, whose fundamental purpose is to resist change and perpetuate itself no matter what...."

One possible way to force change upon those who profit from mass murder would be to convene of a truth commission charged with an honest accounting of a lie that may have killed a million Iraqis and helped devastate the US economy even as it enriched a few powerful profiteers among the richest 1%.

"A disastrous war may be over, but there's no cause for cheering until we free our government from the interests that waged it."

The Big Lie Marches On | Common Dreams

and delivered justice to those who attacked us on 9/11.'”

He wasn't saying Iraq was behind 9/11, which is clearly what you are trying to spin. Obama took out Bin Laden. So he did indeed deliver justice.

Obama voted against the Iraq war, but he's not going to tell those troops that the Republicans them fucked over, like the Republicans would do to him if given the chance. Oh, wait, they are already trying to do that.
Why didn't the FBI charge Osama with the 9/11 attacks, unlike the bombings of our African embassies and the USS Cole?

I don't believe it's possible to deter Wall Street/Pentagon criminality by "choosing" between Republican OR Democrat in the voting booth.

Both parties serve the 1%.
You know who's going to take over Iraq soon, right?

Iraq is a failed and deeply divided state.
Iran will enhance cooperation with the regions within Iraq which are supportive of Iran due to religious association. There's hardly convergence between Iran and people living West and North of Baghdad.

However, Obama isn't to blame. Obama just ended a war which is run on Chinese money, borrowed from tomorrow in the name of US children.
And thousands of US children are slated to die in future wars of aggression like Iraq and Afghanistan, especially if they're born in a red state. Wars of choice can be taxed into extinction in less than a generation if we stop "choosing" between Republican OR Democrat in the voting booth.

Tell the 1% to fight the wars.
Another troll/conspiracy nut thread? Just what we needed...
"I fear that the Big Lie is seductive, because there’s so much power attached to it. On the outside looking in, when you’re just a state senator from Illinois, or whatever, the invasion of Iraq may look like a dumb war.

"But on the inside of the operation, with so much power at stake, the pragmatic necessities of empire, a.k.a., our national interests — control of oil, dominance in the Middle East, the well-being of defense contractors — morph into patriotic values, and seem, all of a sudden, worth the cost in human lives, environmental devastation and even the well-being of future generations."

What threat did Iraq pose to the US homeland?

The Big Lie Marches On | Common Dreams
"'The war in Iraq will soon belong to history,' President Obama told the troops at Fort Bragg last week. 'Your service belongs to the ages. Never forget that you are part of an unbroken line of heroes spanning two centuries — from the colonists who overthrew an empire, to your grandparents and parents who faced down fascism and communism, to you — men and women who fought for the same principles in Fallujah and Kandahar, and delivered justice to those who attacked us on 9/11.'”

The latest Big Lie delivered by a Latest Liar living in the White House assures the troops that doing what's right is the prime motivator of all US military action.

Except the prime motivator of all US military action is the profit earned by 1% of the US population from the mass killing of innocent, foreign civilians.

"If there’s no such thing as a president who can tell the truth about a fraudulently launched, devastatingly counterproductive military adventure, or speak critically about militarism in general — because the truth would, oh, bring down the economy — we have an inadequate system of government, whose fundamental purpose is to resist change and perpetuate itself no matter what...."

One possible way to force change upon those who profit from mass murder would be to convene of a truth commission charged with an honest accounting of a lie that may have killed a million Iraqis and helped devastate the US economy even as it enriched a few powerful profiteers among the richest 1%.

"A disastrous war may be over, but there's no cause for cheering until we free our government from the interests that waged it."

The Big Lie Marches On | Common Dreams

and delivered justice to those who attacked us on 9/11.'”

He wasn't saying Iraq was behind 9/11, which is clearly what you are trying to spin. Obama took out Bin Laden. So he did indeed deliver justice.

Obama voted against the Iraq war, but he's not going to tell those troops that the Republicans them fucked over, like the Republicans would do to him if given the chance. Oh, wait, they are already trying to do that.

Sure looks like he claimed the war in Iraq was fighting those that attacked us on 9/11. Or perhaps you can point out for us how including that statement as said in that sentence at a speech praising the END of the Iraq war means either Afghanistan or Pakistan?

By the way? after the invasion and successful capture of Iraq, the post war was in fact a fight with elements of the Group that attacked us on 9/11.
Why do you think they attacked us on 9/11?

Was MLK wrong about the US being the greatest purveyor of violence on this planet?
Did you notice Obama marked the end of the US occupation by calling on others not to meddle in Iraq's internal affairs?

In 1955 Albert Einstein and Bertrand Russell wrote an open letter to the world in which they pointed out a choice facing the planet that was "stark and dreadful and inescapable: shall we put an end to the human race; or shall mankind renounce war?"

Politicians like Obama serve those who profit from war and financial deregulation.
War will end this specie if we don't stop electing frauds like Obama or Mitt or Newt...

We could always elect Paul.

He's all in favor of a nuclear Iran.
You know who's going to take over Iraq soon, right?
According to some recent polls a majority of the 99% in the Middle East believe Israel and the US pose a greater threat to world peace than a nuclear-armed Iran. The greatest purveyor of violence on this planet hasn't changed since King spoke those words five decades ago.

Wow......Arabia thinks that Israel and US are the big satan?
Of course they think we're the bigger threat.
No matter what transpires, we or the Jewish state will be blamed.
We could always elect Paul.

He's all in favor of a nuclear Iran.
You know who's going to take over Iraq soon, right?
According to some recent polls a majority of the 99% in the Middle East believe Israel and the US pose a greater threat to world peace than a nuclear-armed Iran. The greatest purveyor of violence on this planet hasn't changed since King spoke those words five decades ago.

Wow......Arabia thinks that Israel and US are the big satan?
Of course they think we're the bigger threat.
No matter what transpires, we or the Jewish state will be blamed.
Here's one of many reason Muslims view the US and Israel as the greatest threat to their existence:

"These results provide strong evidence that the Gulf war and trade sanctions caused a threefold increase in mortality among Iraqi children under five years of age. We estimate that an excess of more than 46,900 children died between January and August 1991. (N Engl J Med 1992;327:931–6.)"

MMS: Error

How many US children under the age of five has Arabia killed?

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