The 'Big Biden Blunder Act' Just Hit Congress: 'We Need Answers'


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

The 'Big Biden Blunder Act' Just Hit Congress: 'We Need Answers'​

19 Apr 2023 ~~ By Matthew Bush

GOP Rep. Byron Donalds of Florida is introducing the Big Biden Blunder Act, a bill that would demand accountability from the Biden administration concerning the botched withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan in August 2021.
He stated, “We need answers and accountability NOW because Biden’s promise to Build Back Better has resulted in nothing more than a Big Biden Blunder.”
According to a discussion draft of the bill provided by Fox News, the BBB would “direct the Comptroller General of the United States to deliver a report on the economic effects of the withdrawal of the United States Armed Forces from Afghanistan, and for other purposes.”
Part of the economic impact of the botched withdrawal that Donalds wants to highlight with the bill is the effect that abandoning billions of dollars worth of military equipment had on the U.S. economy.
While estimates range anywhere from $7 billion to more than $80 billion worth of military equipment was abandoned, no matter the number, leaving equipment like that behind has had an effect on the economy.
In addition to the economic impact of the withdrawal, the way in which the world views America and the U.S. military was affected as well.
“The Biden administration’s disastrous, hasty, and poorly executed withdrawal from Afghanistan has left a permanent stain on our nation’s military prestige,” Donalds told Fox News in a statement.
“Thirteen dead U.S. servicemembers, over $85 billion of military equipment and hundreds of Americans left behind, coupled with the images of desperate individuals falling to their deaths from the wings of American aircraft, will forever haunt and tarnish the Biden administration’s foreign policy agenda.”

To date, the Biden administration has not yet taken responsibility for nor admitted mistakes in the withdrawal of the troops and this legislation along with the hearing should do exactly that.

The Big Biden Blunder Act, or the short version The BBB Act." Perhaps the most appropriately named bill in the history of Congress.
To really fill the Bill, the BBB Act should be a lot larger and encompass a whole lot more inept actions and decisions' that Biden has taken.
This is the fourth time that Joe Biden and is merry Maoist Democrats has pulled Embassy personnel under emergency procedures leaving American citizens behind.

Biden and his Maoist/DSA Democrat Party have created a tangled web of failures that will take a massive effort to untangle. Its incomprehensible how anyone can justify voting for more of the same from this demented, inept, corrupted man and the Party he supposedly leads.
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