The Benedict Option


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
**Mods: this thread could perhaps fit just as well on the Religion board. I chose to put it in Politics because the concept and implementation of the Benedict Option collide and conflict directly with political platforms, local government, and prevailing political ideology.

Link to the book:

The Benedict Option

A review of the book:

Who is the Benedict Option for?

Article about the book's concept:

Small town in Idaho is a perfect example of the Benedict Option in action

Wikipedia Page for the book:

The Benedict Option - Wikipedia

Op Commentary:

The concept behind the Benedict Option is quite interesting. It goes something like forming Christian centric communities in small towns across America, in an effort to counter or perhaps even undue several decades of the creep of moral relativism, postmodernism and political correctness into small town American life. Again, I posted this thread in Politics because I don't see how such a movement could progress without locking horns with local government agencies, such as school boards, county commissioners and school district superintendents. Such an effort would also require the splitting of constitutional hairs, what with the possible intent of reintroducing prayer and Christian values into schools and other government run entities. Overall, I think it's an interesting concept but ultimately doomed from the starting line. It seems like more of a conscientious objector sort of thing than any engine for real change or preservation of the American Way of Life. Beyond that, any such effort would require $$$ and we all know money comes with many attached strings.
As long as embracing an ancient xtian life doesn't involve some of the ancient xtian practices, vis-a-vis the Jews, I say go for it.

**Mods: this thread could perhaps fit just as well on the Religion board. I chose to put it in Politics because the concept and implementation of the Benedict Option collide and conflict directly with political platforms, local government, and prevailing political ideology.

Link to the book:

The Benedict Option

A review of the book:

Who is the Benedict Option for?

Article about the book's concept:

Small town in Idaho is a perfect example of the Benedict Option in action

Wikipedia Page for the book:

The Benedict Option - Wikipedia

Op Commentary:

The concept behind the Benedict Option is quite interesting. It goes something like forming Christian centric communities in small towns across America, in an effort to counter or perhaps even undue several decades of the creep of moral relativism, postmodernism and political correctness into small town American life. Again, I posted this thread in Politics because I don't see how such a movement could progress without locking horns with local government agencies, such as school boards, county commissioners and school district superintendents. Such an effort would also require the splitting of constitutional hairs, what with the possible intent of reintroducing prayer and Christian values into schools and other government run entities. Overall, I think it's an interesting concept but ultimately doomed from the starting line. It seems like more of a conscientious objector sort of thing than any engine for real change or preservation of the American Way of Life. Beyond that, any such effort would require $$$ and we all know money comes with many attached strings.
Maybe you should do tent revivals across the country and then gather your followers to a foreign compound for more in-depth training before sending them back to preach your new socio-religious compact, like Jim Jones. Before the Kool-Aid, that is.
It goes something like forming Christian centric communities in small towns across America,
How about we throw those fucking vice lord churchs and synagogues out of city hall? Isn't it about time to separate the church from the state and throw out those stupid laws respecting an establishment of religion? You don't even know how much I hate small-town Republicrats and RINOs.
Actually just pay for parochial school and you have it all.

Interesting. However I've noticed a trend in our area of former Christian schools going out of business and being converted into everything from plumbing stores to dance studios. I wonder if it is a national trend?
As long as embracing an ancient xtian life doesn't involve some of the ancient xtian practices, vis-a-vis the Jews, I say go for it.

View attachment 449437
Since we were founded a CHRISTian (not xian) nation, and everyone wants to colonize this nation with their own religions, there is NOTHING WRONG with Christian's doing the same since that is the original order anyway.
It goes something like forming Christian centric communities in small towns across America,
How about we throw those fucking vice lord churchs and synagogues out of city hall? Isn't it about time to separate the church from the state and throw out those stupid laws respecting an establishment of religion? You don't even know how much I hate small-town Republicrats and RINOs.

That's a very strong opinion, and an appreciated one. How then do we take back our communities at the local level when grass roots evil has slithered its way into all local institutions? Armed to the teeth and all out of bubble gum?
Actually just pay for parochial school and you have it all.

Interesting. However I've noticed a trend in our area of former Christian schools going out of business and being converted into everything from plumbing stores to dance studios. I wonder if it is a national trend?
It is a trend. It's comparable in cost to go to an ivy league college as it is to attend most urban parochial schools. Public schools are tuition free.
Actually just pay for parochial school and you have it all.

Interesting. However I've noticed a trend in our area of former Christian schools going out of business and being converted into everything from plumbing stores to dance studios. I wonder if it is a national trend?

How does a school building work as a plumbing store?
It goes something like forming Christian centric communities in small towns across America,
How about we throw those fucking vice lord churchs and synagogues out of city hall? Isn't it about time to separate the church from the state and throw out those stupid laws respecting an establishment of religion? You don't even know how much I hate small-town Republicrats and RINOs.
I love triggered God Haters. I mean I love seeing them triggered
As long as embracing an ancient xtian life doesn't involve some of the ancient xtian practices, vis-a-vis the Jews, I say go for it.

View attachment 449437
Since we were founded a CHRISTian (not xian) nation, and everyone wants to colonize this nation with their own religions, there is NOTHING WRONG with Christian's doing the same since that is the original order anyway.

I agree, absolutely. All I'm saying is local political organizations controlled by politically correct monsters would have to be dealt with somehow—within the constraints of the legal system. Because they would never allow such a movement to gain traction. They're all about drag queen story time and the like.
Actually just pay for parochial school and you have it all.

Interesting. However I've noticed a trend in our area of former Christian schools going out of business and being converted into everything from plumbing stores to dance studios. I wonder if it is a national trend?

How does a school building work as a plumbing store?
In older cities. those old schools buildings and churches that have closed were built with quality a century ago or more or so.
"May the children of the stock of Abraham who dwell in the land continue to merit and enjoy the goodwill of the other inhabitants. While everyone shall sit safely under his own vine and fig-tree and there shall be none to make him afraid."

George Washington - 1790
Actually just pay for parochial school and you have it all.

Interesting. However I've noticed a trend in our area of former Christian schools going out of business and being converted into everything from plumbing stores to dance studios. I wonder if it is a national trend?

How does a school building work as a plumbing store?
In older cities. those old schools buildings and churches that have closed were built with quality a century ago or more or so.

I wasn't thinking of the quality of the build, I was thinking of the physical layout. How does a compartmentalized school building, with separated classrooms, transform into an open plan retail store?

Removing all the walls seems like a lot of effort.

Most modern schools consist of a number of separated buildings. That would seem less conducive to the flow of retail traffic.
I haven’t read the book.. but I found the article you linked to here very interesting.

I can see how building communities based on Christian principles can be good or bad...depending on who you are.

This stood out:

So while I’d be glad to see Dreher’s Benedict Option thrive among conservatives, and even gladder to see a liberal option to the Option thrive alongside it, I still hope for something even more outrageous: that we may all somehow be one. As long as we’re hoping, let’s hope for a rebirth of thick Christian community that is broadly, generously ecumenical, that plants its deepest roots neither in received tradition nor in dreams of progress but in the gospel of the living God.

I am curious, did you read the book? What would these communities look like and in what way would encounter resistance?
Actually just pay for parochial school and you have it all.

Interesting. However I've noticed a trend in our area of former Christian schools going out of business and being converted into everything from plumbing stores to dance studios. I wonder if it is a national trend?
It is a market driven trend in some areas...peop,e are less religious.

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