The barbarians sacked Rome on August 24, 410 AD - the day historians consider the death of the Roman Empire

Future historians will date 2020 as the year that the United States of America, the longest lasting republic in the history of mankind, finally ended.

We don't know what will replace the republic, but we do know that the Democrats plan to build a socialist society where freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the right to bear arms, and due process no longer gets in the way between an all powerful government enforcing its will on the people.
That depends on the "Rome" you are referring to. The Republic of Rome prior to Julius Caesar? Or empirical Rome which was a Dictatorship. The Dictatorship version of Rome long outlived the Classical Republic of Rome.
The argument can easily be made that The original Rome ended when Julius Caesar crossed the Rhine with his troops. Till then Rome had a staunch policy of having no standing army within its borders. Caesars crossing the Rhine and bringing his army with him is what set the ball rolling toward the dictatorship that Rome has come to be known for.
Our forefathers knew all about this as well. They even built a firewall into our constitution to protect our Republic from repeating that mistake, when they declared we should have no standing army. And with modern policing, and the states agents having special privileges, and powers, and whose word carries more weight in our courts that's exactly what we've created.
Post Edit: The Rubicon. Caesar crossed the Rubicon, not the Rhine.
Rome fell because the Romans hired barbarians to fight their wars for them, then failed to pay the mercenaries, and so they got sacked. There's no great moral lesson to be learned other than: "Don't be so damn stupid."

The United States is in danger for the same reason: our stupidity in treating the Democrats like a legitimate political party when they are, in fact, an organized band of thugs determined to destroy the republic and replace it with a socialist tyranny.
Quit with the hyperbole. If anything it is democrats who are tryng to hold the line as republicans chip away at the institutions that have made America a stable country since the civil war.
Hold the line?! You need to get some help with this delusion you have had planted on you. Democrats the way they have tried to end the Second Amendment and the Fourth and their attempt to over throw an election should give you a clue as to what they believe in, control.

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