The Aviator


Jul 14, 2009
I hate only 2 people and Leonardo DiCaprio is both of them.
I could not bring myself to view the movie , I considered my self pretty well informed of the life of HH ,
I finally decided to view the film
All in all Leonardo DiCaprio creates a poignant portrayal of a strange and trouble man.
well Leo already proved he can play a retard.

A schizoid paranoid obsessive compulsive hermit isn't much of a stretch
Any movie that could make me feel sorry for Howard Hughes is pretty good.

It also made me want to fuck Kathrine Hepburn, again.

She liked drunks you know?
I hate only 2 people and Leonardo DiCaprio is both of them.
I could not bring myself to view the movie , I considered my self pretty well informed of the life of HH ,
I finally decided to view the film
All in all Leonardo DiCaprio creates a poignant portrayal of a strange and trouble man.

I thought it was a good movie.

It jibed with what I remember about HH.

Just goes to show you how mental health problems can destroy you no matter how rich or smart you are.

In fact, in HH's case, his money seemed to work against him.

Had he been somebody who needed to make a living, he'd have been forced to seek treatment that might have helped him (maybe, psychiatry wasn't all that good back them).

Actually as long as I'm pontificating about the outcome of being so well off that you don't have to work, let me tell you that I truly do think that in far too many cases having a LOT of money is basically more of a burden than a help.

Having too much money means that you never have to REALITY TEST who you are and what you are becoming against the reality of other people.

Man, being a social animal, really does not other people to keep sane, I think.

I don't know how many trust funders I've known who had enough money to go slowly crazy to the point where they were miserable psychologically. But it is, I thinkm more than the number of trustfunders who were truly happy people.

When you're able to isolate yourself (as I have actually done of late, I note) it is WAY TOO EASY to lose your way as a person.

Hmmmm..I seem to be sending this warning to myself.

Note to self -- Get the fuck out of the house, Editec. You're turning into a freaking worthless solopsistic hermit!
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I hate only 2 people and Leonardo DiCaprio is both of them.
I could not bring myself to view the movie , I considered my self pretty well informed of the life of HH ,
I finally decided to view the film
All in all Leonardo DiCaprio creates a poignant portrayal of a strange and trouble man.

Really enjoyed this film. :) I was surprised Leo could bring it off and he didn't didn't disappoint.

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