The 25-cent raise: What life is like after a minimum wage increase


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014
Like tens of thousands of others in Arkansas, and millions whose states this year enacted pay increases, Tippen has found herself caught in the reality of America’s fiery debate on whether to raise the minimum wage. While politicians frame the discussion in bold terms — a ticket to the middle class; a death knell for small businesses — Tippen’s experiences reflects a more realistic picture: a slight help for poor workers, but not the game-changer that politicians promise.

The 25-cent raise What life is like after a minimum wage increase - The Washington Post
Everyone that is supporting Obama's action on immigration should read this piece. Too many low skilled American's can not find work. They should not have to compete with millions of illegals for these low skill jobs. Want wages to rise, let employers have to compete for workers.
While I'm strongly against raising the minimum wage because it will make America less competitive and slow job growth, I concede the debate is destined to continue until it is raised. I hereby state without a doubt, the minimum wage will go up! Polls show a majority of Americans support this idea. It is my feeling that many people see this as a silver bullet and believe the myth this will put more money into the consumers pocket and create economic growth.

They fail to recognize it will also spark inflation while reducing opportunity. New twist and wrinkles are being added by the White House and supporters of this increase every week. Expanding the number of workers eligible for overtime pay and the more recent talk about paid sick time are both attempts to push this along. Unfortunately much of the impact and pain will directly fall upon small business the real creator of jobs. If you want to read more the following article explores some of the negatives that come from arbitrarily raising wages.
Everyone that is supporting Obama's action on immigration should read this piece. Too many low skilled American's can not find work. They should not have to compete with millions of illegals for these low skill jobs. Want wages to rise, let employers have to compete for workers.

great idea but to Obama votes are more important and the larger immigrant community will vote for whoever is softest on immigration. Obama does not care if Americans have to compete with Guatamalans for fewer and fewer jobs at lower and lower wages.
Even after the quarter-per-hour increase, Tippen’s modest stack of bills still exceeds her income by $200 monthly. Businesses all around Tippen, including the fast food joints she sometimes visits...

Tippen, 43, lives with two of her grown children (ages 24 and 21), who haven’t been able to find work, though she wants them to. There’s also one grandchild, Zayne, about to turn two....And her family is about to grow — another grandchild who will live with her. The baby girl is expected sometime this month.

It seems irresponsible decision making is genetic.
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She’s worked minimum wage jobs for much of her life, and the one time she didn’t — earning $8 per hour, in 2004, at a payday lender in Sheridan, Ark. — she set herself up for a major tumble. She’d just gone through a divorce and she was terrified of losing her house, she said. She decided, with the help of two acquaintances, to steal $11,200 from her company.

I guess bettering yourself through gaining better paying work is just to irrational. Gotta sabotage it by stealing, then voting for minimum wage increases to make up for how you fucked yourself.
voting for minimum wage increases to make up for how you fucked yourself.

the irony is the voting for higher pay can't actually get you higher pay. Imagine if the liberal govt demanded at the point of a gun that newspaper ads be priced higher. Would there be more or less newspaper ads?
While I'm strongly against raising the minimum wage because it will make America less competitive and slow job growth, I concede the debate is destined to continue until it is raised

It never ends, don't think raising will make any difference in that regard
While I'm strongly against raising the minimum wage because it will make America less competitive and slow job growth, I concede the debate is destined to continue until it is raised

It never ends, don't think raising will make any difference in that regard

liberals will not be happy until they have raised wages high enough to ensure that every job is driven offshore!!

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