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Platinum Member
Mar 1, 2009
CRUSADERFRANK!!! :clap2::clap2::clap2:

This post:

Right now.

Low Total Solar Irradiance.

Low Sunpspots.

El Nino.

A 40% increase in CO2, a 150% increase in CH4, and a bunch of really nasty industrial GHGs.

So far this year, record temperatures globally. Looks like the latter two factors cancelled out the effect of the sun.

Now, let us look at the prior two years, 2008, and 2007.

Low TSI.

Low Sunspot activity.

Strong and persistant La Nina.

40% increase in CO2. 150% increase in CH4. And some really nasty industrial GHGs.

So three out of four factors say that we should have had a couple of really cold years. But both years rank among the ten warmest on record.

So what happened PP? Why did not the solar effect overpower the GHG effect?

Sorry, only reporting the "warm" places does not make it either Global or warming

Even the article says this, "This record warmth will seem strange to those who have experienced an unusually cold winter. While I have not checked into this, my first guess is that the atmospheric general circulation this winter has become unusually land-locked, allowing cold air masses to intensify over the major Northern Hemispheric land masses more than usual."
CRUSADERFRANK!!! :clap2::clap2::clap2:

This post:

Right now.

Low Total Solar Irradiance.

Low Sunpspots.

El Nino.

A 40% increase in CO2, a 150% increase in CH4, and a bunch of really nasty industrial GHGs.

So far this year, record temperatures globally. Looks like the latter two factors cancelled out the effect of the sun.

Now, let us look at the prior two years, 2008, and 2007.

Low TSI.

Low Sunspot activity.

Strong and persistant La Nina.

40% increase in CO2. 150% increase in CH4. And some really nasty industrial GHGs.

So three out of four factors say that we should have had a couple of really cold years. But both years rank among the ten warmest on record.

So what happened PP? Why did not the solar effect overpower the GHG effect?

Sorry, only reporting the "warm" places does not make it either Global or warming

Even the article says this, "This record warmth will seem strange to those who have experienced an unusually cold winter. While I have not checked into this, my first guess is that the atmospheric general circulation this winter has become unusually land-locked, allowing cold air masses to intensify over the major Northern Hemispheric land masses more than usual."

Speaking of the weather in Maine, thought you could use these:

First I'd like to that the Academy for honoring me and my post. When I first started posting here I'd had no idea that I would have such a profound impact on the course of history and humanity in general.

I get up every morning and ask myself two things: How will I make a difference today and did I remember to let the dog in? While the dog had a lonely night out in the back yard last night, I think we can all agree that today, or whatever day it was i made that post, was a day that made a difference.

I need to thank the following people: I'd like to thank my long suffering wife for never ceasing to remind me how much time I waste posting on the Internet, Thanks Honey! I want to thank Dude for introducing me to USMB, without Dude, I'd still be eating weeklong bans for using the word "macaca" on that other site. I d like to thank Xotoxi for noticing the 2MMth post and for making that way cool "Official Palin Thread" post card. I'd like to thank the Mods and Gunny for making this such a fun, friendly and welcoming place

Finally, I'd like to thank God. I keep asking him, "are you sure, absolutely sure, that I'm not wasting my precious time here on Earth posting on the Internet?" And he responds, "Jesus Christ! Will you Shut the Hell up and stop annoying me, I've got Frank Zappa up here and he's wailing on "Zoot Allures!"

Thank you!

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