That's right Joe, character is on the ballot.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Per Biden's latest ads, he tells us that "character is on the ballot" and that we should trust him over Donald Trump because of his superior "character".

OK, so tell us Joe, what character do you have that you would exploit your only living son for your own personal gain?

What character do you have that you would sell out your country to a very hostile and aggressive Chinese regime?

What character do you have when you have given us dozens of examples of your lewd, abusive behavior toward little girls, women, Secret Service, journalists, and ordinary citizens asking "the wrong" questions?

I'll answer that for you Joe. You have no character. You are an empty shell who has learned all the tricks of Washington and how 'Pay For Play' works and how you can get away with it. That's what 47 fucking years in politics has done for you.

That's right Joe, you are a sad, old, brain damaged, corrupt empty shell. If you had a shred of decency left you would be honest with the American people about your corruption. But you won't because you are an empty shell being kicked toward the finish line by billionaires, globalists, the media, athletes and entertainers. And the worst thing of all is, you just might win.
Per Biden's latest ads, he tells us that "character is on the ballot" and that we should trust him over Donald Trump because of his superior "character".

OK, so tell us Joe, what character do you have that you would exploit your only living son for your own personal gain?

What character do you have that you would sell out your country to a very hostile and aggressive Chinese regime?

What character do you have when you have given us dozens of examples of your lewd, abusive behavior toward little girls, women, Secret Service, journalists, and ordinary citizens asking "the wrong" questions?

I'll answer that for you Joe. You have no character. You are an empty shell who has learned all the tricks of Washington and how 'Pay For Play' works and how you can get away with it. That's what 47 fucking years in politics has done for you.

That's right Joe, you are a sad, old, brain damaged, corrupt empty shell. If you had a shred of decency left you would be honest with the American people about your corruption. But you won't because you are an empty shell being kicked toward the finish line by billionaires, globalists, the media, athletes and entertainers. And the worst thing of all is, you just might win.

The statist left blew it big time when big Joe was picked as their standard bearer. Big Joe wants to pizz with the big dogs but just can't lift his leg high enough. Even collapsing Hillary looked/sounded more believable than big Joe. Ole Joe is a blessing in disguise for the constitutional right.
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YES, character is on the ballot, and in that category, Biden wins hands down.
Trump is an ignorant top-of-stupid-head LIAR who wants to be re-elected more than almost anything else. He continues his disastrous pandemic rhetoric to appease macho idiots, he kisses Putin’s ass so the Kremlin trolls will help to try getting him re-elected, and Trump himself spreads the most misinformation about election integrity, according to Harvard & Cornell reports.
What kind of egocentric leader is that?
Per Biden's latest ads, he tells us that "character is on the ballot" and that we should trust him over Donald Trump because of his superior "character".

OK, so tell us Joe, what character do you have that you would exploit your only living son for your own personal gain?

What character do you have that you would sell out your country to a very hostile and aggressive Chinese regime?

What character do you have when you have given us dozens of examples of your lewd, abusive behavior toward little girls, women, Secret Service, journalists, and ordinary citizens asking "the wrong" questions?

I'll answer that for you Joe. You have no character. You are an empty shell who has learned all the tricks of Washington and how 'Pay For Play' works and how you can get away with it. That's what 47 fucking years in politics has done for you.

That's right Joe, you are a sad, old, brain damaged, corrupt empty shell. If you had a shred of decency left you would be honest with the American people about your corruption. But you won't because you are an empty shell being kicked toward the finish line by billionaires, globalists, the media, athletes and entertainers. And the worst thing of all is, you just might win.
A Trump supporter criticizing somebody else's character...priceless. You would think Biden payed off a porn star to keep their affair secret or something..

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