That Didn't Take Long


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
I underestimated the time it would take for the genitalia crowd to move from forcing the acceptance of homosexuality to 'other' forms of sexual deviance.

Check this out.....

Normalization of Pedophilia Proceeds

Is pedophilia a sexual orientation? | Toronto Star

According to the authorities, homosexuality is no longer a behavior or a disease, much less a sin, but an identity. It is therefore protected from criticism, and rewarded with special privileges that accompany identity politics. Inevitably, the same attitude will be applied to other aberrant behavior, starting with a closely related form of perversion, pedophilia:

Pedophilia has been widely viewed as a psychological disorder triggered by early childhood trauma.

Now, many experts see it as a biologically rooted condition that does not change — like a sexual orientation — thanks largely to a decade of research by Dr. James Cantor at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health [in Toronto].

Cantor’s team has found that pedophiles share a number of physical characteristics, including differences in brain wiring. It’s now thought that about 1 to 5 per cent of men are pedophiles, meaning they are primarily attracted to children.

That is about the same percentage that are homosexual.
Family Research Institute » Blog Archive » The Numbers Game: What Percentage of the Population is Gay?

Bolstered by this research, pedophiles who have never molested children are seeking social acceptance.

A guy calling himself Ethan Edwards is cofounder of Virtuous Pedophiles, a website explicitly devoted to “reducing the stigma against non-offender pedophiles.”

“We do not choose to be attracted to children, and we cannot make that attraction go away,” reads the website, which has about 200 members.

Anyone who has watched the top-down transformation of homosexuality from a nearly universally reviled psychosexual sickness to a source of “pride” that we are obliged to revere at the risk of losing our jobs for being “homophobes” can see where this is headed.

Dr Cantor appears to be another Alfred Kinsey — a creepy guy who uses science to advance a creepy agenda:

Sitting inside his office at the College St. research hospital, Cantor is surrounded by books on sexology and eccentric decor — a framed sign that reads “Data Is My Porn,” a throw pillow that spells “penis” in Braille.

Down the hall at the Kurt Freund Phallometric Lab, Cantor’s research team conducts experiments on convicted sex offenders. The men view nude images of children and adults of both sexes, while a device measures blood flow to their penises.

The Canadian tax dollar at play.

His team has found that pedophiles share many physical characteristics. They are shorter, on average, than other men. They are three times more likely to be left-handed or ambidextrous. Their IQs are about 10 to 15 points lower. Finally, they are more prone to childhood head injuries — which Cantor chalks up to a natural clumsiness.

These physical characteristics are determined before birth, so the explanation for pedophilia must be in part prenatal, Cantor says.

If they are born that way, they can’t help their desires — just as we are told is the case with homosexuals. Therefore, as with homosexuals, condemning their sexual fetishes equates to condemning their identities, which is hurtful, bigoted, intolerant, et cetera, ad nauseam.

The connection between homosexuality and pedophilia is clear:

Pedophiles are thought to be overwhelmingly men. About a third of those men prefer boys, about a third prefer girls, and a third will be attracted to both.

Whereas among non-pedophiles, less than one man in 25 is homosexual or bisexual.
Family Research Institute » Blog Archive » The Numbers Game: What Percentage of the Population is Gay?

Officially establishing pedophilia as a “sexual orientation,” as some already want to do, will designate pedophiles as an elevated class, with the de facto hiring and promotion priority entailed in laws and policies forbidding “discrimination.” From there the normalization of sexual relations between adults and children will follow inevitably.

Anyone who objects will face the fate of Phil Robertson.

Progressives always have to push the envelope. Where else are they going to push it, now that we are required to regard homosexuality as normal?
An adult having sex with a child is harmful to the child victim.

An adult having sex with an adult is not harmful to either partner.

Hope that helps!
Pedophiles are outmatched on an emotional level by someone of their own chronological age. They are extremely insecure. They need to dominate their sexual partner.

This also explains 50 year olds who date 18 year olds. ;)
Whether an adult pedophile harms a child or an adult heterosexual harms a child, it is wrong.
Yeah, right.

Tell that to the millions of people with AIDS

Whether an adult pedophile harms a child or an adult heterosexual harms a child, it is wrong.

That depends on what you consider a child to be.

In Islam, there is no such thing. In fact, Mohammed's favorite wife, Aisha, was only 6 years old when he married her and 9 years old when the marriage was consummated.

You're full of shit.

Homosexuality used to be against the law.

It isn't now.

When will pedophilia be decriminalized.

You people are always moving the goal posts
Whether an adult pedophile harms a child or an adult heterosexual harms a child, it is wrong.

That depends on what you consider a child to be.

In Islam, there is no such thing. In fact, Mohammed's favorite wife, Aisha, was only 6 years old when he married her and 9 years old when the marriage was consummated.

You're full of shit.

Homosexuality used to be against the law.

It isn't now.

When will pedophilia be decriminalized.

You people are always moving the goal posts

Fallacy: Slippery Slope
An adult having sex with a child is harmful to the child victim.

An adult having sex with an adult is not harmful to either partner.

One is harmful, one is not. If the one that is not harmful is legal, it does not follow the harmful one will be.

Hope that helps!
Arguing that allowing gay sex will lead to legal pedophilia is like arguing that allowing heterosexual sex will lead to legal pedophilia.
Dr. James Cantor of CAMH has shown pedophilia is like a sexual orientation — a deep attraction that cannot change. Now, pedophiles who have never molested children are seeking social acceptance.
Good Heavens!
Whether an adult pedophile harms a child or an adult heterosexual harms a child, it is wrong.

That depends on what you consider a child to be.

In Islam, there is no such thing. In fact, Mohammed's favorite wife, Aisha, was only 6 years old when he married her and 9 years old when the marriage was consummated.

You're full of shit.

Homosexuality used to be against the law.

It isn't now.

When will pedophilia be decriminalized.

You people are always moving the goal posts

Fallacy: Slippery Slope

Look, bitch. I didn't make this shit up. There is active research going on that concludes that pedophilia is something you're born with. Just like homosexuality.

If you believe that ALL homosexuals have no choice but to be homosexual, then you have to give thought to the same thing being true of pedophiles.

Just that one is now glorified and worshiped while the other is still illegal.

Will you stand against the people trying to make pedophilia legal?

I think you will. And in thirty years, people will be calling you a pedophobe.

You can thank me later for inventing a new word.

New things don't aim to change peoples' minds on something. What they do is try to indoctrinate the young, try to make it a part of every day life, try to 'normalize' it.

How many people trave abroad to satisfy their sick desires for children? Like Senator Menendez.

That's how the AIDS virus got here. Men traveling to other Countries to satisfy their sick desire for gay butt-sex and they brought it back.

It won't happen in my lifetime. Or maybe not even in yours. Or maybe never.

But they're going to try to normalize pedophilia,

Count on it
Dr. James Cantor of CAMH has shown pedophilia is like a sexual orientation — a deep attraction that cannot change. Now, pedophiles who have never molested children are seeking social acceptance.
Good Heavens!

There are people who are so mentally deficient they cannot tell right from wrong. It does not follow we must therefore allow them to kill at will.

The doctor is not making the argument that pedophiles should be allowed to have sex with kids, but Edgetho is too stupid to realize it.
This is just another tired "gays = pedophiles" topic.

It never fails. You cannot discuss homosexuality around some people without some jackass sooner or later comparing homosexuality to pedophilia or incest or bestiality. It never, ever fails. Every topic about gays. It's a weird obsession with them.
What is a child? A re we talking 16? That's already legal in Europe. I think 14 some places.
No, Edge is right. It becomes not a moral choice or crime but a condition. Then it becomes simply a lifestyle that must be protected.
What is a child? A re we talking 16? That's already legal in Europe. I think 14 some places.
No, Edge is right. It becomes not a moral choice or crime but a condition. Then it becomes simply a lifestyle that must be protected.

So here's another one too stupid to realize the doctor is not arguing that pedophiles be allowed to have sex with kids, any more than a doctor would argue a serial killer with a bad brain be allowed to kill hookers.
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