That $3.5 trillion for the 'Human Infrastructure' Bill is a Phony Number


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
Reporters, political onlookers, and commentators are all speculating over the fate of the $3.5+ trillion “human infrastructure” spending plan—which funds sweeping climate change schemes, unprecedented welfare expansions, and more—proposed by President Biden and his allies in Congress. Moderate Democrats like Sens. Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema are on the record arguing that $3.5 trillion is too much money. Some speculate that a “compromise” of $1.5 trillion could be reached. Yet progressives like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Bernie Sanders are threatening to blow everything up if they don’t get the full spending package.

Here’s what’s being overlooked in this entire debate. While $3.5 trillion is already an astonishingly huge price tag—it equates to $24,000 per federal taxpayer and would require massive tax hikes—the proposal on offer does not actually cost $3.5 trillion. This figure is a vast underestimate of its true cost.

“Democrats are grasping for ways to finance their cradle-to-grave welfare state, with the left demanding what they claim is $3.5 trillion over 10 years,” the Wall Street Journal editorial board writes. “The truth is that even that gargantuan number hides the real cost of their plans.”

“The bills moving through committees are full of delayed starts, phony phase-outs, and cost shifting to states designed to fit $3.5 trillion into a 10-year budget window that can pass with a mere 51 Senate votes,” the Journal explains. “Even if the bill[’s official price tag] shrinks to $2 trillion or less, the real costs will be far greater. Behold one of the greatest fiscal cons in history.”

Simply put, the proposed legislation uses budget gimmicks and unusual timelines to make it seem like they’re spending less than they likely would spend in actuality if implemented. According to the nonpartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, the true cost of the plan is likely closer to $5 trillion.

“We estimate the policies under consideration could cost between $5 trillion and $5.5 trillion over a decade, assuming they are made permanent,” the organization reports. “In order to fit these proposals within a $3.5 trillion budget target, lawmakers apparently intend to have some policies expire before the end of the ten-year budget window, using this oft-criticized budget gimmick to hide their true cost.”

Once enacted, spending policies do not really expire. Washington doesn't have the balls to do that, so whatever spending approved is likely going to be permanent. IOW, we are being lied to and conned by the democrats. They do it every time; overestimate the required revenue to pay for what they want, and also underestimate the true cost.
Socialism is government slavery.
In Left Wing economics the middle class are the ultimate taxpayers.
The poor don't pay taxes and the rich can avoid paying taxes.
The middle class have their taxes taken out of their paychecks.
These greedy corrupt Democrat Politicians treat the taxpayers like they are their slaves.
The Democrats say that they are only raising taxes on the rich and corporations, but corporations just raise their prices and pass the higher tax rates onto the consumers.
Troglocrats are dumb.
Whatever the final number is it's guaranteed 60% of it will end up in people's pockets from planning commissioners to city planners to building engineers to politicians.

Some of it will be used and the rest wasted. The whole thing is pointless and won't do much good.
Whatever the final number is it's guaranteed 60% of it will end up in people's pockets from planning commissioners to city planners to building engineers to politicians.

Some of it will be used and the rest wasted. The whole thing is pointless and won't do much good.
It will enslave American workers to government debt for generations, but these greedy corrupt Democrat politicians don't care as long as they get their kick-backs deals.
This is how Pelosi, Obama, the Clintons, Biden, Sanders, Schumer.....have become multi-millionaires while "serving the country".
At no time in our history that I am aware of, has any big gov't program EVER cost less than we were told. It is ALWAYS more, a lot more and the democrats knew it beforehand when they tried to sell it to the public. Every time. And it's dishonest, they lie to us and they do it knowingly and deliberately, because they believe the ends justify the means.
What? The guy in the White House is spending too much?

Gee, it's been so quiet about overspending for the previous four years, I guess it's about time someone noticed!

Nothing hypocritical about that at all!
I hope gridlock stops both infrastructure bills.
We need SS & Medicare fixed before more infrastructure spending.
What? The guy in the White House is spending too much?

Gee, it's been so quiet about overspending for the previous four years, I guess it's about time someone noticed!

Nothing hypocritical about that at all!
What massive spending Bill did Trump sign? I'm blanking.
I remember Obama signed the $700b bank bailout.
Xiden wants to sign $5.5T in wasteful spending
What massive spending Bill did Trump sign? I'm blanking.
I remember Obama signed the $700b bank bailout.
Xiden wants to sign $5.5T in wasteful spending
Trump somehow managed to add almost as much debt in four years that took Obama eight years to accumulate!

He doubled the federal deficit in two years that took Obama eight years to reduce by half.

This is funny. You asking what massive spending Trump did. God knows how many topics I started about his spending, pointing out all you tards were stone dead silent about his spending after whining about Obama's spending for eight years.

Real funny.
God, I guess the Trumptards really were blind, deaf, and dumb for those four years!

Holy shit!
You're quite the punk. They ALL spend more, you're too much of a c*nt to admit it.
Dude, I have posted more about the federal debt than any other topic. For the entire time I have been here since 2011.

Nice try, idiot.

But, gee, you could not find a single Trumptard complaining about Trump's spending on this forum for the entire four years.

All caught up now?
Trump somehow managed to add almost as much debt in four years that took Obama eight years to accumulate! He doubled the federal deficit in two years that took Obama eight years to reduce by half.

This is funny. You asking what massive spending Trump did. God knows how many topics I started about his spending, pointing out all you tards were stone dead silent about his spending after whining about Obama's spending for eight years. Real funny.
Bullshit. Stop whining and posting lies. Obama added about $2T more to the Debt than Trump.
All I found was that Trump made tax cuts and increased military spending.


So Xiden is off the chart for wasteful spending, promising to give US dollars to poor countries to reduce "global warming". What a crock of shit.
Bullshit. Stop whining and posting lies. Obama added about $2T more to the Debt than Trump.
All I found was that Trump made tax cuts and increased military spending.

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So Xiden is off the chart for wasteful spending, promising to give US dollars to poor countries to reduce "global warming". What a crock of shit.
The pseudocons whined and whined and whined that Obama added $8 trillion to the debt.

The national debt has risen by almost $7.8 trillion during Trump’s time in office. That’s nearly twice as much as what Americans owe on student loans, car loans, credit cards and every other type of debt other than mortgages, combined, according to data from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. It amounts to about $23,500 in new federal debt for every person in the country.

And that was in just FOUR years, compared to Obama's eight years!

And not a single peep out of the Trumptards in that four years.

They still whine to this day about Obama's spending, but not a word about Trump's.
I had a lot of fun starting topics about Trump's spending and poking the Trumptards for being dead silent about it.
kyzr, you were more honest here:

Okay, so Trump didn't double the Debt, but he added about the same amount as Obama did, from $20T to $30T by the end of the fiscal year. Not a proud economic record.

In just four years.
The pseudocons whined and whined and whined that Obama added $8 trillion to the debt.

The national debt has risen by almost $7.8 trillion during Trump’s time in office. That’s nearly twice as much as what Americans owe on student loans, car loans, credit cards and every other type of debt other than mortgages, combined, according to data from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. It amounts to about $23,500 in new federal debt for every person in the country.

And that was in just FOUR years, compared to Obama's eight years!

And not a single peep out of the Trumptards in that four years.

They still whine to this day about Obama's spending, but not a word about Trump's.
You're preaching to the choir about Trump's deficit. His "scam" was to cut taxes to increase the GDP growth to 5%, which never happens. Its just a scam to give the top 10% a tax cut. Xiden and the dems will increase the Debt too, except they brag about increasing taxes on the wealthy, which never happens because as we know "only little people pay taxes".
You're preaching to the choir about Trump's deficit. His "scam" was to cut taxes to increase the GDP growth to 5%, which never happens. Its just a scam to give the top 10% a tax cut. Xiden and the dems will increase the Debt too, except they brag about increasing taxes on the wealthy, which never happens because as we know "only little people pay taxes".
While Trump was doing all that massive overspending, I pointed out many times that he was doing it to fraudulently boost the GDP.

He still couldn't get GDP to the 4 to 6 percent GDP growth that he promised.

Each president outspends the one before. Biden will take our debt to outer space.

I've said many, many times that I believe debt is the single greatest threat to our national security and the future of our economy. This cannot go on forever, and at some point it is all going to come crashing down. Much harder than the Great Depression.

Instead of banks being Too Big To Fail, they will be Too Big To Save.

I said the other day on this forum that Biden is pissing me off more than I have ever been pissed off.

As for taxing the rich more, that is done by raising the tax rate on the top brackets. The GOP will fight that tooth and nail.

Democrats: Tax and spend
Republicans: Borrow and spend
While Trump was doing all that massive overspending, I pointed out many times that he was doing it to fraudulently boost the GDP.

He still couldn't get GDP to the 4 to 6 percent GDP growth that he promised.

Each president outspends the one before. Biden will take our debt to outer space.

I've said many, many times that I believe debt is the single greatest threat to our national security and the future of our economy. This cannot go on forever, and at some point it is all going to come crashing down. Much harder than the Great Depression.

Instead of banks being Too Big To Fail, they will be Too Big To Save.

I said the other day on this forum that Biden is pissing me off more than I have ever been pissed off.

As for taxing the rich more, that is done by raising the tax rate on the top brackets. The GOP will fight that tooth and nail.

Democrats: Tax and spend
Republicans: Borrow and spend
The DC coxuckers will keep borrowing and spending until they crash the dollar, then we're all screwed.

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