Thanks Obama our Military is under funded

The U.S. government spends crazy amounts of taxpayer money to fund the military-industrial complex. Which is bloated beyond belief.

While our country's infrastructure and school systems are in pitiful shape. And local communities suffer the consequences of a government who's spending is out of touch with reality. ..... :cool:
You can't have a $19T debt and expect the Military not to get a haircut. Look at how the Pentagon wastes money on contracting...they're in the pocket of their contractors to the tune of....who knows? There isn't a weapons platform that's come in at or under budget in decades. Look at what Colt did to us in the RVN with that crap M-16...they knew the bolt-carriers would rust in jungle conditions but sent them in anyway. Look at the B-2 bomber and Harrier....aviation nightmares. We need to stay out of wars we can't win FAST and boogie back home...maybe a shortfall will result in some generals being indicted for fraud and a few CEOs headed to hard time.
The problem is that America has become a imperialistic colonial power. We go around the world trying to bombing people into submission and force them to accept western ideals and values.

Not too long ago I saw a US Navy recruiting ad on the tv. At the end of the commercial the words, "America's Navy.....spreading Democracy around the World" was flashed across the screen.

Exactly where in the Constitution does it say the American government has a mandate to spread democracy to other countries? ....... :cool:
Can anyone explain the threat that justifies having a military larger than the next eight countries combined?
Can anyone explain the threat that justifies having a military larger than the next eight countries combined?

People like the OP want to feel safe and being larger than all 8 doesnt stop them from being terrified. So they think more spending will toughen their spines or something
For starters let's close our bases in Japan and Germany....I think they got the message by now that we'll occupy anybody who screws with us for 70 years. :badgrin: Next how about we stop building weapons to defend a Europe that spends peanuts to defend themselves. I'd protect Britain from the Ivans, but France, Spain, Italy? Let Ivan have them and see how he likes putting up with their crap. Time to focus on the kind of wars we'll have to fight in the future....mostly cyber and terror cells. You don't need artillery, Apache Longbows who's major attribute is hiding in a hover hole...the ME is flat as a pancake...bring back "guns" (Cobra) and build more Warthogs. And how about a rifle round that doesn't ricochet off a twig like the .556. We can cut half the defense budget without a care...BUT don't do it until you've gutted the Rat party's favorites....Depts of Education, Commerce, DHS, IRS, EPA, and especially STATE...that one in particular is a real sewer.
We average like $400,000 a year per active solider . Not included VA and other military spending that's hidden in other budgets.

It's a right wing lie that our military is underfunded .
The US spends 43 cents out of every military dollar spent in the world


Looks like Obama is underfunding
Sorry to burst all your bubbles but DEFENSE actually is IN the Constitution. Our military is underfunded and poorly lead after 8 years of the incompetent boob Obama.
Sorry to burst all your bubbles but DEFENSE actually is IN the Constitution. Our military is underfunded and poorly lead after 8 years of the incompetent boob Obama.
Sure it is

Stronger than the next eight countries combined. DEFENSE is in the Constitution. Not empire building around the globe
To use a line that we hear quite often "throwing more money at it isn't going to fix anything". You want more military spending that's fine. Raise taxes then. Done.

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