Thank You, Nancy Pelosi, For Allowing The GOP to Introduce America's REAL Enemies to the World


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

The GOP 'eviscerated' the Democrats, thanks to 2-Time Loser and Traitor Speaker Nancy Pelosi's 2nd confessed politically partisan, hate-driven FAILED Impeachment.

The great thing is the GOP didn't even have to say thing...they just pushed 'Play' on the video player and let the Democrats rectify against THEMSELVES.

:p. Bwuhahahahaha

Way to go, Nancy!

The GOP 'eviscerated' the Democrats, thanks to 2-Time Loser and Traitor Speaker Nancy Pelosi's 2nd confessed politically partisan, hate-driven FAILED Impeachment.

The great thing is the GOP didn't even have to say thing...they just pushed 'Play' on the video player and let the Democrats rectify against THEMSELVES.

:p. Bwuhahahahaha

Way to go, Nancy!

Excellent video. This man, Trump, should still be our POTUS.
Trump's lawyers ripped Dems a new one it was hilarious. It was said that there were a lot of nervous Dem senators shifting around in their seats. :auiqs.jpg:

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