Thank You, Democrats / DNC, For Pretty Much Writing The President's SOTU Speech For Tonight


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
4 Years of non-stop coup attempts initiated by Obama and his proven criminal administration that committed FISA Court Abuses, altered official documents / testimony, attempted to manufacture false evidence, illegally indicted/charged/jailed Americans / Trump Team Members, illegally spied on the President and his team, have been indicted, exposed, and are still under investigation....

Rushing the fastest Impeachment in US history based on the weakest Impeachment case in US history - based on no crime, no evidence, no witnesses....claiming it was critical to immediately remove the President from office only to sit on the Articles of Impeachment for a month....

Lying, fake evidence manufacturing, admitted classified leaking, seditious treasonous House Coup Managers declaring they have an iron-clad case against Trump then telling the Senate they are not represent the case on which they based their own House Impeachment because THEY NEED MORE EVDIENCE....

A PARTISAN Impeachment followed by a BIPARTISAN acquittal.....a complete disaster and waste of 4 years and millions of American tax dollars....

The WH Counsel making the case that the Democrats are trying to steal 2 elections....

Hillary taking over the DNC...

A company called 'SHADOW' Hillary is connected to taking over the responsibility of recording and reporting the results of the Iowa Caucus....

Followed by the complete and utter disastrous FAILED Iowa Caucus....

The Democrats unable to count people standing under signs with candidates names on them without this 'Shadow' App.....And UNWILLING to release any results until only releasing PARTIAL results TOMORROW AFTERNOON.....

(Longer than it takes to collect, count, and release the results of an entire Presidential election...)

Bwuhahahahahaha........the only things the Democrats have done in the last 4 years is to ensure President Trump is RE-elected and to provide him with more than enough material for his SOTU Speech tonight!

Thank you, Democrats / snowflakes!
President Trump should officially designate the Democratic party a 'Political Criminal Organization', an 'enemy of the state', based on the last 4 years, the Obama administration-initiated FISA Warrant Abuse-fueled political coup attempt , the last 4 years of Democrats undermining of the President, their Sedition, Conspiracy, Treason, the humiliating failed Impeachment attempt (Partisan Impeachment - Bipartisan acquittal), the rigging of the 2016 DNC Primaries by the DNC and Hillary, and now the failed attempt by Hillary and the DNC to again steal the DNC nomination, beginning with the Iowa Caucus train wreck caused by the 'Shadow' company Hillary is connected to being responsible for the tallying and reporting of the Caucus results.

Then again, despite all of the evidence of all of this, I would probably hold off on making that official declaration until AFTER the Impeachment vote - Schiff and the Democrats would no doubt claim that officially designating their PROVEN criminal / treasonous organization / Party to be such is evidence that Trump is acting criminally irresponsible....instead of doing something that should have been done long ago.
4 Years of non-stop coup attempts initiated by Obama and his proven criminal administration that committed FISA Court Abuses, altered official documents / testimony, attempted to manufacture false evidence, illegally indicted/charged/jailed Americans / Trump Team Members, illegally spied on the President and his team, have been indicted, exposed, and are still under investigation....

Rushing the fastest Impeachment in US history based on the weakest Impeachment case in US history - based on no crime, no evidence, no witnesses....claiming it was critical to immediately remove the President from office only to sit on the Articles of Impeachment for a month....

Lying, fake evidence manufacturing, admitted classified leaking, seditious treasonous House Coup Managers declaring they have an iron-clad case against Trump then telling the Senate they are not represent the case on which they based their own House Impeachment because THEY NEED MORE EVDIENCE....

A PARTISAN Impeachment followed by a BIPARTISAN acquittal.....a complete disaster and waste of 4 years and millions of American tax dollars....

The WH Counsel making the case that the Democrats are trying to steal 2 elections....

Hillary taking over the DNC...

A company called 'SHADOW' Hillary is connected to taking over the responsibility of recording and reporting the results of the Iowa Caucus....

Followed by the complete and utter disastrous FAILED Iowa Caucus....

The Democrats unable to count people standing under signs with candidates names on them without this 'Shadow' App.....And UNWILLING to release any results until only releasing PARTIAL results TOMORROW AFTERNOON.....

(Longer than it takes to collect, count, and release the results of an entire Presidential election...)

Bwuhahahahahaha........the only things the Democrats have done in the last 4 years is to ensure President Trump is RE-elected and to provide him with more than enough material for his SOTU Speech tonight!

Thank you, Democrats / snowflakes!
From what I hear, he is not going to even mention impeachment in The SOTU, but I am sure he will get some digs in at the Incompetent Democrat Party.
4 Years of non-stop coup attempts initiated by Obama and his proven criminal administration that committed FISA Court Abuses, altered official documents / testimony, attempted to manufacture false evidence, illegally indicted/charged/jailed Americans / Trump Team Members, illegally spied on the President and his team, have been indicted, exposed, and are still under investigation....

Rushing the fastest Impeachment in US history based on the weakest Impeachment case in US history - based on no crime, no evidence, no witnesses....claiming it was critical to immediately remove the President from office only to sit on the Articles of Impeachment for a month....

Lying, fake evidence manufacturing, admitted classified leaking, seditious treasonous House Coup Managers declaring they have an iron-clad case against Trump then telling the Senate they are not represent the case on which they based their own House Impeachment because THEY NEED MORE EVDIENCE....

A PARTISAN Impeachment followed by a BIPARTISAN acquittal.....a complete disaster and waste of 4 years and millions of American tax dollars....

The WH Counsel making the case that the Democrats are trying to steal 2 elections....

Hillary taking over the DNC...

A company called 'SHADOW' Hillary is connected to taking over the responsibility of recording and reporting the results of the Iowa Caucus....

Followed by the complete and utter disastrous FAILED Iowa Caucus....

The Democrats unable to count people standing under signs with candidates names on them without this 'Shadow' App.....And UNWILLING to release any results until only releasing PARTIAL results TOMORROW AFTERNOON.....

(Longer than it takes to collect, count, and release the results of an entire Presidential election...)

Bwuhahahahahaha........the only things the Democrats have done in the last 4 years is to ensure President Trump is RE-elected and to provide him with more than enough material for his SOTU Speech tonight!

Thank you, Democrats / snowflakes!
Trust me no one will be surprised when this whiny little bitch will rant about how “unfair” the impeachment process was rather than focusing on, you know, the state of the union.
Trust me no one will be surprised when this whiny little bitch will rant about how “unfair” the impeachment process was rather than focusing on, you know, the state of the union.
....says the whiny little Trump-hating snowflake bit@h whose criminal party wasted over 3 years attempting to remove the President from office - and failing disastrously - because he beat Hillary in 2016 instead of doing their jobs working for the American people.

Stick a knife in them trump! Finish the job

btw every should be checked for weapons
Trust me no one will be surprised when this whiny little bitch will rant about how “unfair” the impeachment process was rather than focusing on, you know, the state of the union.
....says the whiny little Trump-hating snowflake bit@h whose criminal party wasted over 3 years attempting to remove the President from office - and failing disastrously - because he beat Hillary in 2016 instead of doing their jobs working for the American people.

Lol there it is. Not a day goes by when a repub doesn’t bring up Hillary on this board when it comes to deflecting away from Trump. Never fails.
Life under democrats is like a never ending 2020 Iowa caucus.....They are the gang that couldn't shoot straight. They are not qualified to run a lemonade stand.
Trust me no one will be surprised when this whiny little bitch will rant about how “unfair” the impeachment process was rather than focusing on, you know, the state of the union.
....says the whiny little Trump-hating snowflake bit@h whose criminal party wasted over 3 years attempting to remove the President from office - and failing disastrously - because he beat Hillary in 2016 instead of doing their jobs working for the American people.

Lol there it is. Not a day goes by when a repub doesn’t bring up Hillary on this board when it comes to deflecting away from Trump. Never fails.
If only Cankles would just go Voldemort, nobody would mention her.

She's like herpes.......we won't be rid of her until she's dead.
Lol there it is. Not a day goes by when a repub doesn’t bring up Hillary on this board

Perhaps because that is because she is like a nasty STD that just won't go away. :p

You DO realize, right, that the Iowa Caucus disaster is due to an App created and used by a company called 'SHADOW' Hillary - who is now directing / running the DNC through her 2016 campaign managers - she is connect to....or are you just avoiding all of those news reports today?


App used in Iowa Democratic caucus fiasco linked to ex-Clinton campaign staffers
The focus should always be LAUGHING at the marxist Dims. They don't deserve to be taken seriously. They should be ridiculed in a most patronizing, condescending manner. They should remain the butt of our jokes until they have gone the way of the Whigs.
The focus should always be LAUGHING at the marxist Dims. They don't deserve to be taken seriously. They should be ridiculed in a most patronizing, condescending manner. They should remain the butt of our jokes until they have gone the way of the Whigs.

....but their criminals should still be held accountable to the full extent of the law.

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