TEXIT is not a question of "if" but "when" -- Ye be warned

Bootney Lee Farnsworth

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2017

See, Texas Jews is good news. Kyle Biedermann, folks.

It will happen, most likely after 2024, when the Dems cheat AGAIN.

We will break up this bullshit union and execute all the communists or die trying, ride the Valkyrie to Valhalla to feast, fight, and fuck forever!!!

Any mention of how much Texass illegally confiscates of private property by violating asset forfeiture? I bet it has zero.

See, Texas Jews is good news. Kyle Biedermann, folks.

It will happen, most likely after 2024, when the Dems cheat AGAIN.

We will break up this bullshit union and execute all the communists or die trying, ride the Valkyrie to Valhalla to feast, fight, and fuck forever!!!


Didn't Texas declare its secession from the Union once before? Remind me, how did that go down?

See, Texas Jews is good news. Kyle Biedermann, folks.

It will happen, most likely after 2024, when the Dems cheat AGAIN.

We will break up this bullshit union and execute all the communists or die trying, ride the Valkyrie to Valhalla to feast, fight, and fuck forever!!!


Didn't Texas declare its secession from the Union once before? Remind me, how did that go down?

When was that? Oh, yeah. That was when wars were fought in open fields in what amounted to organized group firing squads?

You've seen for 5 decades now what a civilian insurgency can do.

Keep bringing up irrelevant bullshit.
This will never happen.

It's happened before. Texas has, historically, had a very independent streak. They've flown six different national flags, after all.
But after 150 years of people moving in and out of the state, I doubt they have enough consensus to support a clean seccession.
It's probably at 30% right now.

More ChiCom kowtowing and loss of liberty and watch that number jump like a motherfucker.

Biden is our greatest hope.
Any mention of how much Texass illegally confiscates of private property by violating asset forfeiture? I bet it has zero.

A lot of states do this. As expected, the bluer the state the worse the theft.
Any theft is illegal and yet the cops are allowed and the judges.......Yet, we have to listen to them tell us how it is the feds that are the problem...
If Texass secedes then all that federal property will leave and they will only have their National Guard left and they will loose all that money they make from federal military installations.

It will never happen it is just a lone voice for the Trump butthurt club.
If Texass secedes then all that federal property will leave and they will only have their National Guard left and they will loose all that money they make from federal military installations.

It will never happen it is just a lone voice for the Trump butthurt club.
Says who? How much do you think Texas makes off military facilities? Texas is a net tax donor.

Federal military installations were commandeered by FedGov from Texas. Those properties will simply be returned to the rightful owner.

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