Texas Monthly Article on Capital Punishment in Texas.


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.
Sixteen prisoners on death row in Texas have been exonerated of their crime. Again...they were sentenced to die but their convictions were overturned.

From the piece..


It continues:


Suffice to say that the death penalty isn't much of a deterrent if the same states are continuously leading the nation in executions.
Texas monthly is a liberal rag that no native Texan gives a flying fuck about.
I'm a native Texan, and I care that 375 innocent people were almost killed, with 16 of them being from Texas. We don't know how many others were innocent, but we killed them anyway. Killing innocent people for crimes they didn't commit doesn't seem to be a problem for you. That's disgusting.
I'm a native Texan, and I care that 375 innocent people were almost killed, with 16 of them being from Texas. We don't know how many others were innocent, but we killed them anyway. Killing innocent people for crimes they didn't commit doesn't seem to be a problem for you. That's disgusting.

Seems unbelievable to me that we have all of these convictions--of people who are on death row--and their sentences are not converted from the death penalty to life in prison but they are actually set free!!! Sometimes due to proprietorial misconduct.

Equally unbelievable is that the death row cases don't automatically trigger a DNA test on evidence--if one can be done; there isn't always DNA to test or it isn't applicable in every case. But you'd think that if someone was convicted of a crime before DNA testing was done or if it wasn't done for some reason...the State would be compelled to run the evidence through a DNA identification process before we flip the switch on the electric chair.
Seems unbelievable to me that we have all of these convictions--of people who are on death row--and their sentences are not converted from the death penalty to life in prison but they are actually set free!!! Sometimes due to proprietorial misconduct.

Equally unbelievable is that the death row cases don't automatically trigger a DNA test on evidence--if one can be done; there isn't always DNA to test or it isn't applicable in every case. But you'd think that if someone was convicted of a crime before DNA testing was done or if it wasn't done for some reason...the State would be compelled to run the evidence through a DNA identification process before we flip the switch on the electric chair.
Even if they don't care about the possibility of murdering an innocent person, it's much more expensive to execute a person than it is to keep them locked up for life. Seems their greed would make them reconsider.
I have always been torn about the death penalty.
On one hand, the state ordering the death of a person irks the shit out of me. then again, if there is no doubt the person did the crime to warrant the death penalty, i cant argue.
Shit like the OP always gets me to thinking about it.
I have always been torn about the death penalty.
On one hand, the state ordering the death of a person irks the shit out of me. then again, if there is no doubt the person did the crime to warrant the death penalty, i cant argue.
Shit like the OP always gets me to thinking about it.
If we could be sure we were always right about guilt, I would agree with you. Unfortunately, there have been lots of times when we have found the already dead prisoner wasn't guilty after all. We murdered innocent people. I have a problem with that. Anybody with morals would.
If we could be sure we were always right about guilt, I would agree with you. Unfortunately, there have been lots of times when we have found the already dead prisoner wasn't guilty after all. We murdered innocent people. I have a problem with that. Anybody with morals would.
Me too. Thats why I said no doubt. Like a guilty plea or DNA evidence or something. Something 100%
Then again, spending the rest of your life in prison while being innocent is probably worse than the death penalty.

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