Texas GOP Targets Houston With Avalanche Of Voter Restriction Bills


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"GOP lawmakers introduced two dozen bills that would make it harder to vote in Texas ahead of Friday's filing deadline. Republican sponsors of two of those bills on Monday identified the bogeyman that inspired the legislative pushes: Harris County, the state's largest county and the home of Houston.

Democrats have made major gains in recent elections in what was once a conservative-leaning area, helping the party narrow the GOP's margins in statewide elections and giving Republicans incentive to seek to limit votes there.
Abbott and other Republicans have offered no evidence of widespread fraud in Texas. The only example Abbott cited Monday was a 2014 case in which a man was charged with offering cocaine and cash for votes in a school board race in Donna, Texas."

After years and years of Democrat rule in Texas; after all of the voting laws Democrats put on the books to make it easier to cheat; the Republicans in Texas are finally standing up -- I mean, yes, the Republicans have had control of the legislature and governorship for decades -- but it sounds better to blame all of the voting law stuff on Democrats.

And it couldn't come at a better time; especially when you start to hear about all of the fraud that was uncovered during the 2020 elections in Texas. The Texas AG launched an extensive inquiry into voter fraud which included 22,000 hours of staff investigating voter fraud [mostly done by blacks] and you wouldn't believe how much fraud they found....Out of the 17 million votes in Texas, Paxton's investigation found 16 cases of false addresses on registration forms -- that's it...that is the ball game...widespread voter fraud found and proven.
My favorite GOP voter restriction is in Georgia....

Hey Black people go to vote in mass after church service

Lets ban voting on Sunday
I live in Texas and it is crazy to me that Republicans here are more focused on the dozen instances of voter fraud in the past 10 years rather than the 54 deaths in 5 days behind a power grid failure
Every time scam tactics are glaringly proven, it is voter suppression...........................LOLOLOL

My God how you people are frauds.

Without fraud you'd lose.
Every time scam tactics are glaringly proven, it is voter suppression...........................LOLOLOL

My God how you people are frauds.

Without fraud you'd lose.
Waiting for the evidence.......

If you have some, give it to the Lt. Governor and collect that million dollars that he still hasn't paid out yet

In other words....put up or shut THEEE fuck up
My favorite GOP voter restriction is in Georgia....

Hey Black people go to vote in mass after church service

Lets ban voting on Sunday
I live in Texas and it is crazy to me that Republicans here are more focused on the dozen instances of voter fraud in the past 10 years rather than the 54 deaths in 5 days behind a power grid failure
What do you think about a weather event that happens every 150 yrs.

You know how happy you were with this power failure.so happy

I so hope everyone who died voted for Biden.

Let me guess. You flew from a libturd state only to bring your stench and smell
Houston democrats cheat like 2-bit whores.
It's ok if you have to say this to make yourself feel better.....

But whenever we ask you morons for evidence......

You have none
I saw all 6 GD swing states shut down at 11 with Trump leading by far. Counted votes for 4 fucking days and he lost EVERY one of them. You dirty rotten fucking bastards.
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Every time scam tactics are glaringly proven, it is voter suppression...........................LOLOLOL

My God how you people are frauds.

Without fraud you'd lose.
Waiting for the evidence.......

If you have some, give it to the Lt. Governor and collect that million dollars that he still hasn't paid out yet

In other words....put up or shut THEEE fuck up
5 years a Russian Scam you put us through and you want evidence you cheating lying MFs.
Abbott and other Republicans have offered no evidence of widespread fraud in Texas.

WHAT A CROCK OF SHIT. Did Biden offer any evidence of widespread ecological damage before shutting down the Keystone pipeline? Do states offer any widespread evidence of murder and mayhem if they put restrictions on buying guns? The point to voter laws is to limit the POSSIBILITY of fraud and corruption to insure the integrity of the votes. You don't have to show that fraud already is happening WIDESPREAD in a state just to pass a law making sure that it DOESN'T happen.

Besides, there is election fraud in every state. And 2020 proved that the problem is fast growing worse.
My favorite GOP voter restriction is in Georgia....

Hey Black people go to vote in mass after church service

Lets ban voting on Sunday
I live in Texas and it is crazy to me that Republicans here are more focused on the dozen instances of voter fraud in the past 10 years rather than the 54 deaths in 5 days behind a power grid failure
I think you might want to consider sabotage as well.
Democrats do it alot......Katrina was a good example of that.
Democrats refusing to cooperate with Republicans during natural disasters.
Every state should enact their own limits on early voting, restrictions on absentee ballots, and mandatory ID to vote. We all know the Democrats committed massive voter fraud last November, even the Democrats. They just won't admit it.
My favorite GOP voter restriction is in Georgia....

Hey Black people go to vote in mass after church service

Lets ban voting on Sunday
I live in Texas and it is crazy to me that Republicans here are more focused on the dozen instances of voter fraud in the past 10 years rather than the 54 deaths in 5 days behind a power grid failure
What do you think about a weather event that happens every 150 yrs.

You know how happy you were with this power failure.so happy

I so hope everyone who died voted for Biden.

Let me guess. You flew from a libturd state only to bring your stench and smell
I think Republicans repeatedly have to pretend there is widespread voter fraud when they repeatedly can't produce any evidence -- to hide the fact that they really want to drive down voter participation because they know they lose when more people vote...this has been the case for decades.....which is why I will keep posting their own words and watch you morons deny reality...
Houston democrats cheat like 2-bit whores.
It's ok if you have to say this to make yourself feel better.....

But whenever we ask you morons for evidence......

You have none
Whenever we wanted to prove or even ask questions, we were made aware our families were in danger.

That's the fucking evidence you cheating fraud.
I see you ignored the part of the story where Texas' own Attorney general conducted 22,000 hours of investigation and came up with no evidence of wide spread fraud...

I see you ignored the part of the story where Texas' own Lt. Governor offered $1 million dollars to anyone who has evidence of voter fraud and he still hasn't paid anything out yet...

if you got the evidence, don't whine like a bitch at me about it; collect that million dollars or shut the fuck up
Every state should enact their own limits on early voting, restrictions on absentee ballots, and mandatory ID to vote. We all know the Democrats committed massive voter fraud last November, even the Democrats. They just won't admit it.
No Democratic voter fraud has been close to proven

We do know Trump tried to use his political power to overturn the voters and have partisan Republicans decide the election
We also know that Trump sent a mob to prevent Congress from certifying the vote
Abbott and other Republicans have offered no evidence of widespread fraud in Texas.

WHAT A CROCK OF SHIT. Did Biden offer any evidence of widespread ecological damage before shutting down the Keystone pipeline? Do states offer any widespread evidence of murder and mayhem if they put restrictions on buying guns? The point to voter laws is to limit the POSSIBILITY of fraud and corruption to insure the integrity of the votes. You don't have to show that fraud already is happening WIDESPREAD in a state just to pass a law making sure that it DOESN'T happen.

Besides, there is election fraud in every state. And 2020 proved that the problem is fast growing worse.
Biden probably assumed people would be aware of Keystone Pipeline spills, including the one that leaked 380.000 gals of oil sludge.
WHAT A CROCK OF SHIT. Did Biden offer any evidence of widespread ecological damage before shutting down the Keystone pipeline?


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