Tesla Road Trip


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2013
"Hi honey! Well here she is! Our brand new 'Benjamin Crump-Blue-Black Tesla!
Yeah I'm calling from home.
Listen to this: We both have a month worth of holidays starting next week. Just hear me out!
There's just the two of us now that your cat died unexpectedly.
We pack a suitcase each and drive West for two weeks. Serendipity-style like we used to!
We'll stop where we want. Explore off the beaten track away from the usual tourist traps. We could stay at cheap quirky little ma and pa motels and buy strange food from food trucks run by newly arrived Guatemalans.
Maybe we could get as far west as South Dakota and even Oregan. We could 'find ourselves' again.
We'd avoid any large towns and cities where God knows who might be carrying an 'AUTOMATIC WEAPON OF WAR. The dreaded AR15!
There's some beautiful country out there just waiting for us to take pictures of it with our cell phones.
Then we could head back after two weeks taking the scenic routes off the beaten track.
FREEDOM! To do what we want, (yes I know NOT THAT!) where we want, when we want!
Hello? Hello? Hello Karen! Are you still there?"
"Hi honey! Well here she is! Our brand new 'Benjamin Crump-Blue-Black Tesla!
Yeah I'm calling from home.
Listen to this: We both have a month worth of holidays starting next week. Just hear me out!
There's just the two of us now that your cat died unexpectedly.
We pack a suitcase each and drive West for two weeks. Serendipity-style like we used to!
We'll stop where we want. Explore off the beaten track away from the usual tourist traps. We could stay at cheap quirky little ma and pa motels and buy strange food from food trucks run by newly arrived Guatemalans.
Maybe we could get as far west as South Dakota and even Oregan. We could 'find ourselves' again.
We'd avoid any large towns and cities where God knows who might be carrying an 'AUTOMATIC WEAPON OF WAR. The dreaded AR15!
There's some beautiful country out there just waiting for us to take pictures of it with our cell phones.
Then we could head back after two weeks taking the scenic routes off the beaten track.
FREEDOM! To do what we want, (yes I know NOT THAT!) where we want, when we want!
Hello? Hello? Hello Karen! Are you still there?"
AOC got one while her grannies roof still leaks
"Hi honey! Well here she is! Our brand new 'Benjamin Crump-Blue-Black Tesla!
Yeah I'm calling from home.
Listen to this: We both have a month worth of holidays starting next week. Just hear me out!
There's just the two of us now that your cat died unexpectedly.
We pack a suitcase each and drive West for two weeks. Serendipity-style like we used to!
We'll stop where we want. Explore off the beaten track away from the usual tourist traps. We could stay at cheap quirky little ma and pa motels and buy strange food from food trucks run by newly arrived Guatemalans.
Maybe we could get as far west as South Dakota and even Oregan. We could 'find ourselves' again.
We'd avoid any large towns and cities where God knows who might be carrying an 'AUTOMATIC WEAPON OF WAR. The dreaded AR15!
There's some beautiful country out there just waiting for us to take pictures of it with our cell phones.
Then we could head back after two weeks taking the scenic routes off the beaten track.
FREEDOM! To do what we want, (yes I know NOT THAT!) where we want, when we want!
Hello? Hello? Hello Karen! Are you still there?"
I hope you have a recent map for electric car plug in stations. The Tesla drives itself and you might wind up in Ciudad de Juarez.
Our local community center installed a charging station outside the library. A year later the station mysteriously disappeared one night. The station would only accept fucking American Express credit cards!
Someone stuffed a used condom in the credit card slot once.

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