Terrorist organizations target with toxic substances military point in Damascus countryside

What else is new capt blei? they got their hands of some of those NON EXISTENT chemical weapons dumps that SADDAM donated to his Baathist brothers in Syria.
Do not worry-----there is more
How can they get non existent stuff?

c'mon capt blei-----even you---baathist dog that you are ----ARE NOT THAT DIM
Nope, little tourette girl. It is either home grown chlorine weapons or foreign supplied.

ROFLMAO nope----big stashes----even nitrogen mustard gas-----a BAATHIST SPECIALTY. Chlorine gas bombs are not ALL THAT EFFECTIVE-----mostly they are useful on children. As to the syndrome of GILLES DE LA TOURETTE----try not to use words that you do not understand.
for those who do not know---chlorine gas bombs are useful on defenseless crowds----like women and children on the run or stuck in houses. ----they are USELESS against a military base
What makes soldiers different from civilians so they won´t be affected by chemical weapons?

silly question capt blei----different weapons---including chemical weapons have different uses. CHLORINE gas ---dissipates almost
immediately----unless it is dropped on completely unprotected people----hanging around out of doors----it does nothing. dropping it on a FORTRESS or tank ---does nothing-----AND its most vulnerable targets are children. Their lungs are immature and vulnerable -----the chlorine gas combines with water and dissolved the very delicate lining of the ALVEOLI-----leading to respiratory death over HOURS and even days------no way to disable a fortified military base
Chlorine can be found in virtually every Syrian household. Terrorists are using it in large amounts. An attack with a mortar gives no time to prepare.
Chlorine can be found in virtually every Syrian household. Terrorists are using it in large amounts. An attack with a mortar gives no time to prepare.

chlorine gas bombs actually require a bit more than a bottle of bleach-----and the stuff is absolutely not effective as a WEAPON against a military base. Try to cope, captain blei------there is stuff lining ASSAD's kingdom

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