Terrorism in Syria: Created by America and Supported by Israel, says Syrian President

Course that's because those that own the media also run the country so.Their whole plan is working like clockwork.
Course that's because those that own the media also run the country so.Their whole plan is working like clockwork.

Tell you what. Why don't you give us a list of all the major newspapers in this country for a starter, and tell us the names of all the managing editors.

Remember, folks, we are all told who we have to vote for to run this country. We have no choice in the matter. Our secret ballots are checked out, and we get 100 lashings if we didn't vote the way some want us to vote. Sounds like this new poster is an avid reader of some NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate site. They come up with the same baloney all the time.
Course that's because those that own the media also run the country so.Their whole plan is working like clockwork.

Tell you what. Why don't you give us a list of all the major newspapers in this country for a starter, and tell us the names of all the managing editors.

Remember, folks, we are all told who we have to vote for to run this country. We have no choice in the matter. Our secret ballots are checked out, and we get 100 lashings if we didn't vote the way some want us to vote. Sounds like this new poster is an avid reader of some NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate site. They come up with the same baloney all the time.
LOL@ you thinking the managing editors are the ones controlling what's printed...LOL...here is a fact for you

Six Jewish Companies Control 96 of the World s Media

If you got the guts to read it.You wanted proof there ya go.
Course that's because those that own the media also run the country so.Their whole plan is working like clockwork.

Tell you what. Why don't you give us a list of all the major newspapers in this country for a starter, and tell us the names of all the managing editors.

Remember, folks, we are all told who we have to vote for to run this country. We have no choice in the matter. Our secret ballots are checked out, and we get 100 lashings if we didn't vote the way some want us to vote. Sounds like this new poster is an avid reader of some NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate site. They come up with the same baloney all the time.
LOL@ you thinking the managing editors are the ones controlling what's printed...LOL...here is a fact for you

Six Jewish Companies Control 96 of the World s Media

If you got the guts to read it.You wanted proof there ya go.

So I went to your Nazi website and what is the first thing I read? A bogus quote from a non-existent Israel spokesperson, after which I eliminated the site lest my computer become infected with whatever infects people like you. Thanks for playing, Adolph.
Course that's because those that own the media also run the country so.Their whole plan is working like clockwork.

Tell you what. Why don't you give us a list of all the major newspapers in this country for a starter, and tell us the names of all the managing editors.

Remember, folks, we are all told who we have to vote for to run this country. We have no choice in the matter. Our secret ballots are checked out, and we get 100 lashings if we didn't vote the way some want us to vote. Sounds like this new poster is an avid reader of some NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate site. They come up with the same baloney all the time.
LOL@ you thinking the managing editors are the ones controlling what's printed...LOL...here is a fact for you

Six Jewish Companies Control 96 of the World s Media

If you got the guts to read it.You wanted proof there ya go.

So I went to your Nazi website and what is the first thing I read? A bogus quote from a non-existent Israel spokesperson, after which I eliminated the site lest my computer become infected with whatever infects people like you. Thanks for playing, Adolph.

They really are too much, Sayit. It's the same old stuff the anti-Semites have been pulling up for years. What in the world would they do if there were no NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate sites for them to run to. Meanwhile, these creeps should be wandering in some Middle East country and see how much the radical Muslims love them regardless of how much junk they pull up from the hate sites.
Course that's because those that own the media also run the country so.Their whole plan is working like clockwork.

Tell you what. Why don't you give us a list of all the major newspapers in this country for a starter, and tell us the names of all the managing editors.

Remember, folks, we are all told who we have to vote for to run this country. We have no choice in the matter. Our secret ballots are checked out, and we get 100 lashings if we didn't vote the way some want us to vote. Sounds like this new poster is an avid reader of some NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate site. They come up with the same baloney all the time.
LOL@ you thinking the managing editors are the ones controlling what's printed...LOL...here is a fact for you

Six Jewish Companies Control 96 of the World s Media

If you got the guts to read it.You wanted proof there ya go.

So I went to your Nazi website and what is the first thing I read? A bogus quote from a non-existent Israel spokesperson, after which I eliminated the site lest my computer become infected with whatever infects people like you. Thanks for playing, Adolph.

One of those sites that makes you feel like mites and fleas are crawling over your skin. You want to rush into a shower and wash at least three time with a scrub brush and disinfectant soap, like prepping for surgery.
Good analogy since its like opening your brain to real facts instead of swallowing the MSM bs.
You can´t discuss with those. Whatever you say, they keep repeating the same over and over again without even going into what you actually say. All they do is rebuilding the wall of lies truth breaks down. In their behavior, their thesaurus appears to be suspiciously tiny, knowledge is practically not existing. This suggests that at least some of them are not even human but software, propaganda-bots:

"Amerikaner setzen auf Desinformation
Auch die amerikanischen Militärs sind in Sachen Propaganda-Bots äußerst umtriebig. So lässt die Forschungsagentur des Pentagon, die Defense Advanced Research Project Agency, bereits seit mindestens sechs Jahren Propaganda-Bots entwickeln. Das Cyber Command des US-Militärs setzt diese Software auch für gezielte Desinformation und Stimmungsmache im Internet ein.

Gegenwärtig läuft eine größere Ausschreibung der US-Forschungsagentur für Projekte, um die Bots für sehr anspruchsvolle politische Diskussionen im Netz fit zu machen. "Es wird komplizierter, je mehr Züge so eine Kommunikation hat", erklärt Joachim Scharloth das Problem."


"Americans rely on disinformation
Even the US military is extremely subversive in terms of propaganda bots. The research agency of the Pentagon, the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency, has been developing propaganda bots at least the past six years. The Cyber Command of the US military uses this software also for disinformation and propaganda on the Internet.

Currently undergoing is a major bid of the US Agency for Research on projects to make the bots fit for very demanding political discussions in the Internet. "The more complex a discussion is, the more complicated is the development", explains Joachim Scharloth the problem."
Computerprogramm Propaganda-Bot Meinungsmache nicht mehr von Menschenhand - heute-Nachrichten
Last edited:

The Zionazi state and Assad regime are the main terrorists in the region.

Israel's favorite Arab dictator of all is Assad

The Israeli government and Al-Nusra are big friends now but the Syrian government fights terrorism.
According to Haaretz Ass.ad is the preferred dictator of USrael.
Why your Ass.ad regime released thousands of terrorists from jail few years ago?

The Zionazi state and Assad regime are the main terrorists in the region.

Israel's favorite Arab dictator of all is Assad

The Israeli government and Al-Nusra are big friends now but the Syrian government fights terrorism.
According to Haaretz Ass.ad is the preferred dictator of USrael.
Why your Ass.ad regime released thousands of terrorists from jail few years ago?
What terrorists were released?

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