tee pottier on climate change

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Sen. Brandon Smith has important things to say about climate change, Mars ? FatLip

This is from Kentucky State Senator Brandon Smith, Joint Committee on Natural Resources and Environment

“As you (Energy & Environment Cabinet official) sit there in your chair with your data, we sit up here in ours with our data and our constituents and stuff behind us. I don’t want to get into the debate about climate change, but I will simply point out that I think in academia we all agree that the temperature on Mars is exactly as it is here. Nobody will dispute that. Yet there are no coal mines on Mars. There are no factories on Mars that I’m aware of.”

First of all, I did not make up that quote, it’s quite real.

Secondly, while the average temperature on Earth is roughly 58 degrees Fahrenheit, the average temperature on Mars is approximately -80 degrees Fahrenheit. In Sen. Smith’s defense, he’s only off by about 138 degrees or so, which happens sometimes. Let’s go ahead and round up (up up up up up up up, etc…).

Thirdly, note that when Smith refers to those in academia, he uses the word “we.” Because he’s obviously one of those academic types. He has “his” data, and the 98 percent of climate scientists who believe in climate change have “theirs.” Nobody will dispute that.

Fourthly, while Mars doesn’t burn any coal — smashing claims that climate change on Earth is due to this, since we have the same temperature* — Smith can’t be sure that they don’t have any factories giving off greenhouse gases. We’ll have to check with the data of the Martian scientists before we can confirm this claim.

Lastly, Smith is an actual elected official in Kentucky’s state Senate, who has been elected to this position twice by real Kentucky voters, and served four terms in the House before that.

More at the link.
I could get into this, but their are actually people in Kentucky I like. It's a beautiful state, at least where they're not mining coal.
I live in a beautiful place. Might be the most beautiful place I've seen.

The R politicians are just as brain dead as this jerk.
Looks like nobody cares s0n..........

Oh.....some awesome news hits us all on this 4th of July!!!!( and provides a direct nut sack kick to the climate crusader k00ks )

Released yesterday..........

1. In March of 2014 U.S. crude oil production was at its highest level since May of 1988. The International Energy Agency (IEA) estimates that by next year the U.S. will surpass Saudi Arabia and Russia in crude oil output.

2. U.S. natural gas production in 2013 was at its highest level ever.

3. U.S. net imports of crude oil and petroleum products in 2013 were at their lowest level since 1988.

4. Domestic production satisfied 84 percent of total U.S. energy demand in 2013.

Energy ? For Life, Liberty and Happiness

Ask me how hard I'm laughing s0ns???:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Yeah --- that's mind-numbingly stupid.. And that's why politcs and science shouldn't mix, fraternize or have intercourse or even date...

These idiots ought to stick to their Constitutionally assigned jobs. Like securing the borders and making voting ridiculously accurate, fair and easy. The more time they spend on energy drinks and science issues they don't have a prayer of understanding -- the worse their performance will be..
I could get into this, but their are actually people in Kentucky I like. It's a beautiful state, at least where they're not mining coal.

It's THERE ARE....Just sayin'...if you're going to insult someone at least get your spelling correct....
Didn't read the article...did the Teaper blame blackie?
I could get into this, but their are actually people in Kentucky I like. It's a beautiful state, at least where they're not mining coal.

It's THERE ARE....Just sayin'...if you're going to insult someone at least get your spelling correct....

And if you're going to correct someone, get your interpretations correct. I was complimenting the state of Kentucky and its people. I wasn't insulting anyone - except maybe people who choose to strip mine scenic locations.
I could get into this, but their are actually people in Kentucky I like. It's a beautiful state, at least where they're not mining coal.

It's THERE ARE....Just sayin'...if you're going to insult someone at least get your spelling correct....

And if you're going to correct someone, get your interpretations correct. I was complimenting the state of Kentucky and its people. I wasn't insulting anyone - except maybe people who choose to strip mine scenic locations.

:lol::lol::lol: Dude, just admit your command of the English language sucks and move on. You know as much about English as you do about science:lol::lol:
It was a dumb statement and on par with ManMade Global Warming is melting the Ice Caps!!
Let me know when you boys think you have something to say worth discussing.

Let me know when you find the lab work that shows how a 120PPM increase in CO2 simultaneously raises temperature 2 degrees and lowers ocean pH from 8.25 to 8.15
You love how luds believes if everyone doesn't think like him that makes them scum?

tee pottie

Sorry, but the dumbest statement by an elected representative was by that idiot who thought if we deployed too many troops to Guam that the island would tip over.

But that is just MORE proof that Government should be limited and you should never trust them to do anything right.

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