Ted Turner proud our service men are commiiting suicide


no fly list
Jan 6, 2007
He was going to say it was fantastic...but then settled for its good

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FxFuGTN2SI]Ted Turner proud our service men are commiiting suicide and proud of what the un is doing !!! - YouTube[/ame]
"Don't kill each other, kill yourself. It's terrific!!"

This message is approved by Ted Turner, the UN for Agenda 21 and Environzis the world over.
Who's that pole-smoking British guy talking to the fat-drunk calling suicide a good thing?
Is this a Libberhoid news outlet?
No wonder it's in the shitter. No one's watching this tripe.
Isn't he still married to Saigon Jane? I'm a Viet Nam vet and I wanted to shoot her too!
Isn't he still married to Saigon Jane? I'm a Viet Nam vet and I wanted to shoot her too!

My Uncle was a Lt stationed at Fort Lewis Washington in the late years of the war she came aboard base and was protesting he physically picked her up and carried her out of one of his Barracks and deposited her in the MP vehicle.
Good for him. VN vets weren't treated very well. I can't tell you how it makes me feel that the culture in America has changed. Our vets are treated with respect and I'm behind it 100%.
I am a firm believer that there should be a requirement for every single American to spend at least 2 years in the military. And I don't mean weekend warriors. That is the only way that America will ever understand what it's like. If that is impossible then it should be a requirement for every Commander in Chief to have spent at least 6 years in the military in an officer's capacity.
I'm thinking with that with these requirements maybe we wouldn't start so many wars.
Whatcha' think?
Eh.... I'm not ready to throw the man overboard for that comment just yet. I understand what he was getting at. His point was that these soldiers' suicides are indicative of the fact that as human beings we innately abhor the atrocities of war and it is that abhorrence that is a good thing, not that soldiers are killing themselves. He worded it VERY poorly, and it's easy to get all worked up over it in a knee jerk reaction, but it's no different than Obama's "you didn't build that" and Romney's 47% comments
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I am a firm believer that there should be a requirement for every single American to spend at least 2 years in the military. And I don't mean weekend warriors. That is the only way that America will ever understand what it's like. If that is impossible then it should be a requirement for every Commander in Chief to have spent at least 6 years in the military in an officer's capacity.
I'm thinking with that with these requirements maybe we wouldn't start so many wars.
Whatcha' think?

I think conscription is slavery, so no, I don't agree.
eots, et al,

Ted Turner has a habit of sticking his foot in his mouth.

Ernest Hemingway said:
Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime.

He was going to say it was fantastic...but then settled for its good

Ted Turner sees himself in a much different way then we might perceive him. He wants to be a remembered as a billionaire philanthropist ("the caring of man") that promoted good - not evil.

He is trying to emulate the giants like Ernest Hemingway and Walter Cronkite. Cronkite, like Turner, is a noted journalist who was remembered as a man of unquestioned integrity; and yet - quite the anti-war promoter (especially in Vietnam). But, unlike Hemingway and Cronkite, Turner just doesn't have the right stuff.

Turner blunders quite a bit. I think, once he hears what he said, he recognizes the mistake. But the damage is done. Too many will see him as nothing like the image he is trying to portray.

Although I have, on occasion, spoken before thinking, I tend to think that Ted Turner is just an untalented billionaire that is smart in business and less than interesting as a foreign policy speaker.

Most Respectfully,

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