Ted Cruz Puts Extremists At The Center Of His Campaign


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
That rightwing bible thumping kook asshattery stuff might play big in Iowa or South Carolina , but in the large educated Electoral states that stuff is a joke
So he is surrounding himself with with extremist religious lunatics as advisers, yep that will work in a national election !!!!

. Cruz apparently sees it as helpful to campaign alongside Perkins, who has defended Uganda’s “kill-the-gays” bill and claimed that gay rights advocates are pawns of the Devil.

Beyond The Pale: Ted Cruz Puts Extremists At The Center Of His Campaign
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Dominionists are pure evil, as history has always illustrated:

"I also have the conviction and the certain feeling that nothing can happen to me, for I know that Providence has chosen me to fulfill my task."
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech in Munich (September 4, 1932)
That rightwing bible thumping kook asshattery stuff might play big in Iowa or South Carolina , but in the large educated Electoral states that stuff is a joke
So he is surrounding himself with with extremist religious lunatics as advisers, yep that will work in a national election !!!!

. Cruz apparently sees it as helpful to campaign alongside Perkins, who has defended Uganda’s “kill-the-gays” bill and claimed that gay rights advocates are pawns of the Devil.

Beyond The Pale: Ted Cruz Puts Extremists At The Center Of His Campaign

Its sad to see that there are still people who believe the wolf in sheep's clothing..

Glen Beck is backing him so that tells you the extreme christian's will as well.

Interesting that Pat Robertson of the 700 club ( the founder of the whole christian movement} doesn't support him.

That rightwing bible thumping kook asshattery stuff might play big in Iowa or South Carolina , but in the large educated Electoral states that stuff is a joke
So he is surrounding himself with with extremist religious lunatics as advisers, yep that will work in a national election !!!!

. Cruz apparently sees it as helpful to campaign alongside Perkins, who has defended Uganda’s “kill-the-gays” bill and claimed that gay rights advocates are pawns of the Devil.

Beyond The Pale: Ted Cruz Puts Extremists At The Center Of His Campaign
. It all depends on what flavor of extremist you like or dislike. .. There are those who might see a person who believes in the traditional family, and the values in which were once taught for which had brought forth a nation of stable reliable people over time, and in which created some awesome stuff across this nation over time, and had done some awesome things in life as well... to be those who are extremist now.....and what all for wanting to hold on to those values and traditions that have been proven in history as good ? Then their are those who figure that people who have a proven track record of living a life that many times is something that brings shame, poverty, immorlism, divorce, abortions, violence, hatefulness, backbiting, jealousness, envy, sexual deviancy, irrational thinking and on and on it all goes uhh is somehow normal ?
Hard line to sell anymore.... Now yes as with any person looked to , and yes for whom will possibly gain power in life, well of course everyone who tries to attach themselves to his or her power may not be a person that has good intentions when attaching themselves to a person of power... Hopefully the person in power will have sense enough to not allow said Person to attach themselves to that power, especially if they are bad people in life. The problem these days is people are or have lost sight of what is bad and what is truly good anymore.... The hope by those who are bad is that their are enough idiots anymore to get a win for them and their bad selves/ choices in life anymore.
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