Teachers screw up government lockdown proposals

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

1500 schools have now refused to reopen on June 1st leaving the tory proposals in shreds. The return of kids to school is a central part of ending the lockdown but parents are declining to see their kids used as guinea pigs and the teachers are demanding to see the scientific evidence that proves it is safe. Well they can whistle for that because this conservative government doesnt do science.

Needless to say the tory controlled media has turned on the teachers and they are now being portrayed as the villains in all of this. They badly misjudge the public mood. The government credibility dwindles every day as the lies pile up alongside the bodies of people killed by conservative incompetence.

Back to the drawing board for that fat lying fuck.
Yet ANOTHER case of lazy Britons (teachers) 'Afraid' of getting weaned off that free gubmint titty milk...nom nom nom...shit is deeeeeeeelicious!
Yet ANOTHER case of lazy Britons (teachers) 'Afraid' of getting weaned off that free gubmint titty milk...nom nom nom...shit is deeeeeeeelicious!
You are a know nothing fuck. The teachers are still working, teaching the kids of key workers. What they dont want is for the schools to be flooded with kids when it isnt safe to do so.
Yet ANOTHER case of lazy Britons (teachers) 'Afraid' of getting weaned off that free gubmint titty milk...nom nom nom...shit is deeeeeeeelicious!
You are a know nothing fuck. The teachers are still working, teaching the kids of key workers. What they dont want is for the schools to be flooded with kids when it isnt safe to do so.
Yeah...they sure are 'working'. They are required to make themselves 'available' to students if they have questions. That is not teaching...additionally only about 65% of teachers are currently 'working'.
A country full of lazy leeches.


Technology is being touted as the saviour to the remote teaching situation but there are many issues around this to consider, not least the reality that many pupils may not have the right devices at home.

For example, ONS data shows that 7 per cent of homes in the UK do not have internet connections – fixed or mobile. This means almost 2 million homes have no internet, which will likely include some with children who will not have the ability to get online to be taught remotely.

It could also be the case that some households only have limited numbers of devices that can access online resources in a manner suitable for learning – chiefly a laptop or tablet with a keyboard – and so for households with multiple children working from home, this may prove difficult to manage.

What about the poor taint? What about those poor kids with no ability to access the internet for studies?
Oh! You don't care about those...you fucking fake...you fucking slave to the lie.

To the pit you foul DEMON!

1500 schools have now refused to reopen on June 1st leaving the tory proposals in shreds. The return of kids to school is a central part of ending the lockdown but parents are declining to see their kids used as guinea pigs and the teachers are demanding to see the scientific evidence that proves it is safe. Well they can whistle for that because this conservative government doesnt do science.

Needless to say the tory controlled media has turned on the teachers and they are now being portrayed as the villains in all of this. They badly misjudge the public mood. The government credibility dwindles every day as the lies pile up alongside the bodies of people killed by conservative incompetence.

Back to the drawing board for that fat lying fuck.


1500 schools have now refused to reopen on June 1st leaving the tory proposals in shreds. The return of kids to school is a central part of ending the lockdown but parents are declining to see their kids used as guinea pigs and the teachers are demanding to see the scientific evidence that proves it is safe. Well they can whistle for that because this conservative government doesnt do science.

Needless to say the tory controlled media has turned on the teachers and they are now being portrayed as the villains in all of this. They badly misjudge the public mood. The government credibility dwindles every day as the lies pile up alongside the bodies of people killed by conservative incompetence.

Back to the drawing board for that fat lying fuck.

Suck on it Tommy.

It's your country.

But, I thought you had this under control when they had you ratting out your neighbors for holding a garden party.

1500 schools have now refused to reopen on June 1st leaving the tory proposals in shreds. The return of kids to school is a central part of ending the lockdown but parents are declining to see their kids used as guinea pigs and the teachers are demanding to see the scientific evidence that proves it is safe. Well they can whistle for that because this conservative government doesnt do science.

Needless to say the tory controlled media has turned on the teachers and they are now being portrayed as the villains in all of this. They badly misjudge the public mood. The government credibility dwindles every day as the lies pile up alongside the bodies of people killed by conservative incompetence.

Back to the drawing board for that fat lying fuck.

Good think labor got their asses handed to them last election. So who cares what teachers unions say?
Happy independence.
Funny how you thick fuckers squeal like pigs over US lockdowns that take your "liberty". And yet we are all meant to fall in line with a government directive ?
How do you square that idiocy ?
Schools will open when it is safe.

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