Teacher calls cops on online student for seeing a gun in the background


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
Who knew teachers spying on student like SS officers would be an issue with online schooling? And now a parent is not entitled to see what is in the school file on their child?

......... According to Sperry, the spy teacher took a screenshot of the boy’s bedroom, which is incredibly creepy and a violation of the family’s privacy. When the mother demanded to see the screenshot taken by the creeper-teacher, she was told she would not be allowed to view it because it wasn’t part of his official school record.

“It’s absolutely scary to think about,” Sperry said. “Who are on these calls? Who do we have viewing [our] children and subsequently taking these screenshots that can be sent anywhere or used for any purpose?”

She told PJ Media that she decided to go public in order “to push for policy change and make parents aware” of possible violations of privacy during online classes.

This incident raises some serious questions about privacy related to virtual learning. Teachers (and perhaps others who might be watching) are granted access to children’s homes and even their bedrooms. It appears from this incident that there were no rules in place preventing the teacher from taking pictures of his bedroom. How many students has this teacher spied on? How many screenshots has she taken of them during virtual classes? Has she amassed a database of her students’ home situations?

“I have explained to my son that he did nothing wrong,” Sperry said. “He said, ‘I’m just sad because I thought the teachers were my friends.'”

The school refused to comment on the specific case but told Fox Baltimore, “There are multiple ways for families to share concerns with us. In general terms, the safety of students and staff is our chief concern, whether we are meeting in classrooms or via continuity of learning.”

“So, what are the parameters? Where are the lines drawn?” Sperry wants to know. “If my son is sitting at the kitchen island next to a butcher block, does that constitute a weapon? It’s not allowed at school, right? So, would my home then be searched because he’s sitting next to a butcher block? I feel like parents need to be made aware of what the implications are, what the expectations are.” ......More at link

Who knew teachers spying on student like SS officers would be an issue with online schooling? And now a parent is not entitled to see what is in the school file on their child?

......... According to Sperry, the spy teacher took a screenshot of the boy’s bedroom, which is incredibly creepy and a violation of the family’s privacy. When the mother demanded to see the screenshot taken by the creeper-teacher, she was told she would not be allowed to view it because it wasn’t part of his official school record.

“It’s absolutely scary to think about,” Sperry said. “Who are on these calls? Who do we have viewing [our] children and subsequently taking these screenshots that can be sent anywhere or used for any purpose?”

She told PJ Media that she decided to go public in order “to push for policy change and make parents aware” of possible violations of privacy during online classes.

This incident raises some serious questions about privacy related to virtual learning. Teachers (and perhaps others who might be watching) are granted access to children’s homes and even their bedrooms. It appears from this incident that there were no rules in place preventing the teacher from taking pictures of his bedroom. How many students has this teacher spied on? How many screenshots has she taken of them during virtual classes? Has she amassed a database of her students’ home situations?

“I have explained to my son that he did nothing wrong,” Sperry said. “He said, ‘I’m just sad because I thought the teachers were my friends.'”

The school refused to comment on the specific case but told Fox Baltimore, “There are multiple ways for families to share concerns with us. In general terms, the safety of students and staff is our chief concern, whether we are meeting in classrooms or via continuity of learning.”

“So, what are the parameters? Where are the lines drawn?” Sperry wants to know. “If my son is sitting at the kitchen island next to a butcher block, does that constitute a weapon? It’s not allowed at school, right? So, would my home then be searched because he’s sitting next to a butcher block? I feel like parents need to be made aware of what the implications are, what the expectations are.” ......More at link

Sheer lunacy.
The teachers are worried about much more.

Teacher Worries Online Classes Will Interfere With Propagandizing Students

Public School Teachers Openly Fear Parents Overhearing the Leftist Brainwashing During Virtual Classroom Sessions

That teacher should be fired on the spot

no question asked

enough is enough!
Not sure about firing, but the teacher and the principal need to have a counseling statement and a policy should be be in place and signed individually by both of them. While having camera to have contact with the student may be and probably is important, it is an invasion of the family home, with the teacher as an uninvited guest observer. Teacher's have no right to sick the cops of a kid or his family. It is not bringing a gun to school. Most of the guys on this board had air rifles and actual small arms for hunting, growing up. Remote classroom is not cart blanch to inflict a teacher's values on how children are raised in the home.
I find this disturbing, as my grand daughters will be have their remote schooling, here at this console in my study, starting Monday. Even though all they will see are several book cases and my schwinn Exercise bike, it seems like an invasion of my space.
Who knew teachers spying on student like SS officers would be an issue with online schooling? And now a parent is not entitled to see what is in the school file on their child?

......... According to Sperry, the spy teacher took a screenshot of the boy’s bedroom, which is incredibly creepy and a violation of the family’s privacy. When the mother demanded to see the screenshot taken by the creeper-teacher, she was told she would not be allowed to view it because it wasn’t part of his official school record.

“It’s absolutely scary to think about,” Sperry said. “Who are on these calls? Who do we have viewing [our] children and subsequently taking these screenshots that can be sent anywhere or used for any purpose?”

She told PJ Media that she decided to go public in order “to push for policy change and make parents aware” of possible violations of privacy during online classes.

This incident raises some serious questions about privacy related to virtual learning. Teachers (and perhaps others who might be watching) are granted access to children’s homes and even their bedrooms. It appears from this incident that there were no rules in place preventing the teacher from taking pictures of his bedroom. How many students has this teacher spied on? How many screenshots has she taken of them during virtual classes? Has she amassed a database of her students’ home situations?

“I have explained to my son that he did nothing wrong,” Sperry said. “He said, ‘I’m just sad because I thought the teachers were my friends.'”

The school refused to comment on the specific case but told Fox Baltimore, “There are multiple ways for families to share concerns with us. In general terms, the safety of students and staff is our chief concern, whether we are meeting in classrooms or via continuity of learning.”

“So, what are the parameters? Where are the lines drawn?” Sperry wants to know. “If my son is sitting at the kitchen island next to a butcher block, does that constitute a weapon? It’s not allowed at school, right? So, would my home then be searched because he’s sitting next to a butcher block? I feel like parents need to be made aware of what the implications are, what the expectations are.” ......More at link

That teacher possibly prevented a very volatile situation. Wouldn't you like to know if your 11 year old had a gun on his desk?
Fire that woman ...NOW!

That teacher is a leftist scum lunatic ....she should not be around children!
Shoukd the teacher be fired before or after the kid shoots his brother?

Teachers have to report if a child let's you know or you suspect abuse. Allowing a child of 11 to have a gun could indicate neglectful parents.
Who knew teachers spying on student like SS officers would be an issue with online schooling? And now a parent is not entitled to see what is in the school file on their child?

......... According to Sperry, the spy teacher took a screenshot of the boy’s bedroom, which is incredibly creepy and a violation of the family’s privacy. When the mother demanded to see the screenshot taken by the creeper-teacher, she was told she would not be allowed to view it because it wasn’t part of his official school record.

“It’s absolutely scary to think about,” Sperry said. “Who are on these calls? Who do we have viewing [our] children and subsequently taking these screenshots that can be sent anywhere or used for any purpose?”

She told PJ Media that she decided to go public in order “to push for policy change and make parents aware” of possible violations of privacy during online classes.

This incident raises some serious questions about privacy related to virtual learning. Teachers (and perhaps others who might be watching) are granted access to children’s homes and even their bedrooms. It appears from this incident that there were no rules in place preventing the teacher from taking pictures of his bedroom. How many students has this teacher spied on? How many screenshots has she taken of them during virtual classes? Has she amassed a database of her students’ home situations?

“I have explained to my son that he did nothing wrong,” Sperry said. “He said, ‘I’m just sad because I thought the teachers were my friends.'”

The school refused to comment on the specific case but told Fox Baltimore, “There are multiple ways for families to share concerns with us. In general terms, the safety of students and staff is our chief concern, whether we are meeting in classrooms or via continuity of learning.”

“So, what are the parameters? Where are the lines drawn?” Sperry wants to know. “If my son is sitting at the kitchen island next to a butcher block, does that constitute a weapon? It’s not allowed at school, right? So, would my home then be searched because he’s sitting next to a butcher block? I feel like parents need to be made aware of what the implications are, what the expectations are.” ......More at link

That teacher possibly prevented a very volatile situation. Wouldn't you like to know if your 11 year old had a gun on his desk?
If you read the article you would know that the bb guns were on the wall in the background. It is a total violation of the privacy of the home. No excuses for this kind of crap. "For your own good" isn't working nor wanted by the majority and it sure as hell won't be accepted as the new normal.
Fire that woman ...NOW!

That teacher is a leftist scum lunatic ....she should not be around children!
Shoukd the teacher be fired before or after the kid shoots his brother?

Teachers have to report if a child let's you know or you suspect abuse. Allowing a child of 11 to have a gun could indicate neglectful parents.
It was a BB gun, moron.
Who knew teachers spying on student like SS officers would be an issue with online schooling? And now a parent is not entitled to see what is in the school file on their child?

......... According to Sperry, the spy teacher took a screenshot of the boy’s bedroom, which is incredibly creepy and a violation of the family’s privacy. When the mother demanded to see the screenshot taken by the creeper-teacher, she was told she would not be allowed to view it because it wasn’t part of his official school record.

“It’s absolutely scary to think about,” Sperry said. “Who are on these calls? Who do we have viewing [our] children and subsequently taking these screenshots that can be sent anywhere or used for any purpose?”

She told PJ Media that she decided to go public in order “to push for policy change and make parents aware” of possible violations of privacy during online classes.

This incident raises some serious questions about privacy related to virtual learning. Teachers (and perhaps others who might be watching) are granted access to children’s homes and even their bedrooms. It appears from this incident that there were no rules in place preventing the teacher from taking pictures of his bedroom. How many students has this teacher spied on? How many screenshots has she taken of them during virtual classes? Has she amassed a database of her students’ home situations?

“I have explained to my son that he did nothing wrong,” Sperry said. “He said, ‘I’m just sad because I thought the teachers were my friends.'”

The school refused to comment on the specific case but told Fox Baltimore, “There are multiple ways for families to share concerns with us. In general terms, the safety of students and staff is our chief concern, whether we are meeting in classrooms or via continuity of learning.”

“So, what are the parameters? Where are the lines drawn?” Sperry wants to know. “If my son is sitting at the kitchen island next to a butcher block, does that constitute a weapon? It’s not allowed at school, right? So, would my home then be searched because he’s sitting next to a butcher block? I feel like parents need to be made aware of what the implications are, what the expectations are.” ......More at link

That teacher possibly prevented a very volatile situation. Wouldn't you like to know if your 11 year old had a gun on his desk?
If you read the article you would know that the bb guns were on the wall in the background. It is a total violation of the privacy of the home. No excuses for this kind of crap. "For your own good" isn't working nor wanted by the majority and it sure as hell won't be accepted as the new normal.


Fire that leftist woman, she has no place teaching children.
Fire that woman ...NOW!

That teacher is a leftist scum lunatic ....she should not be around children!
Shoukd the teacher be fired before or after the kid shoots his brother?

Teachers have to report if a child let's you know or you suspect abuse. Allowing a child of 11 to have a gun could indicate neglectful parents.
It was a BB gun, moron.
I'm guilty of not reading the link. Sorry.
Cover your cameras.
Most people have no clue that there are cameras in the screens and don't even consider them in the phones. Even a new flip phone we have has a camera that goes off with even the slightest motion. I stuff that sucker anywhere where it cannot take pics.
Who knew teachers spying on student like SS officers would be an issue with online schooling? And now a parent is not entitled to see what is in the school file on their child?

......... According to Sperry, the spy teacher took a screenshot of the boy’s bedroom, which is incredibly creepy and a violation of the family’s privacy. When the mother demanded to see the screenshot taken by the creeper-teacher, she was told she would not be allowed to view it because it wasn’t part of his official school record.

“It’s absolutely scary to think about,” Sperry said. “Who are on these calls? Who do we have viewing [our] children and subsequently taking these screenshots that can be sent anywhere or used for any purpose?”

She told PJ Media that she decided to go public in order “to push for policy change and make parents aware” of possible violations of privacy during online classes.

This incident raises some serious questions about privacy related to virtual learning. Teachers (and perhaps others who might be watching) are granted access to children’s homes and even their bedrooms. It appears from this incident that there were no rules in place preventing the teacher from taking pictures of his bedroom. How many students has this teacher spied on? How many screenshots has she taken of them during virtual classes? Has she amassed a database of her students’ home situations?

“I have explained to my son that he did nothing wrong,” Sperry said. “He said, ‘I’m just sad because I thought the teachers were my friends.'”

The school refused to comment on the specific case but told Fox Baltimore, “There are multiple ways for families to share concerns with us. In general terms, the safety of students and staff is our chief concern, whether we are meeting in classrooms or via continuity of learning.”

“So, what are the parameters? Where are the lines drawn?” Sperry wants to know. “If my son is sitting at the kitchen island next to a butcher block, does that constitute a weapon? It’s not allowed at school, right? So, would my home then be searched because he’s sitting next to a butcher block? I feel like parents need to be made aware of what the implications are, what the expectations are.” ......More at link

That teacher possibly prevented a very volatile situation. Wouldn't you like to know if your 11 year old had a gun on his desk?

Did you even read the article?

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