Teacher asks 8th-grade students to list positives of slavery...

Do you think all blacks should be held responsible for what 2% of their population does?

What does that have to do with anything? Hint: I hold no one responsible for the actions of over a century ago. The only one's responsible for an action are those committing the action.
Sounds like a No.

They are all long gone. Let it go, and if you must decry something, try to make it about something relevant.

Again...what's your point?

I'm saying don't white wash history and pretend there were good points for slavery. There were none for the slaves and we should not teach that there were. That's relevent and today.
You don't see my obvious point? An entire race is being held accountable for the actions of less than 2%. That's my point.
Another Lost Causer. ^

It's not a "point" when you skew the numbers to include the enormous population numbers of the North, which inluded a minuscule number of slaves.

Nearly 30% of Southern families owned slaves.

There were only 1 million free southern families in the South in 1860.

Nearly four million slaves.
Then you can't blame an entire race for the actions of such a tiny percentage.
What does that have to do with anything? Hint: I hold no one responsible for the actions of over a century ago. The only one's responsible for an action are those committing the action.
Sounds like a No.

They are all long gone. Let it go, and if you must decry something, try to make it about something relevant.

Again...what's your point?

I'm saying don't white wash history and pretend there were good points for slavery. There were none for the slaves and we should not teach that there were. That's relevent and today.
You don't see my obvious point? An entire race is being held accountable for the actions of less than 2%. That's my point.
Another Lost Causer. ^

It's not a "point" when you skew the numbers to include the enormous population numbers of the North, which inluded a minuscule number of slaves.

Nearly 30% of Southern families owned slaves.

There were only 1 million free southern families in the South in 1860.

Nearly four million slaves.
Then you can't blame an entire race for the actions of such a tiny percentage.
I didn't, freak show.
Sounds like a No.

They are all long gone. Let it go, and if you must decry something, try to make it about something relevant.

Again...what's your point?

I'm saying don't white wash history and pretend there were good points for slavery. There were none for the slaves and we should not teach that there were. That's relevent and today.
You don't see my obvious point? An entire race is being held accountable for the actions of less than 2%. That's my point.
Another Lost Causer. ^

It's not a "point" when you skew the numbers to include the enormous population numbers of the North, which inluded a minuscule number of slaves.

Nearly 30% of Southern families owned slaves.

There were only 1 million free southern families in the South in 1860.

Nearly four million slaves.
Then you can't blame an entire race for the actions of such a tiny percentage.
I didn't, freak show.
Calm yourself. This is ancient history.

According to your logic, all black people are responsible for murder in the US.
Do you think all blacks should be held responsible for what 2% of their population does?

What does that have to do with anything? Hint: I hold no one responsible for the actions of over a century ago. The only one's responsible for an action are those committing the action.
Sounds like a No.

They are all long gone. Let it go, and if you must decry something, try to make it about something relevant.

Again...what's your point?

I'm saying don't white wash history and pretend there were good points for slavery. There were none for the slaves and we should not teach that there were. That's relevent and today.
You don't see my obvious point? An entire race is being held accountable for the actions of less than 2%. That's my point.
Another Lost Causer. ^

It's not a "point" when you skew the numbers to include the enormous population numbers of the North, which inluded a minuscule number of slaves.

Nearly 30% of Southern families owned slaves.

There were only 1 million free southern families in the South in 1860.

Nearly four million slaves.


So the 1860 US Census was wrong?

According to the census, only 8% owned slaves.

Learn to Google!

1860 Census Results
Whites were not evil for having black slaves, just unenlightened.
Wholeheartedly disagree with this statement, evil doesn't come close to accurately depicting the mindset of someone who could do the things to another human being that was done to the slaves.
It was certainly shortsighted. Should have left the negores to starve in Africa. We'd have a better country today.
99% of the slaves in the US were born and bred HERE, you racist slimebucket.

Say what?

Do you have a link for that nonsense .

It's not nonsense, dumbass.
But why were they born in the US? Could it be because their ancestors were brought here?
What was the plus side of Hitler? He was a lousy painter.

I have no information on his painting skills.

But surely you realize that everything has two sides to it, even Hitler! Just because he was disastrous for the rest of the world, he still created enormous economic and military growth for Germany, united the country, brought about umpteen technological advances in his war efforts that changed the entire 20th century, killed a lot of Jews (which apparently some people on this board think is a GREAT thing), among many other things, not the least of which was for the world to be better prepared that no such dictator ever be able to start such a war ever again as easily.
History is full of happy slaves.

And you would know . . . . how? Did you interview them all? You don't think there were some slaves living in mansions and plantations as cooks, maids and personal servants that realized they had it better off than most and certainly better than still being in Africa on some hot plain living in a straw hut full of flies and disease? How ready you are to believe the worst horror stories but how cognitively blind you allow yourself to the notion that any of it could have been less so just because you have the advantage of two centuries context to see it in. If you had to go back and live in 1840 right now, I bet you wouldn't like it even if you were a rich, white woman.
I suspect it was worse for a slave. Bought, sold, owned, families split, legally raped. Life sucked, but it sucked especially bad for slaves. People shouldn't white wash it.
Do you think all blacks should be held responsible for what 2% of their population does?

What does that have to do with anything? Hint: I hold no one responsible for the actions of over a century ago. The only one's responsible for an action are those committing the action.
Sounds like a No.

They are all long gone. Let it go, and if you must decry something, try to make it about something relevant.

Again...what's your point?

I'm saying don't white wash history and pretend there were good points for slavery. There were none for the slaves and we should not teach that there were. That's relevent and today.
You don't see my obvious point? An entire race is being held accountable for the actions of less than 2%. That's my point.
Racism in America is not solely due to slavery although it can be said that's where it got it's start. It's the institutional racism that is the problem today. Laws that were passed and court cases that ruled that whites were not just superior to blacks but also that people of African descent natural station in life was to be in servitude to the white race. This is documented in many places throughout history and then based on this belief ensured that society was shaped in accordance to this belief via Black Codes and other Jim Crow laws.
What does that have to do with anything? Hint: I hold no one responsible for the actions of over a century ago. The only one's responsible for an action are those committing the action.
Sounds like a No.

They are all long gone. Let it go, and if you must decry something, try to make it about something relevant.

Again...what's your point?

I'm saying don't white wash history and pretend there were good points for slavery. There were none for the slaves and we should not teach that there were. That's relevent and today.
You don't see my obvious point? An entire race is being held accountable for the actions of less than 2%. That's my point.
Another Lost Causer. ^

It's not a "point" when you skew the numbers to include the enormous population numbers of the North, which inluded a minuscule number of slaves.

Nearly 30% of Southern families owned slaves.

There were only 1 million free southern families in the South in 1860.

Nearly four million slaves.


So the 1860 US Census was wrong?

According to the census, only 8% owned slaves.

Learn to Google!

1860 Census Results
Damn. You're dumber that I thought.

Not only do you not know who started the war, you can't even read the post you're quoting.

That's because whites didn't let them do that, being the smarter race.
You mean more bloodthirsty.
To find out who is more bloodthirsty, take a look at modern Africa (where slavery still exists) or black inner cities.

It’s amazing how many rabid racists

populate these discussions. Fake

history, and fake news are the norms

in these exercises,

and along with the ever present heavy

doses of denial and deflection, a

totally frustrating and useless exercise.

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Teacher asks 8th-grade students to list positives of slavery

SAN ANTONIO -- A San Antonio charter school has apologized after a teacher asked students in an eighth grade American history class to list the positive and negative aspects of slavery. The teacher at Great Hearts Monte Vista who distributed a worksheet titled "The Life of Slaves: A Balanced View" has been placed on leave.

Aaron Kindel, the superintendent of Great Hearts Texas, said in a statement the school would audit the textbook associated with the lesson.

"To be clear, there is no debate about slavery. It is immoral and a crime against humanity," Kindel said in a statement posted Thursday on the Great Hearts Facebook page. He said the school's headmaster plans to explain the mistake to the history class.

Scott Overland, a spokesman for Pearson, which published the textbook, said the company didn't create and doesn't endorse the worksheet assigned to the students, CBS affiliate KENS-TV reports.

"We do not support the point of view represented in the worksheet and strongly condemn the implication that there was any positive aspect to slavery," Overland said.

A parent of one of the students in the class posted the worksheet Wednesday on Facebook. Rep. Joaquin Castro, D-Texas, drew attention to the issue on Thursday when the Democrat tweeted that the worksheet was "absolutely unacceptable."

Let's see...

1. Free labor.

2. The cotton industry was booming.

3. As the great Cliven Bundy once said, it "gave them something to do".

4. 12 Years A Slave, which was a great movie, never would have been made.

Can you think of any more?
It’s a good historical question. Asking the students to transport themselves back in time to look at a controversial issue. Same can be done with the Holocaust. Then bring the issue forward and look at it from this time and place.
Teacher asks 8th-grade students to list positives of slavery

SAN ANTONIO -- A San Antonio charter school has apologized after a teacher asked students in an eighth grade American history class to list the positive and negative aspects of slavery. The teacher at Great Hearts Monte Vista who distributed a worksheet titled "The Life of Slaves: A Balanced View" has been placed on leave.

Aaron Kindel, the superintendent of Great Hearts Texas, said in a statement the school would audit the textbook associated with the lesson.

"To be clear, there is no debate about slavery. It is immoral and a crime against humanity," Kindel said in a statement posted Thursday on the Great Hearts Facebook page. He said the school's headmaster plans to explain the mistake to the history class.

Scott Overland, a spokesman for Pearson, which published the textbook, said the company didn't create and doesn't endorse the worksheet assigned to the students, CBS affiliate KENS-TV reports.

"We do not support the point of view represented in the worksheet and strongly condemn the implication that there was any positive aspect to slavery," Overland said.

A parent of one of the students in the class posted the worksheet Wednesday on Facebook. Rep. Joaquin Castro, D-Texas, drew attention to the issue on Thursday when the Democrat tweeted that the worksheet was "absolutely unacceptable."

Let's see...

1. Free labor.

2. The cotton industry was booming.

3. As the great Cliven Bundy once said, it "gave them something to do".

4. 12 Years A Slave, which was a great movie, never would have been made.

Can you think of any more?

So, why is this a controversy? Did the teacher somehow endorsing slavery? Or was it merely to explain why slavery was a world wide phenomenon?

Are we not supposed to teach all views on issues? Or is this a thought police issue?
The school is just one more PC Idiocracy. EVERYTHING has a + and a - side to it, even slavery, that is the nature of the universe, otherwise there never would have been slaves! It was a lesson in critical thinking, thinking outside the box, not justification of slavery, but now thanks to fear of PC, these kids will lose a valuable lesson in looking at something very bad and seeing that even such things have their positive aspects. The Chinese call it yin and yang, but in the Dumbed Down States of America, our poor kids are not allowed to think and learn freely, being told by their "school" that you are only allowed to believe that things like slavery, war, old age, illness and even death are all bad with nothing good or positive to ever be gleaned, taken or learned from them.

Only a white person in delusional denial thinks that there was anything positive about slavery. Especially in a nation whose credo reads “All men are created equal”, such conclusions would invite the enslavement of those privileged and in power presently. Maybe your opinion would be different if your ancestors and their progeny had been slaves.

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Oh. You mean like Hebrews? Native Americans? Irish folks? Asians?

Hebrews were slaves thousands of years ago in Egypt, Native Americans were never slaves, nor were the Irish or Asians, ever slaves in America. Or anywhere else for that matter.

Hebrews WERE slaves, and in a way, have been held prisoner ever since. Even today, they are are walled up and under constant attack just for living. If that isn't a form of slavery, I don't know what is. Just as the Irish were considered dirt by the English for a long time. As to the native Indians, no, they were never taken from their land and forced to work as slaves, they were just killed, butchered, rounded up and taken from their land, herded into ranches on plots of the most undesirable land imaginable, then left to be forgotten. Maybe worse than slavery. The Colonialists broke every pact, every agreement with them, lied to them, cheated them, and left them with not one piece of land anyone would want to live in poverty.

Jews were held in slavery by the Egyptians in Egypt where the Jews had settled to live. Sort of like the Japanese were interred here in America during the Second World War. They weren’t imported, sold, and bartered as property for profit nor was their culture systematically destroyed, their psyche and humanity stripped from them, their children separated and sold away and any and every indignity imaginable visited upon them. Their Mothers and Sisters raped and Fathers emasculated, whipped, and hung. No other humans in history have survived 400 years of such a hell on earth, cut off from their own history, amongst the enslavers bent on their destruction.

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Well golly gee. I didn't know there is not only a time frame on the no no's of slavery, but also there are limits or exceptions to the rules of slavery as well!
The school is just one more PC Idiocracy. EVERYTHING has a + and a - side to it, even slavery, that is the nature of the universe, otherwise there never would have been slaves! It was a lesson in critical thinking, thinking outside the box, not justification of slavery, but now thanks to fear of PC, these kids will lose a valuable lesson in looking at something very bad and seeing that even such things have their positive aspects. The Chinese call it yin and yang, but in the Dumbed Down States of America, our poor kids are not allowed to think and learn freely, being told by their "school" that you are only allowed to believe that things like slavery, war, old age, illness and even death are all bad with nothing good or positive to ever be gleaned, taken or learned from them.

Only a white person in delusional denial thinks that there was anything positive about slavery. Especially in a nation whose credo reads “All men are created equal”, such conclusions would invite the enslavement of those privileged and in power presently. Maybe your opinion would be different if your ancestors and their progeny had been slaves.

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Oh. You mean like Hebrews? Native Americans? Irish folks? Asians?

Hebrews were slaves thousands of years ago in Egypt, Native Americans were never slaves,
The question, of itself, is not offensive. On the contrary, education should constructively challenge the developing intellect of students.
The positives of slavery did not go to the slaves, for example, but to the owners and their economic system. A student could and should have been able to see that, at least. Ultimately, the question could have led to the answer, "There were no positives for the victims of this practice".
They should also have learned about the context, that until relatively soon before the war to preserve the Union, slavery was common in the world and almost all cultures. Whites were not evil for having black slaves, just unenlightened.
Nuance seems less and less present in American social debate. Everything has to be 'good' or 'bad', and all according to the current mode and definition.
People who constantly pound on about how bad and evil white folks in America were for keeping slaves generally ignore the fact that slavery's been around throughout mankind in all parts of the world. That's just the way man rolled for centuries; it was a natural part of life and not looked at as morally wrong or anything. Not saying it was right or endorsing it. That's just the way it was and it was handed down through generations across cultures, continents, etc.
Pretty much every other advanced nation had abolished slavery decades before our Civil War.

And they abolished slavery peacefully.

It's a pretty wretched indictment on the South they were one of the few places in the world that would fight to the bloody death one of the worst wars in history to preserve human bondage.

, ever slaves in America. Or anywhere else for that matter. Maybe you’re the one who needs to go to school to learn the truth of slavery. Ignorance is a deal killer in these forums.

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You do realize that the North attacked the South, right?
^^^ And this ignorant, moronic post is yet another example of the idiocy that there was some ‘benefit’ to slavery: rightist revisionist history concerning the ‘confederacy’ and the Civil War – that perhaps slavery ‘wasn’t so bad’ and that slave owners were somehow ‘justified’ to own slaves.
Again....the irony is amazing. And....did black slave owners have justification as well? Oh. Wait. They don't count cuz they be black themselves.
The school is just one more PC Idiocracy. EVERYTHING has a + and a - side to it, even slavery, that is the nature of the universe, otherwise there never would have been slaves! It was a lesson in critical thinking, thinking outside the box, not justification of slavery, but now thanks to fear of PC, these kids will lose a valuable lesson in looking at something very bad and seeing that even such things have their positive aspects. The Chinese call it yin and yang, but in the Dumbed Down States of America, our poor kids are not allowed to think and learn freely, being told by their "school" that you are only allowed to believe that things like slavery, war, old age, illness and even death are all bad with nothing good or positive to ever be gleaned, taken or learned from them.

Only a white person in delusional denial thinks that there was anything positive about slavery. Especially in a nation whose credo reads “All men are created equal”, such conclusions would invite the enslavement of those privileged and in power presently. Maybe your opinion would be different if your ancestors and their progeny had been slaves.

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Oh. You mean like Hebrews? Native Americans? Irish folks? Asians?

Hebrews were slaves thousands of years ago in Egypt, Native Americans were never slaves, nor were the Irish or Asians, ever slaves in America. Or anywhere else for that matter. Maybe you’re the one who needs to go to school to learn the truth of slavery. Ignorance is a deal killer in these forums.

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Oh. So sorry. I didn't know there was a time limit on when slavery was bad. Then again, maybe you should take you own advice about going to school.

Who said anything about a time limit? Slavery has always been immoral, in every place, and every time. Can’t you read? Maybe you just can’t comprehend.

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Self projection seems to suit you.
Teacher asks 8th-grade students to list positives of slavery

SAN ANTONIO -- A San Antonio charter school has apologized after a teacher asked students in an eighth grade American history class to list the positive and negative aspects of slavery. The teacher at Great Hearts Monte Vista who distributed a worksheet titled "The Life of Slaves: A Balanced View" has been placed on leave.

Aaron Kindel, the superintendent of Great Hearts Texas, said in a statement the school would audit the textbook associated with the lesson.

"To be clear, there is no debate about slavery. It is immoral and a crime against humanity," Kindel said in a statement posted Thursday on the Great Hearts Facebook page. He said the school's headmaster plans to explain the mistake to the history class.

Scott Overland, a spokesman for Pearson, which published the textbook, said the company didn't create and doesn't endorse the worksheet assigned to the students, CBS affiliate KENS-TV reports.

"We do not support the point of view represented in the worksheet and strongly condemn the implication that there was any positive aspect to slavery," Overland said.

A parent of one of the students in the class posted the worksheet Wednesday on Facebook. Rep. Joaquin Castro, D-Texas, drew attention to the issue on Thursday when the Democrat tweeted that the worksheet was "absolutely unacceptable."

Let's see...

1. Free labor.

2. The cotton industry was booming.

3. As the great Cliven Bundy once said, it "gave them something to do".

4. 12 Years A Slave, which was a great movie, never would have been made.

Can you think of any more?
It’s a good historical question. Asking the students to transport themselves back in time to look at a controversial issue. Same can be done with the Holocaust. Then bring the issue forward and look at it from this time and place.
And you can name some good things about the holocaust?
Teacher asks 8th-grade students to list positives of slavery

SAN ANTONIO -- A San Antonio charter school has apologized after a teacher asked students in an eighth grade American history class to list the positive and negative aspects of slavery. The teacher at Great Hearts Monte Vista who distributed a worksheet titled "The Life of Slaves: A Balanced View" has been placed on leave.

Aaron Kindel, the superintendent of Great Hearts Texas, said in a statement the school would audit the textbook associated with the lesson.

"To be clear, there is no debate about slavery. It is immoral and a crime against humanity," Kindel said in a statement posted Thursday on the Great Hearts Facebook page. He said the school's headmaster plans to explain the mistake to the history class.

Scott Overland, a spokesman for Pearson, which published the textbook, said the company didn't create and doesn't endorse the worksheet assigned to the students, CBS affiliate KENS-TV reports.

"We do not support the point of view represented in the worksheet and strongly condemn the implication that there was any positive aspect to slavery," Overland said.

A parent of one of the students in the class posted the worksheet Wednesday on Facebook. Rep. Joaquin Castro, D-Texas, drew attention to the issue on Thursday when the Democrat tweeted that the worksheet was "absolutely unacceptable."

Let's see...

1. Free labor.

2. The cotton industry was booming.

3. As the great Cliven Bundy once said, it "gave them something to do".

4. 12 Years A Slave, which was a great movie, never would have been made.

Can you think of any more?
It’s a good historical question. Asking the students to transport themselves back in time to look at a controversial issue. Same can be done with the Holocaust. Then bring the issue forward and look at it from this time and place.
And you can name some good things about the holocaust?
Is terminating the life of a severely mentally and physically disabled child a cruel thing? Or is it much more diabolical to let them live in that state for years?

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