Tea partier calls Boehner a socialist......


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
Cavuto introduced the candidate asking about his general platform, which mostly seems to consist of opposition to Planned Parenthood and, by proxy, Speaker Boehner for having voted to fund it. “It is an organization that murders babies,” he told Cavuto dramatically, which led Cavuto to attempt to change the subject to any other platform issues. That resulted in Lewis noting, “I am the Tea Party candidate… John Boehner is a socialist.” Cavuto, flabbergasted, attempted to dispute that, with Lewis clarifying, “I’m not calling names– it’s an economic policy.” He didn’t particularly elaborate how this economic policy was visible in Speaker Boehner’s views other than saying “here’s someone that refuses to phase out Social Security.”

Tea Party Candidate: John Boehner Is A Socialist | Mediaite

Still think that the tea party is good for the GOP?
oh brother. who cares. and the TEA PARTY isn't beholding to the Gop or the Democrats.

As they better start FIGURING that out REAL FAST.
Still think that the tea party is good for the GOP?

What in the hell makes you think the TP's goal is to be good for the GOP?

We're as pissed at the central planners in the that party as we are in the other. The idea isn't to win the White House and both houses of Congress for the GOP, it's to return fiscal sanity and a modicum of respect for limited government to Washington and for that matter, state level politics. Whichever party gets that accomplished is fine by us. Just so happens that these days, the Democrats are going in completely the opposite direction of limited government and individual liberty. Some Republicans get it, others don't.
oh brother. who cares. and the TEA PARTY isn't beholding to the Gop or the Democrats.

As they better start FIGURING that out REAL FAST.

Actually, the teabaggers were started by Ron Paul and further enhanced by Dick Army and the Koch brothers.
Still think that the tea party is good for the GOP?

What in the hell makes you think the TP's goal is to be good for the GOP?

We're as pissed at the central planners in the that party as we are in the other. The idea isn't to win the White House and both houses of Congress for the GOP, it's to return fiscal sanity and a modicum of respect for limited government to Washington and for that matter, state level politics. Whichever party gets that accomplished is fine by us. Just so happens that these days, the Democrats are going in completely the opposite direction of limited government and individual liberty. Some Republicans get it, others don't.

Fiscal sanity? Fuck dude........the tax cuts have FAILED for the past 11 years.

Incidentally, the "job creators" like the Koch brothers have increased their wealth over the past couple of years while cutting jobs from their companies.

And.......fwiw.........I've never heard a Democrat or Independent who had any sense about how the world works speak favorably about the tea party.
Still think that the tea party is good for the GOP?
In that they’re good for the democrats.

Obviously Boehner’s not a ‘socialist,’ whatever that’s supposed to mean. But Boehner’s clearly not TPM material – he’s a slick, inside the Beltway wheeling, dealing career politician. And that will continue to be the major point of friction between Boehner and the TPM.
Still think that the tea party is good for the GOP?
In that they’re good for the democrats.

Obviously Boehner’s not a ‘socialist,’ whatever that’s supposed to mean. But Boehner’s clearly not TPM material – he’s a slick, inside the Beltway wheeling, dealing career politician. And that will continue to be the major point of friction between Boehner and the TPM.

See........that's what the problem currently is with the GOP. They've spent the past couple of years increasing vitriolic rhetoric against Obama that it's become second nature to them.

Now? When they're forced to debate each other?

They don't come up with ideas about how things should work, they just call nasty names at each other like they've becomed accustomed to doing with Obama.
See........that's what the problem currently is with the GOP. They've spent the past couple of years increasing vitriolic rhetoric against Obama that it's become second nature to them.

Now? When they're forced to debate each other?

They don't come up with ideas about how things should work, they just call nasty names at each other like they've becomed accustomed to doing with Obama.

In theory the TPM is supposed to be ‘anti-career politician, anti- business as usual,’ they’re as angry at the GOP establishment as much as the democratic. The problem is that’s just not how Washington works, it never has and it never will. Boehner knows this and pays them lip-service but isn’t a ‘true believer,’ and the TPM faction of the GOP knows this.

So the two factions don’t disagree on the issues per se but on the ‘degree of the issues.’ Boehner want’s to ‘cut taxes’ (but not too much…); the TPM gets mad because Boehner doesn’t want to cut enough (which to the TPM is everything; their fantasy is to close down Washington altogether and have 50 independent countries). Consequently Boehner gets called a ‘socialist.’
Still think that the tea party is good for the GOP?

What in the hell makes you think the TP's goal is to be good for the GOP?

We're as pissed at the central planners in the that party as we are in the other. The idea isn't to win the White House and both houses of Congress for the GOP, it's to return fiscal sanity and a modicum of respect for limited government to Washington and for that matter, state level politics. Whichever party gets that accomplished is fine by us. Just so happens that these days, the Democrats are going in completely the opposite direction of limited government and individual liberty. Some Republicans get it, others don't.

Fiscal sanity? Fuck dude........the tax cuts have FAILED for the past 11 years.

Incidentally, the "job creators" like the Koch brothers have increased their wealth over the past couple of years while cutting jobs from their companies.

And.......fwiw.........I've never heard a Democrat or Independent who had any sense about how the world works speak favorably about the tea party.

You talk of tax cuts over the past 11 years, I say if the federal government lived within the confines of the Constitution, we would need no income tax. I consider the very idea of taxing a man's labor offensive...we used to have word for when men were forced to labor for the benefit of others or face the loss of their freedom. But that's an intellectual argument. Today, either a low, flat tax or the fair tax would generate more revenue and favor growth, as would a low and non-loophole flat corporate tax. Taxing capital gains discourages investment in America and should be avoided as much as possible. Do this while cutting all the unnecessary spending, most of which should be state issues anyway. Balance the damn budget and call off the dogs in the EPA and all the other regulator hall monitors we have ourselves a growing economy. Only fiscal/Constitutional conservatives (which today means TP or Libertarian) have the balls to save the Republic.

As far as the Kochs or any other person in business that competes effectively through improved efficiency, well, that's called capitalism and as a consumer who benefits from the reduced price of buying that efficient business's products or services, I appreciate the money I have left over...which I just might use to buy something else. Hey, how about that? The economy just grew because entrepreneurs and savvy business people appealed to more customers. Excellent. And, if the Kochs can put more in their pocket for their risk and effort, good for them. If they we're taking too much out of the company, their product would lose competitiveness.

The fiscally and Constitutionally conservative side of Libertarianism has never been farther apart from the current Democratic spending orgy. Same was true for Rs with President Bush's big spending/Patriot Act, etc but we're now off the charts and headed for, well, $20+trillion of debt? Not if I can help it.
What in the hell makes you think the TP's goal is to be good for the GOP?

We're as pissed at the central planners in the that party as we are in the other. The idea isn't to win the White House and both houses of Congress for the GOP, it's to return fiscal sanity and a modicum of respect for limited government to Washington and for that matter, state level politics. Whichever party gets that accomplished is fine by us. Just so happens that these days, the Democrats are going in completely the opposite direction of limited government and individual liberty. Some Republicans get it, others don't.

Fiscal sanity? Fuck dude........the tax cuts have FAILED for the past 11 years.

Incidentally, the "job creators" like the Koch brothers have increased their wealth over the past couple of years while cutting jobs from their companies.

And.......fwiw.........I've never heard a Democrat or Independent who had any sense about how the world works speak favorably about the tea party.

You talk of tax cuts over the past 11 years, I say if the federal government lived within the confines of the Constitution, we would need no income tax. I consider the very idea of taxing a man's labor offensive...we used to have word for when men were forced to labor for the benefit of others or face the loss of their freedom. But that's an intellectual argument. Today, either a low, flat tax or the fair tax would generate more revenue and favor growth, as would a low and non-loophole flat corporate tax. Taxing capital gains discourages investment in America and should be avoided as much as possible. Do this while cutting all the unnecessary spending, most of which should be state issues anyway. Balance the damn budget and call off the dogs in the EPA and all the other regulator hall monitors we have ourselves a growing economy. Only fiscal/Constitutional conservatives (which today means TP or Libertarian) have the balls to save the Republic.

As far as the Kochs or any other person in business that competes effectively through improved efficiency, well, that's called capitalism and as a consumer who benefits from the reduced price of buying that efficient business's products or services, I appreciate the money I have left over...which I just might use to buy something else. Hey, how about that? The economy just grew because entrepreneurs and savvy business people appealed to more customers. Excellent. And, if the Kochs can put more in their pocket for their risk and effort, good for them. If they we're taking too much out of the company, their product would lose competitiveness.

The fiscally and Constitutionally conservative side of Libertarianism has never been farther apart from the current Democratic spending orgy. Same was true for Rs with President Bush's big spending/Patriot Act, etc but we're now off the charts and headed for, well, $20+trillion of debt? Not if I can help it.

So.......the so called "job creators" like the Koch brothers cutting jobs from their own company just so they can get richer agrees with you?

Fucking idiot.

BTW.......they're a privately owned company, so every dollar they make (by cutting jobs) goes into their pockets. Same with increasing gas prices.
So.......the so called "job creators" like the Koch brothers cutting jobs from their own company just so they can get richer agrees with you?

Fucking idiot.

If it saves the ENTIRE company, cutting some fat from the books, well thats a good thing IDIOT.

They have saved thousands of jobs over the years.
Thats a fact Jack!
So.......the so called "job creators" like the Koch brothers cutting jobs from their own company just so they can get richer agrees with you?

Fucking idiot.

If it saves the ENTIRE company, cutting some fat from the books, well thats a good thing IDIOT.

They have saved thousands of jobs over the years.
Thats a fact Jack!

Saved thousands of jobs? Really? Might wanna check their employment records, they've been cutting jobs since around 2005 with NO NEW JOBS CREATED.

Try again fuckstick.
Fiscal sanity? Fuck dude........the tax cuts have FAILED for the past 11 years.

Incidentally, the "job creators" like the Koch brothers have increased their wealth over the past couple of years while cutting jobs from their companies.

And.......fwiw.........I've never heard a Democrat or Independent who had any sense about how the world works speak favorably about the tea party.

You talk of tax cuts over the past 11 years, I say if the federal government lived within the confines of the Constitution, we would need no income tax. I consider the very idea of taxing a man's labor offensive...we used to have word for when men were forced to labor for the benefit of others or face the loss of their freedom. But that's an intellectual argument. Today, either a low, flat tax or the fair tax would generate more revenue and favor growth, as would a low and non-loophole flat corporate tax. Taxing capital gains discourages investment in America and should be avoided as much as possible. Do this while cutting all the unnecessary spending, most of which should be state issues anyway. Balance the damn budget and call off the dogs in the EPA and all the other regulator hall monitors we have ourselves a growing economy. Only fiscal/Constitutional conservatives (which today means TP or Libertarian) have the balls to save the Republic.

As far as the Kochs or any other person in business that competes effectively through improved efficiency, well, that's called capitalism and as a consumer who benefits from the reduced price of buying that efficient business's products or services, I appreciate the money I have left over...which I just might use to buy something else. Hey, how about that? The economy just grew because entrepreneurs and savvy business people appealed to more customers. Excellent. And, if the Kochs can put more in their pocket for their risk and effort, good for them. If they we're taking too much out of the company, their product would lose competitiveness.

The fiscally and Constitutionally conservative side of Libertarianism has never been farther apart from the current Democratic spending orgy. Same was true for Rs with President Bush's big spending/Patriot Act, etc but we're now off the charts and headed for, well, $20+trillion of debt? Not if I can help it.

So.......the so called "job creators" like the Koch brothers cutting jobs from their own company just so they can get richer agrees with you?

Fucking idiot.

Wow, nice insult. Ah the compassionate progressive left.

Certainly, one way for a business concern to operate more efficiently is to make due with less staff and/or slower hiring. That's true but what you don't understand is they didn't operate more efficiently, JUST to enrich themselves...that direct relationship (fire a few guys so the boss can pocket their salaries) would never last in a competitive market. They operated more efficiently to become more competitive in the marketplace and to therefore increase their market share, which, if done right, will most definitely enrich the owners that risked their fortunes on the success of that company. Given the Koch's growing share of the markets in which they compete, they should get richer. Why in the hell else would you risk your fortune?
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I'm starting to suspect the Tea Party may be suffering from an internal generation gap. Check this out:

Tea Party, liberals to play nice at Harvard - BostonHerald.com

“I’m not going to be voting for Sarah Palin,” admitted Harvard Law professor Lawrence Lessig, a self-described liberal who is co-chairing the event with a top Tea Party chief. “But a bunch of us across a range of political persuasions are convinced there are problems with the way our government functions.”

Fellow co-chairman Mark Meckler, a founder of the Tea Party Patriots, said, “I would bet you on policy we probably can’t agree on anything, but what we can agree on is that the country has gotten away from the people. There is a ruling elite that none of us feel represented by anymore.”

The roughly 400 people expected to attend will look for common ground in promoting a constitutional convention, where the states could mull amendments to overhaul the fundamental rules of government in the United States.

Speakers representing a broad swath of American political thought are coming from the Green Party, the Cato Institute, Progressive Democrats of America and the American Freedom Agenda, among others.

Agenda items will include term limits, expanding state rights and limiting private money in politics.

(Emphasis added.)

How many of you folks here who consider yourselves Tea Party supporters would approve of a constitutional amendment that reads something like this:

"The right of free speech does not imply an unlimited right to amplify one's speech or that of another through the purchase of media outlets, or through monetary contributions made to political campaigns."

This would solve a lot of the problems with corporate influence that prevents our supposed democracy from serving the people. It would do more to restore government of, by, and for the people instead of the special interests than any other single change.
Saved thousands of jobs? Really? Might wanna check their employment records, they've been cutting jobs since around 2005 with NO NEW JOBS CREATED.

Try again fuckstick.

If they didnt do what they did... the companies wouldve failed.... nobody works then :eek:

ABikerSailor said:
Check your fucking facts you cock smoking sperm burping cum repository.

/\/\/\What he said /\/\ :lol:
Cavuto introduced the candidate asking about his general platform, which mostly seems to consist of opposition to Planned Parenthood and, by proxy, Speaker Boehner for having voted to fund it. “It is an organization that murders babies,” he told Cavuto dramatically, which led Cavuto to attempt to change the subject to any other platform issues. That resulted in Lewis noting, “I am the Tea Party candidate… John Boehner is a socialist.” Cavuto, flabbergasted, attempted to dispute that, with Lewis clarifying, “I’m not calling names– it’s an economic policy.” He didn’t particularly elaborate how this economic policy was visible in Speaker Boehner’s views other than saying “here’s someone that refuses to phase out Social Security.”
Tea Party Candidate: John Boehner Is A Socialist | Mediaite

Still think that the tea party is good for the GOP?

Yes. Just like Code Pink is good for the Democratic Party. Anything that helps a party focus on the core issues is a good thing, even if it inspires idiots to make fools of themselves at the same time.

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