TDS: The Democrat Lifeline


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
Nearly a year after the election and the frontpage of the U.S Messageboard's politics forum is still devoted to Trump. Democrats have nothing in life but their opposition to the man. Out of the first 7 threads on my feed this morning FIVE have "Trump" in the title. Poor sad democrats can't promote democrat policies because they can't spin them as being remotely good for anyone other than the democrat elite. They can't even promote their democrat politicians. Democrats have NOTHING without Donald J Trump.
everything they accused Mr Trump of, Bidumb is doing !!! HAHAHAHHHAHA
Bidumb is:
the nazi
--warmonger that kills CHILDREN..Mr Trump killed a known bad guy--Bidumb killed children with an foolhardy drone strike
he has the world laughing at us
etc etc
Nearly a year after the election and the frontpage of the U.S Messageboard's politics forum is still devoted to Trump. Democrats have nothing in life but their opposition to the man. Out of the first 7 threads on my feed this morning FIVE have "Trump" in the title. Poor sad democrats can't promote democrat policies because they can't spin them as being remotely good for anyone other than the democrat elite. They can't even promote their democrat politicians. Democrats have NOTHING without Donald J Trump.
Oh just give it a rest. When I first logged on this morning, the front page read like a bad movie I'd have named "The Rise of Alt-Right Nation".
Deal with it. As long as Trump hangs around and continues to open his mouth and squeal like a pig that he was defrauded of the election (he wasn't)
almost a year after it happened, then people like me are going to comment on it and continue to flog people who think Trump is still the second coming of Christ (he isn't) or
there was massive voter fraud (there wasn't).

Now, on policy, Democrats (moderates, liberals, and progressives) have had their hits and misses when in power. A lot of hits. Very few misses. Compare that with Republicans (and conservatives) that haven't had a single policy
success story in FOUR decades. Well, you know which side people like me are going to come down on. Democrats have their issues. They have a large, diverse coalition that can be a challenge to find common policy ground on.
But they find a way. And they haven't sold their party out in fealty to a single individual. Much less a former reality TV game show host.
Oh just give it a rest. When I first logged on this morning, the front page read like a bad movie I'd have named "The Rise of Alt-Right Nation".
Deal with it. As long as Trump hangs around and continues to open his mouth and squeal like a pig that he was defrauded of the election (he wasn't)
almost a year after it happened, then people like me are going to comment on it and continue to flog people who think Trump is still the second coming of Christ (he isn't) or
there was massive voter fraud (there wasn't).

Now, on policy, Democrats (moderates, liberals, and progressives) have had their hits and misses when in power. A lot of hits. Very few misses. Compare that with Republicans (and conservatives) that haven't had a single policy
success story in FOUR decades. Well, you know which side people like me are going to come down on. Democrats have their issues. They have a large, diverse coalition that can be a challenge to find common policy ground on.
But they find a way. And they haven't sold their party out in fealty to a single individual. Much less a former reality TV game show host.
......they did that stupid shit [ lies/etc ] BEFORE the election ........Bidumb is fking up and lying a LOT more than Mr Trump --yet you don't see the MSM going apeshit
..YOU are the hitlerjugend believing your Fuhrer can do no wrong
......they did that stupid shit [ lies/etc ] BEFORE the election ........Bidumb is fking up and lying a LOT more than Mr Trump --yet you don't see the MSM going apeshit
..YOU are the hitlerjugend believing your Fuhrer can do no wrong
Little early to be hitting the bottle, eh? Or did you just not stop from last night? :auiqs.jpg:

Biden is dealing with issues that would have brought the last guy's administration to its collective knees.
It hasn't been pretty, but so far, he's a marked improvement over the last guy.
Oh just give it a rest. When I first logged on this morning, the front page read like a bad movie I'd have named "The Rise of Alt-Right Nation".
Deal with it. As long as Trump hangs around and continues to open his mouth and squeal like a pig that he was defrauded of the election (he wasn't)
almost a year after it happened, then people like me are going to comment on it and continue to flog people who think Trump is still the second coming of Christ (he isn't) or
there was massive voter fraud (there wasn't).

Now, on policy, Democrats (moderates, liberals, and progressives) have had their hits and misses when in power. A lot of hits. Very few misses. Compare that with Republicans (and conservatives) that haven't had a single policy
success story in FOUR decades. Well, you know which side people like me are going to come down on. Democrats have their issues. They have a large, diverse coalition that can be a challenge to find common policy ground on.
But they find a way. And they haven't sold their party out in fealty to a single individual. Much less a former reality TV game show host.
You always make it about Trump and his personality. His agendas were and are good for our nation. We need to renew ourselves at times. The things he promoted is what Dems ad Repubs have done. You have people like Michael Moore who has made several politically derived movies and all have been failures for his stated views. Everything is government forced or derived to make things better. If he had a relative that worked at an Automobile manufacturer who had multiple strikes for ransom since WW 2 ended and after two energy embargoes while the retirees cost each American Car company a couple thousands of dollars per vehicle produced and more. Why would there not be an issue when Asian nations produce a better vehicle without it and are more advanced also. Michael Moore and his obese body is the American car company while others from Asia are trim and fit. Then Michael's esteemed Union members left the auto cities and the suburbs to move to better areas. Yo Michael...The should have stayed in Detroit and Flint and other local communities.
Oh just give it a rest. When I first logged on this morning, the front page read like a bad movie I'd have named "The Rise of Alt-Right Nation".
Deal with it. As long as Trump hangs around and continues to open his mouth and squeal like a pig that he was defrauded of the election (he wasn't)
almost a year after it happened, then people like me are going to comment on it and continue to flog people who think Trump is still the second coming of Christ (he isn't) or
there was massive voter fraud (there wasn't).

Now, on policy, Democrats (moderates, liberals, and progressives) have had their hits and misses when in power. A lot of hits. Very few misses. Compare that with Republicans (and conservatives) that haven't had a single policy
success story in FOUR decades. Well, you know which side people like me are going to come down on. Democrats have their issues. They have a large, diverse coalition that can be a challenge to find common policy ground on.
But they find a way. And they haven't sold their party out in fealty to a single individual. Much less a former reality TV game show host.
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. Alt -right. Trump. Blah, blah, blah. Anything you can think of to distract from the awful disasters that democrats and their corrupt demented leaders have rained down on this nation. If it weren't for Trump you'd have to talk about inflation, supply shortages, gas prices, 15,000 illegal aliens living under a Texas bridge. 1.7 million illegal aliens streaming across the border.. Kids in Biden cages. Leaving U.S. citizens, Afghan partners and weapons to the Taliban while bringing 120,000 unknown Afghans to rape and pillage in the USA. Destroying our relations with allies and so forth. Can't talk about that shit so you shout TRUMP from the rooftops.
Nearly a year after the election and the frontpage of the U.S Messageboard's politics forum is still devoted to Trump. Democrats have nothing in life but their opposition to the man. Out of the first 7 threads on my feed this morning FIVE have "Trump" in the title. Poor sad democrats can't promote democrat policies because they can't spin them as being remotely good for anyone other than the democrat elite. They can't even promote their democrat politicians. Democrats have NOTHING without Donald J Trump.
Crying TDS...the cult gambit.
Little early to be hitting the bottle, eh? Or did you just not stop from last night? :auiqs.jpg:

Biden is dealing with issues that would have brought the last guy's administration to its collective knees.
It hasn't been pretty, but so far, he's a marked improvement over the last guy.
Biden CREATED those issues with HIS policies. He's the fucking arsonist playing volunteer fireman.
Crying TDS...the cult gambit.
Sad when your deflections no longer work isn't it? Want to talk about Biden's "policies"? Of course you don't. Who can defend droning 7 children while letting those who killed our soldiers walk away unscathed?
Little early to be hitting the bottle, eh? Or did you just not stop from last night? :auiqs.jpg:

Biden is dealing with issues that would have brought the last guy's administration to its collective knees.
It hasn't been pretty, but so far, he's a marked improvement over the last guy.
hahhahahahah--the whole WORLD knows Bidumb is a total idiot
Oh just give it a rest. When I first logged on this morning, the front page read like a bad movie I'd have named "The Rise of Alt-Right Nation".
Deal with it. As long as Trump hangs around and continues to open his mouth and squeal like a pig that he was defrauded of the election (he wasn't)
almost a year after it happened, then people like me are going to comment on it and continue to flog people who think Trump is still the second coming of Christ (he isn't) or
there was massive voter fraud (there wasn't).

Now, on policy, Democrats (moderates, liberals, and progressives) have had their hits and misses when in power. A lot of hits. Very few misses. Compare that with Republicans (and conservatives) that haven't had a single policy
success story in FOUR decades. Well, you know which side people like me are going to come down on. Democrats have their issues. They have a large, diverse coalition that can be a challenge to find common policy ground on.
But they find a way. And they haven't sold their party out in fealty to a single individual. Much less a former reality TV game show host.
There goes one now! :auiqs.jpg: :uhoh3:
Nearly a year after the election and the frontpage of the U.S Messageboard's politics forum is still devoted to Trump. Democrats have nothing in life but their opposition to the man. Out of the first 7 threads on my feed this morning FIVE have "Trump" in the title. Poor sad democrats can't promote democrat policies because they can't spin them as being remotely good for anyone other than the democrat elite. They can't even promote their democrat politicians. Democrats have NOTHING without Donald J Trump.
And when Trump stops running for office, all opponents of the DNC will be referred to as "Trumpsters" from here on out.

There, that was easy.

Sad when your deflections no longer work isn't it? Want to talk about Biden's "policies"? Of course you don't. Who can defend droning 7 children while letting those who killed our soldiers walk away unscathed?
They didn't want to talk about the God Emperor's policies either....For the most part, he's a democrat who won running in the other party.

They've become such tragic little clowns.
Nearly a year after the election and the frontpage of the U.S Messageboard's politics forum is still devoted to Trump. Democrats have nothing in life but their opposition to the man. Out of the first 7 threads on my feed this morning FIVE have "Trump" in the title. Poor sad democrats can't promote democrat policies because they can't spin them as being remotely good for anyone other than the democrat elite. They can't even promote their democrat politicians. Democrats have NOTHING without Donald J Trump.

The thread premise is a lie.

Trump is the head of the GOP.

Trump endorses candidates and actively works to unseat and oppose elected Republican officials.

Trump continues to hold campaign and political rallies.

Trump is a former president (thankfully) who is engaged in an ongoing effort to undermine the political process and destroy our democratic institutions.

Trump’s actions after his election loss – including inciting a rightwing terrorist attack on 1/6 – were criminal and subject to further investigation.

Consequently, topics about Trump are perfectly appropriate and warranted.

The thread premise is a lie.

Trump is the head of the GOP.

Trump endorses candidates and actively works to unseat and oppose elected Republican officials.

Trump continues to hold campaign and political rallies.

Trump is a former president (thankfully) who is engaged in an ongoing effort to undermine the political process and destroy our democratic institutions.

Trump’s actions after his election loss – including inciting a rightwing terrorist attack on 1/6 – were criminal and subject to further investigation.

Consequently, topics about Trump are perfectly appropriate and warranted.
There goes another! :laughing0301: :uhoh3:

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