Taxes are gonna get raised


Active Member
May 23, 2012
This Romney campaign reminds me of the Bush Sr campaign in 1988. Dukakis hammered Bush on his policies. Saying that he would have to raise taxes to put those policies into effect. Also saying that in keeping with Reagan's agenda taxes would have to be raises even though the the economy looked good on the outside. Bush's answer to that was "Read my lips. NO NEW TAXES!!!" He got so used to saying it that it became his campaign slogan. Now Obama is saying that in order for Romney to do what he is saying, he will have to raise taxes. Romney's answer "If I say I'm not gonna raise taxes. I'm not gonna raise taxes." Well the minute Bush got into office what did he do? He raised taxes. He had to. Even though he said he wouldn't he did. That made him a 1 term POTUS. But it was for the good of the country and folks just didn't understand that. And Bush (unlike Romney) wasn't under contract with Grover Norquist to not raise taxes no matter what. Now Obama and Romney are faced with the same problem. Bush Jr was the first POTUS in US history to enter a war without raising taxes to pay for it. He did that with 2 wars. Add to that Medicare Part D, the bailouts. All not paid for and to top it off a tax CUT? Then we have the Obama bailouts and his extension of the Bush tax cuts. Taxes are going to have to be raised and there is no doubt about it. Only thing is who's taxes? Romney says he will cut out deductions but not WHAT deductions. I'm betting the first to go are the few deductions that lower income people can take. Things like earned income credit and the child tax credit. So I say forget what Obama says and forget what Romney says. The answers are all in the history, very recent history at that. Go back and look at the history of our economy and see how it got fixed. And none of it was this bad. Yeah Reagan had bad unemployment. But inflation wasn't this bad neither was the deficit or the GDP. Now read my lips. Obama or Romney who ever wins is gonna have to raise taxes. And If Romney does cut taxes he will sen this economy into a tailspin. We can cut spending across the board cut entitlements and so on but we will still need to raise taxes. I forget who said it but it goes something like this "Patriotism is sometimes monetary" I know for the longest it's been us middle class folks that has had to carry this country. We take up the slack for the poor and the rich alike. I would like to see someone esle take up some slack for us for once. I mean DAMN!!!!
Regardless of what anyone says, they are going to have to raise taxes. The question is not if but when. We currently have the lowest tax rates in over 60 years. There is hardly a person alive who has ever had to pay higher tax rates than those we have today, yet everyone screams that we are overtaxed.
I think you need to take you own advice and read some history and current events. The top 20% are paying 90% of income taxes, which leaves the remainder of the top 50%, the middle class, paying about 7%. Given these facts, tell me again exactly how the middle class is carrying the country. If paying 90% of income taxes is not their fair share, tell me what is, and please be specific.
I think you need to take you own advice and read some history and current events. The top 20% are paying 90% of income taxes, which leaves the remainder of the top 50%, the middle class, paying about 7%. Given these facts, tell me again exactly how the middle class is carrying the country. If paying 90% of income taxes is not their fair share, tell me what is, and please be specific.

Well that just shoots this article in the ass

In contrast, Americans making $100,000 to $200,000 paid on average 12 percent in taxes -- but this group paid a quarter of all income taxes collected in 2009, according to IRS data. Add in those making up to $500,000 -- who paid at a rate of 19 percent -- and these two groups contributed 45 percent of all income taxes collected. Americans earning more than $1 million, on the other hand, in 2009 paid just 20 percent of total taxes collected.
I think you need to take you own advice and read some history and current events. The top 20% are paying 90% of income taxes, which leaves the remainder of the top 50%, the middle class, paying about 7%. Given these facts, tell me again exactly how the middle class is carrying the country. If paying 90% of income taxes is not their fair share, tell me what is, and please be specific.

Well that just shoots this article in the ass

In contrast, Americans making $100,000 to $200,000 paid on average 12 percent in taxes -- but this group paid a quarter of all income taxes collected in 2009, according to IRS data. Add in those making up to $500,000 -- who paid at a rate of 19 percent -- and these two groups contributed 45 percent of all income taxes collected. Americans earning more than $1 million, on the other hand, in 2009 paid just 20 percent of total taxes collected.

It all depends on what you include in the percentage, are you talking just federal income tax, or adding payroll taxes? are you including any state tax burden?
This Romney campaign reminds me of the Bush Sr campaign in 1988. Dukakis hammered Bush on his policies. Saying that he would have to raise taxes to put those policies into effect. Also saying that in keeping with Reagan's agenda taxes would have to be raises even though the the economy looked good on the outside. Bush's answer to that was "Read my lips. NO NEW TAXES!!!" He got so used to saying it that it became his campaign slogan. Now Obama is saying that in order for Romney to do what he is saying, he will have to raise taxes. Romney's answer "If I say I'm not gonna raise taxes. I'm not gonna raise taxes."
He won't have to.....any more than Obama.

It's a simple matter o' allowing those temporary Bush tax-cuts to (FINALLY) "die".....and, get us BACK to......

I think you need to take you own advice and read some history and current events. The top 20% are paying 90% of income taxes, which leaves the remainder of the top 50%, the middle class, paying about 7%. Given these facts, tell me again exactly how the middle class is carrying the country. If paying 90% of income taxes is not their fair share, tell me what is, and please be specific.

Well that just shoots this article in the ass

In contrast, Americans making $100,000 to $200,000 paid on average 12 percent in taxes -- but this group paid a quarter of all income taxes collected in 2009, according to IRS data. Add in those making up to $500,000 -- who paid at a rate of 19 percent -- and these two groups contributed 45 percent of all income taxes collected. Americans earning more than $1 million, on the other hand, in 2009 paid just 20 percent of total taxes collected.

According to these folks your just a bit off, funny what you can find if you bother to look. My numbers were a little off, But not that much.

National Taxpayers Union - Who Pays Income Taxes?

This is based only on income taxes. Top 1% starts at 330K.
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Bush's Fault! Bush's Fault! Bush's Fault! Romney's Fault! Bush's fault! Bush's Fault! Bush's Fault!

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